Do you play any sports?, Expressing your opinion, Ideas for gifts, Colours Flashcards
Think of a question using est-ce que that would match the reply given
À 12h 40
Some examples:
- A quelle heure est-ce que tu arrives à Paris?
- Quand est-ce que tu arrives à Paris?
- Nous arrivons à quelle heure?
Think of a question using est-ce que that would match the reply given
Rue de Rennes, au numéro 149
Some examples:
- Où est-ce que vous habitez?
- Vous habitez où?
- Quelle est ton adresse?
Think of a question using est-ce que that would match the reply given
D’accord. Avec plaisir!
Some examples:
- Tu veux aller au cinéma avec moi samedi?
- Est-ce que tu veux aller au cinéma avec moi samedi?
Think of a question using est-ce que that would match the reply given
Parce que je suis fatigué
Pourquoi est-ce que tu n’es pas venu?
Think of a question using est-ce que that would match the reply given
François. François Lepetit
Comment est-ce que vous vous appelez?
Translate this to French
Il est cinq heures quinze
Il est cinq heures et quart.
Translate this to French
Il est midi vingt
Translate this to French
Il est quatorze heures trente
Il est deux heures et demie
Translate this to French
Il est dix-sept heures cinquante
Il est six heures moins dix
Translate this to French
Il est vingt et une heures quarante-cinq
Il est dix heures moins le quart
What is “Do you play sports?” in French?
Vous faites du sport?
Translate this to English
Vous faites du sport?
Do you play sports?
Translate this to French
Renaud does jogging, tennis, squash and volleyball.
Renaud fait du jogging, du tennis, du squash et du volley
Translate this to French
Marius doesn’t go jogging often, but he does tennis, football and basketball
Marius ne fait pas souvent de jogging, mais il fait du tennis, du foot et du basket
What is “To do/play” in French?
What is “I do/play” in French?
Je fais
What is “You do/play” in French?
Tu fais
What is “He/She does/plays” in French?
Il/Elle fait
What is “We do/play” in French?
Nous faisons
What is “You (pl./formal) do/play” in French?
Vous faites
What is “They do/play” in French?
Ils/Elles font
What is “I do/play basketball” in French?
Je fais du basket
What is “He does/plays swimming” in French?
Il fait de la natation
What is “You (pl.) do/play horse riding” in French?
Vous faites de l’équitation
What is “To take (classes for a sport)” in French?
What is “I take (classes for a sport)” in French?
Je prends
What is “You take (classes for a sport)” in French?
Tu prends
What is “He/She takes (classes for a sport)” in French?
Il/Elle prend
What is “We take (classes for a sport)” in French?
Nous prenons
What is “You (pl./formal) take (classes for a sport)” in French?
Vous prenez
What is “They take (classes for a sport)” in French?
Ils/Elles prennent
What is “I take tennis courses” in French?
Je prends des cours de tennis
Create a dialogue based on these prompts
- Ask if they play sports
- Ask why or why not
- Ask what sports they play
- Ask how many times a week
A: Tu fais du sport ?
B: Oui
A: Pourquoi ? Pourquoi pas?
B: C’est bon pour la santé
A: Quels sports ?
B: Je fais du basketball et de la natation
A: Combien de fois par semaine ?
B: Je le fais deux fois par semaine
What is “Do you play sports?” in French (informal)?
Tu fais du sport?
What is “How many times a week?” in French?
Combien de fois par semaine ?
What is “It’s good for your health” in French?
C’est bon pour la santé
What is “It’s healthy” in French?
C’est sain
What is “It’s good for me” in French?
C’est bon pour moi
What is “It keeps you in shape” in French?
Ça maintient en forme
What is “It’s good for mental health” in French?
C’est bon pour le moral
What is “It’s nice” in French?
C’est sympa
What is “I like this” in French?
J’aime ça
What is “I like it” in French?
Ça me plaît
What is “You can keep in shape” in French?
Tu peux garder la ligne
What is “You can lose weight” in French?
Tu peux perdre du poids
What is “You can meet new friends” in French?
Tu peux rencontrer de nouveaux amis
What is “It’s fun” in French?
C’est amusant
What is “It amuses me” in French?
Ca m’amuse
Translate this to English
C’est bon pour la santé
It’s good for your health
Translate this to English
C’est sain
It’s healthy
Translate this to English
C’est bon pour moi
It’s good for me
Translate this to English
Ça maintient en forme
It keeps you in shape
Translate this to English
C’est bon pour le moral
It’s good for mental health
Translate this to English
C’est sympa
It’s nice
Translate this to English
J’aime ça
I like this
Translate this to English
Ça me plaît
I like it
Translate this to English
Tu peux garder la ligne
You can keep in shape
Translate this to English
Tu peux perdre du poids
You can lose weight
Translate this to English
Tu peux rencontrer de nouveaux amis
You can meet new friends
Translate this to English
C’est amusant
It’s fun
Translate this to English
Ca m’amuse
It amuses me
What is “I’m too busy” in French?
Je suis trop occupé(e)
What is “I’m too tired” in French?
Je suis trop fatigué(e)
What is “It’s too tiring” in French?
C’est trop fatiguant
What is “I have too much work” in French?
J’ai trop de travail
What is “I don’t have the time” in French?
Je n’ai pas le temps
What is “Its too expensive” in French?
C’est trop cher
What is “I don’t like it” in French?
Je n’aime pas ça
What is “I’m too lazy” in French?
Je suis trop paresseux(se)
What is “I’m not good at sports” in French?
Je ne suis pas bon(ne) en sport
What is “I have an injury” in French?
J’ai une blessure
What is “I got injured” in French?
Je me suis blessé(e)
Translate this to English
Je suis trop occupé(e)
I’m too busy
Translate this to English
Je suis trop fatigué(e)
I’m too tired
Translate this to English
C’est trop fatiguant
it’s too tiring
Translate this to English
J’ai trop de travail
I have too much work
Translate this to English
Je n’ai pas le temps
I don’t have the time
Translate this to English
C’est trop cher
It’s too expensive
Translate this to English
Je n’aime pas ça
I don’t like it
Translate this to English
Je suis trop paresseux(se)
I’m too lazy
Translate this to English
Je ne suis pas bon(ne) en sport
I’m not good at sports
Translate this to English
J’ai une blessure
I have an injury
Translate this to English
Je me suis blessé(e)
I got injured
What is “I go to the gym” in French?
Je vais à la salle de sport
Translate this to English
Je vais à la salle de sport
I go to the gym
What is “I think that…” in French?
Je pense que…
What is “I believe that…” in French?
Je crois que…
What is “I find that…” in French?
Je trouve que
What is “An opinion” in French?
Un avis or Une opinion
What is “In my opinion…” in French?
A mon avis… or selon moi…
Translate this to English
Je pense que
I think that
Translate this to English
Je crois que
I believe that
Translate this to English
Je trouve que
I find that
Translate this to English
Un avis
An opinion
Translate this to English
Une opinion
An opinion
Translate this to English
A mon avis / selon moi
In my opinion
What is “What is your opinion on…?” in French?
Quel est ton avis sur…?
What is “What do you think about…?” in French?
Qu’est-ce que tu penses de…?
Translate this to English
Quel est ton avis sur…?
What is your opinion on…?
Translate this to English
Qu’est-ce que tu penses de…?
What do you think about…?
What is “old” in French?
Vieux (masc), Vieille (fem)
What is “young/modern” in French?
Jeune / moderne
What is “it smells good” in French?
Ça sent bon
What is “it is not sustainable in the long term/not long lasting” in French
Ce n’est pas rentable à long terme
What is “it is ugly” in French?
C’est moche / c’est laid
Translate this to English
Vieux / Vieille
Translate this to English
Jeune / Moderne
Young / Modern
Translate this to English
Ça sent bon
It smells good
Translate this to English
Ce n’est pas rentable à long terme
It is not sustainable in the long term/not long lasting
Translate this to English
C’est moche
It is ugly
Translate this to English
C’est laid
It is ugly
What is “What gifts would you like to give for Christmas?” in French?
Quels cadeaux aimeriez-vous offrir pour Noël?
What is “For Christmas, I would like give my sister a perfume” in French?
Pour Noël, je voudrais
offrir un parfum à ma sœur.
Translate this to English
Quels cadeaux aimeriez-vous offrir pour Noël?
What gifts would you like to give for Christmas?
Translate this to English
Pour Noël, je voudrais
offrir un parfum à ma sœur.
For Christmas, I would like
give my sister a perfume.
Complete this sentence with the correct conjugation
Est-ce que ce cadeau te ___ (plaire)
Complete this sentence with the correct conjugation
Non, il ne me ____ (plaire) pas
Complete this sentence with the correct conjugation
Les livres ne ____ (plaire) pas à Marie, elle préfère les BD.
Complete this sentence with the correct conjugation
Tu ___ (savoir) quel cadeau offrir?
Complete this sentence with the correct conjugation
Non, je ne ____ (savoir) pas
What is “Do you like this gift?” in French?
Est-ce que ce cadeau te plaît?
What is “No, I don’t like it (the gift)” in French?
Non, il ne me plaît pas
What is “Marie doesn’t like books, she prefers comics” in French?
Les livres ne plaisent pas à Marie, elle préfère les BD.
What is “Do you know what gift to give?” in French?
Tu sais quel cadeau offrir?
What is “No, I don’t know” in French?
Non, je ne sais pas
What is the conjugation for Je (savoir)?
Je sais
What is the conjugation for Tu (savoir)?
Tu sais
What is the conjugation for Il/Elle (savoir)?
Il/Elle sait
What is the conjugation for Nous (savoir)?
Nous savons
What is the conjugation for Vous (savoir)?
Vous savez
What is the conjugation for Ils/Elles (savoir)?
Ils/Elles savent
What is “to know” in French?
What is the conjugation for Je (croire)?
Je crois
What is the conjugation for Tu (croire)?
Tu crois
What is the conjugation for Il/Elle (croire)?
Il/Elle croit
What is the conjugation for Nous (croire)?
Nous croyons
What is the conjugation for Vous (croire)?
Vous croyez
What is the conjugation for Ils/Elles (croire)?
Ils/Elles croient
What is “To believe” in French?
Fill in the blank with penser/croire with the correct conjugation
Tu as ____ cadeau de Jeanne?
Tu as pensé au cadeau de Jeanne?
Fill in the blank with penser/croire with the correct conjugation
Qu’est-ce que tu ______ un weekend à Nice?
Qu’est-ce que tu penses d’un weekend à Nice?
Fill in the blank with penser/croire with the correct conjugation
Je ______ ça va lui plaire
Je crois que ça va lui plaire
Fill in the blank with penser/croire with the correct conjugation
Je ______ c’est une très bonne idée
Je pense / trouve que c’est une très bonne idée.
What is “pretty” in French?
Joli (masc), Jolie (fem)
What is “big” in French?
Grand (masc), Grande (fem)
What is “Another” in French?
What is “Simple” in French?
What is “Beautiful” in French?
Beau (masc), Belle (fem)
What is “old” in French?
Vieux (masc), Vielle (fem)
What is “new” in French?
Nouveau (masc), Nouvelle (fem)
What is “a diary” in French?
Une agenda
What is “a book” in French?
Un livre
What is “a DVD” in French?
What is “a vase” in French?
Un vase
What is “a watch” in French?
Une montre
What is “a bracelet” in French?
Un bracelet
What is “a coffee machine” in French?
Une cafetière
What is “a wallet” in French?
Un porte-monnaie
What is “a trip” in French?
Un voyage
What is “some flowers” in French?
Des fleurs
What is “An object to decorate the house” in French?
Un objet pour décorer la maison
What is “an object for the kitchen” in French?
Un objet pour la cuisine
What is “a piece of clothing” in French?
Un vêtement / un fringue
What is “a technology device” in French?
Un appareil
What is “a birth” in French?
Une naissance
What is “a birthday” in French?
Un anniversaire
What is “a wedding” in French?
Un mariage
What is “a housewarming” in French?
Une pendaison de crémaillère
What is “valentines day” in French?
La Saint-Valentin
What is “christmas” in French?
What is “Mother’s Day” in French?
Le jour des mères
What is “Father’s Day” in French?
Le jour des pères
What is “a retirement” in French?
Un depart en retraite
What is “an internet site” in French?
Un site / Une page internet
What is “The menu” in French?
Le menu
What is “the tab” in French?
What is “Click on an article” in French?
Cliquer sur un article
What is “place an order” in French?
Passer une commande
What is “A pretty watch” in French?
Une jolie montre
What is “A beautiful coat” in French?
Un beau manteau
What is “A white candle” in French?
Une bougie blanche
What is “A fun book” in French?
Un livre amusant
What is “An American film” in French?
Un film américain
What is “the big table” in French?
La grande table
What is “the pretty flowers” in French?
Les jolies fleurs
What is “the beautiful books” in French?
Les beaux livres
When are the adjectives generally placed?
After the noun
e.g. Une bougie blanche
BUT some adjectives are placed before the noun
e.g. La grande table
Certain short adjectives are placed before the noun
Which adjectives are these? List 10
- Jeune
- Beau / Belle
- Vieux / Vieille
- Gros / Grosse (big/fat)
- Petit (e)
- Grand (e)
- Nouveau / Nouvelle
- Gentil / Gentille
- Autre
- Même (even)
What is “What colour is it?” in French?
C’est quelle couleur?
What is “white” in French?
Blanc (masc), Blanche (fem)
What is “black” in French?
Noir (masc), Noire (fem)
What is “brown” in French?
Brun / Marron
What is “red” in French?
What is “blue” in French?
Bleu (masc), Bleue (fem)
What is “green” in French?
Vert (masc), Verte (fem)
What is “yellow” in French?
What is “pink” in French?
What is “orange” in French?
What is “purple” in French?
Violet (masc), Violette (fem)
What is “beige” in French?
What is “grey” in French?
Gris (masc), Grise (fem)
Finish the sentence
Une voiture ___ (black)
Une voiture noire
Finish the sentence
Un thé ____ (green)
Un thé vert
Finish the sentence
La chemise ___ (blue)
La chemise bleue
Finish the sentence
Le chocolat ___ (white)
Le chocolat blanc
Finish the sentence
Une mouche ____ (green)
Une mouche verte
Finish the sentence
Une barbe (white)
Une barbe blanche