Past Exams Flashcards
Freezing gait is common of what disease
Your patient has sulfur-colored lesions that are asymptomatic. What are these called?
Fordyce granules
Which term is used to describe a healthy lymph node?
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cell type of oral cancers. Oral cancers are most often diagnosed in stages I-II
Both statements are false
which lymphadenopathy is most common location?
Cervical lymph nodes
When giving an extra oral exam, you ask the patient to swallow. What are you palpating?
Thyroid gland
Which of the following is caused by the Epstein-barr virus?
Hairy leukoplakia
Which of the following is a small (<1cm) area of color change that is not elevated or depressed?
What term would you use to describe this wart/cauliflower like lesion?
What is NOT symptoms of TMD? Neck ache Joint problems Masication pain Something Something else None of the above
None of the above
Which of the following have acute onset. Choose two. OPTIONS: herpes simplex, apthous ulcers, leukoplakia, leukodema
Not sure? Aphthous and herpes?
There was a lesion on the inside of a lip.
What term would you use to describe this war/cauliflower lesion?
Paralysis on ONE side of body
Retrognathic photo
Herpes simplex can be described as
Which one includes wickham striae
Lichen planus
Which one is assoc with immunocompromised pt and Epstein Barr virus
HAIRY leukoplakia
*regular leukoplakia was also an option but DONT pick that
What factors lead to Hypertelorism. Choose 2 Genetic Syndrome stroke Congenital
Exophthalmos is a symptom of
None of the above (answer had hypothyroidism instead of hyper)
which lymphadenopathy is most common location?
Cervical lymph nodes
Which of the following have a quick onset?
What disease is associated with African americans and can decrease in size when stretched
Another world for benign migratory glossitis
Geographic tongue
Which is not a symptom of TMD? Insomnia Joint pain Neck ache None
None of the above (they all are symptoms)
Something about a white appearance can rub off and leave an erythematous base
Acute candidiasis
Select what is NOT aphthous ulcer Minor Major Herpetiform Something else
Something else– this is the answer
Which is not a symptom of herpes simplex? Family line Yellow crusty Multiple blisters filled things Forgot the last one option
Family line
What carcinoma has a crusty, thick, scaly appearance? Basal Squamous Melanoma B and C
Locations that are considered high risk for oral cancer
Floor of mouth
Buccal vestibule
Buccal vestibule
Patient has a chemical burn what caused by aspirin is this called? Sloughing, shedding
Picture of old lady.. Which could be the diagnosis. Choose 2? Xerostomia Angular chelitis Candiditis Something else
Angular chelitis
The primary function of perio probe
Evaluate periodontium health
What two choice describe an infected lymph node?
What can flake or scrape off? Leukoplakia Leukoedema Lichen planus None of the above
None of the above
What is not a symptom of xerostomia?
Tonsilar palatini
Perioprobe grip and probe should go — on each surface of the tooth
Excessive at home bleaching kit, which is likely
Most common type of caries
Pit and fissure
Erosion (asked twice)
Flexure of the tooth
Which is not caused by bruxism?
What can smooth surface caries be called?
Class 5
Root caries
All of these are important except
Wait to talk to them until they are seated
All of these are important except
Active talking
Secondary dentin due to receding pulp chamber
Excessive bruxism and wear at the CEJ
Gemination which occurs
Single tooth tries to split into two
Taurodonts, what is present (choose 2)
Short, bull like roots
Elongated pulp chambers
Wheel chair transfer
Ask the pt what they like to do
Tooth #29 – what is seen in picture (photo of crown with darkness around margin)
Recurrent caries
What is overbite? Pick 2
Usually 20-30% height of mandibular incisors
Vertical overlap of max incisors over mandibular incisors
What is this a photo of? (picture of gold onlay over 3 cusps)
Which is NOT a sign of caries?
Radiopaque beneath enamel
What is the most common reason people avoid the dentist?
Which of the following is not a benefit of having a good relationship with the patient?
More likely to sue
Fake social smile involves the eye muscles
False (genuine smile does)
Which of the following is not a behavioral sign of anxiety?
Perspiration (it is a physiological sign of anxiety)
What type of exam is given to a patient who requests total dental care when the results of a prior comprehensive dental diagnosis is available?
What type of clinical exam would you give to a returning patient that you have not seen in 3 years and has said that he has had bladder cancer and chemotherapy since you have last seen them?
Comprehensive exam
What clinical exam is given to identify conditions that have changed and update the patient’s chard to reflect the patient’s current status?
When the dentist is frequently asked to provide an opinion concerning a specific problem, what type of exam is appropriate?
Emergency would be requiring immediate attention
“grossly decayed, non-vital tooth” would fall in which SOAP category?
If the patient states “Doc, I have a tooth ache that has kept me up all night”, where would this fall in SOAP categories?
Emergency exams still require a comprehensive diagnosis to receive all the information about the patient
D-4 students are currently looking for board lesions. What type of exam are they using?