Parturition related pathologies Flashcards
Frequent causes for low pregnancy rate after parturition
Dystocia is the main one.
Requent cuases of dystocia (6)
- Fetopelvic disportion (especially heifers)
- Fetal malpresentation – malposture and posterior presentation.
- Torsion of the uterus (torsion degree influences)
- Failure of the expulsive forces (uterine inertia, failure of abdominal expulsive forces (pressure).
- Twins
- Fetal monsters, hydroallantois, premature and overmature birth, emphysemic fetuses.
Most frequent complication of the last stage of parturition is
retention of fetal membranes (7-12% of all parturitions).
Complications during postpartum period (2)
Uterine inflammation (metritis affects all layers; endometritis affects only endometrium)
Ovarian cysts
Retained fetal membranes
Failure to expel the fetal membranes
within certain time limit.
Bovine already around 8h (max 24h)
Equine - already at 3h (max 6h)
Mechanical factors influencing retention of fetal membranes. (5)
– Dystocia
– Twins
– Stillborn calves
– Abortions
– Overload of endometrium (over stretched)
Management factors influencing retention of fetal membranes. (4)
– Stress
– Obesity (fat cow syndrome)
– Pharmacological induction of calving (PGF2α)
– Unnecessary calving assistance
Nutritional factors influencing retention of fetal membranes. (4)
– Selenium& Vitamin E deficiency
– Vitamin A, carotene deficiency
– CA : P balance (if Ca2+ too low, P too high)
– Clinical/subclinical hypocalcemia (Ca2+
influences uterine tone).
Infectious diseases influencing retention of fetal membranes. (5)
– Uterine contamination
– Brucellosis
– Leptospirosis
– IBR (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis)
– BVD (bovine viral diarrhea virus)
Should bovine retained fetal membranes be cut?
No right answer really.
If they’re terribly dirty and drag on the ground, one might cut them shorter.
However, some are of the opinion that the weight/pull of the hanging membranes encourage loosening within the uterus despite greater bacterial risk.
Do not pull, metritis risk.
Oxytocin not super helpful as receptors disappear within 24h. PGF2alfa stimulates some uterine contractions.
What ailment commonly follows retained fetal membranes in mares?
Treatment of mares with retained fetal membranes.
- Oxcytocin IV or IM
- PGF2α – stimulates uterine contractions
- NSAID – flunixin meglumine
- IV fluids spiked with calcium borogluconate
Which uterine horn commonly retains the membranes if a mare is suffering from retained fetal membranes?
the non-pregnant horn
A trick in order to check whether some of the fetal membranes have been retained or not.
when they have fallen, fill them with water e.g. via hose, if they leak/holes are found, some residual pieces may be retained in the uterus.
When do cows ovulate?
12-13 hours after estrus
called delayed ovulation
What are Luteinized follicles?
Appear when ovulation will not take place in
regularly cycling animals.
Regulate the cycle and degenerate like
corpus luteum. They have no protruding area
like in CL.
They are surrounded with a wall which
consists of luteal tissue.
What are Luteinized cysts?
Appear when ovulation will not take place,
then stay and cause anestrus.
Usually single big structure. Fully or irregularly
surrounded with wall which consists of luteal tissue.
Ovarian function after parturition is normal in what percentage of cows?
Ovarian function after parturition is delayed in what percentage of cows?
21.5% have delayed cyclicity
21.5% experience a prolonged luteal phase
(51% have a normal profile)
Diagnosis of delayed ovulation.
Hard to diagnose. Necessary to perform repeated rectal investigations.
Diagnosis will be confirmed when one finds the same follicle in the same ovary in the same place during estrus and 24-36 h later.
Treatment of delayed ovulation in cows.
Treatment is the use of hormone which leads to ovulation so GnRH or hCG.
Define ovarian cyst.
All structures in the ovary which are bigger than 2,5 cm and which are present longer than 10 days.
No CL.
45-60% of cysts will spontaneously disappear
before day 40 postpartum
Prevalence of Ovarian cysts
45-60% of cysts will spontaneously disappear
before day 40 postpartum
Two types of Ovarian cysts
– Follicular – high oestrogen level
– Luteal – high progesterone level
Primary Cause of ovarian cysts
Inadequate LH level
Secondary Causes of ovarian cysts
– Parturition problems
– Milk fever, metritis, mastitis
– Stress
* High production
* Temperature
– Genetic factors
– Treatment of metritis with estrogens
– Nutrition
– deficiency of Selenium, β-carotene, Vitamin A or E
– Ca: P ratio –> Ca excess
- High estrogen containig food intake
- clover and alfalfa
- Moldy feed
Diagnosis of ovarian cysts.
palpation and ultrasound
Persistent, fluid filled structure/s.
- Ovary enlarged
- Polycystic – more than 1 fluidfilled cyst
- Thin or thick walled
- irregular oestrus cycle
- Anestrus
- Chronic lack of bull– heat signs for a long period.
P4 is low in what type of ovarian cyst?
luteal cysts
difference between luteal cyst and cystic corpus luteum?
While luteal cysts are follicular cysts the walls of which luteinize in time, cystic CL are “physiologic and originate from follicles that have formed a cavity during corpus luteum development”.
Describe Mucotic endometritis
- Superficial layers of endometrium involved
- Mucotic exudate from vagina
Causes of uterine infection (8)
- Retained fetal membranes
- Dystocia
- Parturition hygiene
- Artificial insemination and vet check
- AI outside of heat
- Embryonal mortality
- Infectious diseases
- Anomalies of reproductive tract
Prevention of uterine infection? (6)
- Clean dry calving area.
- Avoid post parturition problems
- Nutrition
- Frequent and routine postpartum gynaecological
examination - A- and antiseptics
- Do not inseminate if abnormal uterine discharge