Accepting/refusing an invitation, direct and indirect pronouns Flashcards
Write this phrase in negative form: J’ai oublié
Je n’ai pas oublié
Write this phrase in negative form: Elle a téléphoné à Louise?
Elle n’a pas téléphoné à Louise
Write this phrase in negative form: On a travaillé lundi
On n’a pas travaillé lundi
Write this phrase in negative form: Ils ont parlé à la directrice
Ils n’ont pas parlé à la directrice
Translate this to English
Je n’ai pas oublié
I didn’t forget
Translate this to English
Elle n’a pas téléphoné à Louise
She didn’t call Louise
Translate this to English
On n’a pas travaillé
We didn’t work Monday
Translate this to English
Ils n’ont pas parlé à la directrice
They did not speak to the director
What is the past participle of écrire?
What is the past participle of avoir?
What is the past participle of Faire?
What is the past participle of être?
What is the past participle of prendre?
What is the past participle of comprendre?
What is the past participle of dormir?
What is the past participle of entendre?
What is the past participle of vouloir?
What is the past participle of pouvoir?
What is the past participle of recevoir?
How do you say “we had” in French?
On a eu
How do you say “I was” in French?
J’ai été
How do you say “she did” in French?
Elle a fait
How do you say “we took” in French?
On a pris
How do you say “i didn’t understand” in French?
Je n’ai pas compris
How do you say “we slept” in French?
Nous avons dormi
How do you say “He didn’t hear” in French?
Il n’a pas entendu
How do you say “she wanted” in French?
Elle a voulu
How do you say “I couldn’t” in French?
Je n’ai pas pu
How do you say “she received” in French?
Elle a reçu
What is “single” in French?
What is “married” in French (masc)?
What is “married” in French (fem)?
What is “to get married to” in French?
Se marier avec
What is “birth” in French?
La naissance
What is “civil partnership” in French?
What is “wife” in French?
La femme
What is “husband” in French?
Le mari
What is “blended family” in French?
La famille recomposée
What is “single parent family” in French?
La famille monoparentale
What is “nuclear/traditional family” in French?
La famille nucléaire/traditionnelle
What is “a matrimonial agency” in French?
Une agence matrimoniale
Translate this to English
Se marier avec
to get married to
Translate this to English
civil partnership
Translate this to English
La femme
Translate this to English
Le mari
Translate this to English
La famille recomposée
blended family (or: stepfamily)
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La famille monoparentale
single parent family
Translate this to English
La famille nucléaire/traditionnelle
nuclear/traditional family
What is “I did lots of things” in French?
J’ai fait beaucoup de choses
What is “she came to see me” in French?
Elle est venue me voir
What is “I had a lot of fun” in French?
Je me suis beaucoup amusé(e)
What is “We left” in French?
Nous sommes partis
What is “We returned” in French?
Nous sommes rentres
What is “We walked” in French?
Nous nous sommes promenés
What is “I had fun” in French?
Je me suis bien amusé(e)
What is “First” in French?
What is “After” in French?
List 3
What is “However/But” in French?
What is “Furthermore” in French?
De plus
What is “Also” in French?
What is “So” in French?
Donc/par consequent
What is “Finally” in French?
Pour finir/en fin
What is “To sum up” in French?
En résumé
Translate this to English
J’ai fait beaucoup de choses
I did lots of things
Translate this to English
Elle est venue me voir
She came to see me
Translate this to English
Je me suis beaucoup amusé(e)
I had a lot of fun
Translate this to English
Nous sommes partis
We left
Translate this to English
Nous sommes rentres
We returned
Translate this to English
Nous nous sommes promenés
We walked
Translate this to English
Je me suis bien amusé(e)
I had fun
Translate this to English
Translate this to English
Translate this to English
Translate this to English
De plus
Translate this to English
Translate this to English
Donc/par conséquent
Translate this to English
Pour finir/enfin
Translate this to English
En résumé
To sum up
Past tense
What is “Today, Lili went to the theatre with Elliott” using past participle?
Aujourd’hui, Lili est allée au
théâtre avec Elliott
Past tense
What is “Sally and Luke returned to Manchester after a week in Paris” using past participle?
Sally et Luke sont rentrés à Manchester après une semaine à Paris
Paste tense
What is “Olivia and Samantha went out last night” using past participle?
Olivia et Samantha sont sorties hier soir
What verbs use the auxiliary verb “être” instead of “avoir”?
List 17
Dr Mrs Vandertrampp
- Devenir
- Revenir
- Monter
- Retourner
- Sortir
- Venir
- Aller
- Naître
- Descendre
- Entrer
- Rentrer
- Tomber
- Rester
- Arriver
- Mourir
- Partir
- Passer
Paste tense
What is “I went” using past participle?
Je suis allé(e)
Paste tense
What is “I entered” using past participle?
Je suis entré(e)
Paste tense
What is “I went through” using past participle?
Je suis passé(e) par
Paste tense
What is “I went up” using past participle?
Je suis monté(e)
Paste tense
What is “I fell” using past participle?
Je suis tombé(e)
Paste tense
What is “I arrived” using past participle?
Je suis arrivé(e)
Paste tense
What is “I was born” using past participle?
Je suis né(e)
Paste tense
What is “I came” using past participle?
Je suis venu
Paste tense
What is “I went out” using past participle?
Je suis sorti
Paste tense
What is “I returned” using past participle?
Je suis retourné(e)
Paste tense
What is “I went down” using past participle?
Je suis descendu
Paste tense
What is “I stayed” using past participle?
Je suis resté(e)
Paste tense
What is “I left” using past participle?
Je suis parti
Paste tense
What is “I am dead” using past participle?
Je suis mort
Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense:
Dimanche, Erika _________au lit toute la journée. (rester)
Dimanche, Erika est restée au lit toute la journée.
Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense:
Elle ______________ jusqu’à 17h. (dormir)
Elle a dormi jusqu’à 17h.
Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense:
La veille, elle __________ avec ses amis. (sortir)
La veille, elle est sortie avec ses amis.
Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense:
Ils ___________ à 3h du matin. (rentrer)
Ils sont rentrés à 3h du matin.
Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense:
Ils__________ une très bonne soirée (passer)
Ils sont passés une très bonne soirée
How do you ask a friend if they would like to come with you to Paris?
Tu veux visiter Paris avec moi?
How do you invite a friend on Saturday?
Je vous invite samedi
How do you ask a friend if they fancy coming along?
Ça te dit (Ça te dirait) de venir?
How do you suggest to a friend to go to a small italian restaurant?
Je te propose un petit restaurant italien
How do you suggest to someone (formal/plural) to watch a DVD?
Je vous propose de regarder un DVD
How do you thank someone for the invitation (formal)?
Merci de votre invitation
How do you thank someone for the invitation (informal)?
Merci de ton invitation
How do you accept someone’s invitation (e.g. alright!/it’s ok!)?
D’accord or C’est d’accord!
How do you accept someone’s invitation (e.g. with great pleasure!)?
Avec plaisir!
How do you accept someone’s invitation (e.g. ah yes, I would like that!)?
Ah oui, ça me dit!
How do you respond to a friend’s invitation for dinner saying you would like to join them?
Ah oui, ça me dit bien de dîner avec toi
How do you accept someone’s invitation (e.g. it works!)?
Ça marche!
How do you accept someone’s invitation (e.g. I thank you for your invitation)?
Je te remercie de ton invitation
How do you refuse an invitation by saying you are sorry you can’t come?
Je suis désolé(e), je ne peux pas venir
How do you refuse an invitation saying you can’t make it Saturday?
Ah! Non, ce n’est pas possible samedi
How do you refuse an invitation saying you don’t really want to go?
Je n’ai pas envie d’aller
How do you refuse an invitation to the cinema saying you don’t really want to go?
Je n’ai pas envie d’aller au cinéma
How do you refuse an invitation saying you are not free tonight?
Je ne suis pas libre ce soir
How do you refuse an invitation saying you and your friend (we) are not free tonight?
On n’est pas libres ce soir
How do you refuse an invitation saying no thanks, I don’t like that?
Non, merci. Ça ne me dit rien
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out?
Je ne veux pas sortir
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I have to work?
Je ne veux pas sortir parce que je dois travailler
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I am ill/sick?
Je ne veux pas sortir parce que je suis malade
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I am tired?
Je ne veux pas sortir parce que je suis fatigué(e)
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I have already been there?
J’y suis déjà allé(e)
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I don’t have time?
Je ne veux pas sortir parce que Je n’ai pas de temps
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I don’t have money?
Je ne veux pas sortir parce que Je n’ai pas d’argent
How do you refuse an invitation saying I am not available?
Je ne suis pas disponible
How do you refuse an invitation saying I don’t want to go out because I have a meeting?
Je ne veux pas sortir parce que J’ai un rendez-vous
Translate this to French
Would you like to go out?
Tu voudrais sortir
Translate this to French
Would you like to go to the cinema?
Tu voudrais aller au cinéma?
Translate this to French
Would you like to go to the restaurant?
Tu voudrais aller au restaurant?
Translate this to French
Would you like to come with me?
Tu voudrais venir avec moi?
Translate this to French
Are you free?
Tu es libre?
Translate this to French
Are you available?
Tu es disponible?
Translate this to French
Do you want to go out tonight?
Ça te dit de sortir ce soir?
Translate this to French?
Are you free Monday?
Tu es libre lundi?
Translate this to French
Are you free tonight?
Tu es libre ce soir
Translate this to French
Are you free this weekend?
Tu es libre ce week-end
Translate this to French
Are you free tomorrow?
Tu es libre demain?
Translate this to French
Yes, with pleasure
Oui, avec plaisir
Translate this to French
Yes, gladly
Oui, volontiers
Translate this to French
Yes, of course
Oui, bien sûr
Translate this to French
Yes, I’d like that
Oui, ça me dit!
Translate this to French
Yes, good idea
Oui, bonne idée!
Translate this to French
No, sorry
Non, désolé
Translate this to French
No, unfortunately
Non, malheureusement
Translate this to French
I can’t
Je ne peux pas
Translate this to French
I am working
Je travaille
Translate this to French
I already have something planned
J’ai déjà quelque chose de prévu
Translate this to French
I am already booked/taken
Je suis déjà pris (e)
Translate this to French
I am too tired
Je suis trop fatigué(e)
Translate this to French
I have too much work
J’ai trop de travail
Translate this to French
I have training (sport)
J’ai entraînement (sport)
Translate this to French
I am sick/ill
Je suis malade
Translate this to French
I am broke
Je suis fauché
Translate this to French
I don’t have any money at the moment
Je n’ai pas d’argent en ce moment
Translate this to French
I don’t have time
Je n’ai pas le temps
Translate this to French
I am busy
Je suis occupé(e)
Translate this to French
I don’t want to
Je n’ai pas envie
Translate this to French
I am not interested
Je ne suis pas intéressé(e)
Your friends invite you to dinner at their place on Friday at 8:30 p.m.
Write two sentences to accept the invitation
Some examples
- Oui, avec plaisir
- Oui, volontiers
- Oui, bien sûr
- Oui, ça me dit!
- Oui, bonne idée!
- Oui, super idée!
- J’ai beaucoup le temps
- Je ne suis pas occupé(e)
- À bientôt
- Je ne peux pas attendre!
Your friends invite you to dinner at their place on Friday at 8:30 p.m.
Write two sentences to reject the invitation
Some examples
- Non, désolé
- Non, malheureusement
- Je ne peux pas
- Je travaille
- Je suis déjà pris(e)
- Je suis trop fatigué(e)
- J’ai trop de travail
- Je suis malade
- Je suis fauché
- Je n’ai pas le temps
- Je suis occupé(e).
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: He watches me
Il me regarde
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: She watches you
Elle te regarde
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: He calls us this weekend
Il nous téléphone ce weekend
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: I don’t know him
Je ne le connais pas
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: She doesn’t talk to him/her
Elle ne lui parle pas
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “me”?
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “you”?
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “he”?
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “she”?
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “us”?
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “you (pl/formal)”?
What is the DIRECT pronoun for “them”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “me”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “you”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “him”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “her”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “us”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “you (pl./formal)”?
What is the INDIRECT pronoun for “them”?
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: Elle mange la tarte (She eats the pie)
Elle la mange
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: Elle voit Paul ce soir (She sees Paul this evening)
Elle le voit ce soir
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: Elle achète les pommes (She buys the apples)
Elle les achète
Direct pronouns
Use direct pronouns for this sentence: Elle rencontre les étudiants (She meets the students)
Elle les rencontre
Indirect pronouns
Use indirect pronouns for this sentence: Elle parle à Marie (She talks to Marie)
Elle lui parle
Indirect pronouns
Use indirect pronouns for this sentence: Elle téléphone à ses parents (She calls her parents)
Elle leur telephone
Indirect pronouns
Use indirect pronouns for this sentence: Elle écrit à Paul (She writes to Paul)
Elle lui écrit
When do we use direct vs indirect pronouns?
When there is the preposition à
(e.g. écrire à, téléphoner à, envoyer à, parler à)
Direct pronouns + negative sentence
Use direct pronouns and turn this into a negative sentence: Elle te regarde
Elle ne te regarde pas
Indirect pronouns + negative sentence
Use indirect pronouns and turn this into a negative sentence: Elle lui parle
Elle ne lui parle pas