Likes and Dislikes, Sports, Birthday Flashcards
What is “My date of birth is…” in French?
Ma date de naissance est…
What does this mean?
Ma date de naissance est…
My date of birth is…
What is “The First of October” in French?
Le premier octobre
What does this mean?
Le premier octobre
The First of October
How do you say these numbers in French?
0 800 858 858
zéro/ huit cents / huit cinquante-huit / huit cinquante-huit
zéro/ huit cents / huit cinquante-huit / huit cinquante-huit
Write these numbers
0 800 858 858
How do you say this in French?
What are your hobbies?
Quels sont tes loisirs?
How do you say this in French?
What do you like to do?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
What does this mean?
Quels sont tes loisirs?
What are your hobbies?
What does this mean?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
What do you like to do?
How do you say this in French?
Play football
Jouer au foot
How do you say this in French?
Play rugby
Jouer au rugby
How do you say this in French?
Play tennis
Jouer au tennis
How do you say this in French?
Faire du vélo
How do you say this in French?
Go hiking
Faire de la randonnée
How do you say this in French?
What does this mean?
Jouer au foot
Play football
What does this mean?
Jouer au rugby
Play rugby
What does this mean?
Jouer au tennis
Play tennis
What does this mean?
Faire du vélo
What does this mean?
Faire de la randonnée
Go hiking
What does this mean?
How do you say this in French?
Play the guitar
Jouer de la guitare
How do you say this in French?
Play the piano
Jouer du piano
How do you say this in French?
Listen to music
Ecouter de la musique
How do you say this in French?
Go to concerts
Aller aux concerts
How do you say this in French?
What does this mean?
Jouer de la guitare
Play the guitar
What does this mean?
Jouer du piano
Play the piano
What does this mean?
Ecouter de la musique
Listen to music
What does this mean?
Aller aux concerts
Go to concerts
What does this mean?
How do you say this in French?
Go to the opera
Aller à l’opéra
How do you say this in French?
Go to the theatre
Aller au théâtre
How do you say this in French?
Go to the cinema
Aller au cinéma
How do you say this in French?
Visit museums
Visiter des musées
How do you say this in French?
See exhibitions
Voir des expositions
How do you say this in French?
Take drawing classes
Prendre des cours de dessin
What does this mean?
Aller à l’opéra
Go to the opera
What does this mean?
Aller au théâtre
Go to the theatre
What does this mean?
Aller au cinéma
Go to the cinema
What does this mean?
Visiter des musées
Visit museums
What does this mean?
Voir des expositions
See exhibitions
What does this mean?
Prendre des cours de dessin
Take drawing classes
How do you say this in French?
(I do) Swimming
Je fais de la natation
How do you say this in French?
(I do) Jogging
Je fais du jogging
What does this mean?
Je fais de la natation
(I Do) Swimming
What does this mean?
Je fais du jogging
(I Do) Jogging
What is the verb for “To Do”?
Faire de
What does this mean?
“Faire de”
To Do
How do you say this in French?
I play the guitar
Je joue de la guitare
How do you say this in French?
I play the piano
Je joue du piano
How do you say this in French?
I play chess
Je joue aux échecs
How do you say this in French?
I play tennis
Je joue au tennis
How do you say this in French?
I play ball
Je joue à la balle