Parts of the Microscope and Introduction to General Biology Flashcards
Connects the eye piece to the nose piece
Body Tube
Holds the objectives in place and allows it to rotate
Revolving Nose Piece
These are the major lenses used for specimen visualization. They have a magnification power of 40x-100X. There are about 1- 4 objective lenses placed on one microscope, in that some are rare facing and others face forward. Each lens has its own magnification power.
Primary Optical Lenses (Objective Lenses)
Holds slides firmly in place
Stage Clips
Controls the amount of light reaching the speciment
Source of light of the microscope
Light Source
Where we look through to view the speciment
Ocular Lens (eye piece)
Connects the body tube to the base. Also where you hold the microscope while transporting it to another place
This is the section in which the specimen is placed for viewing
Allows you to focus on the speciment by raising or lowering the stage
Coarse adjustment knob
Allows you to bring the speciment to focus when viewing at the higher magnifications.
Fine adjustment knob
Supports all the parts of the microscope.
Is the study of all forms of life, interactions, and series of vital processes.
Biology is derived from the ancient Greek words “_______” (life) and “logos” (______).
Bios, Study
has worked to conserve tropical marine resources and invented artificial coral reefs for Southeast Asian fisheries. He is known for his research on Philippine amphibians and reptiles, which led to 50 new species.
Angel C. Alcala
has been involved in medical parasitology and public health, and more than 100 scientific studies have been published. He has developed novel therapies for mosquito-transmitted diseases. He earned the Philippine Legion of Honor for his work with a parasitic disease called filariasis.
Benjamin D. Cabrera
A human disease caused by a roundworm parasite.
Is well known as a Philippine plant authority. He has written several articles on medicinal plants, many of them, including orchids. He has received many awards including the Distinguished Service Star (botany) and the Merit Diploma (Orchidology)
Eduardo Quisumbing
His work is are the assessment of the environmental impact on vegetation of pollutants from thermal power plants using coal, the effects of heavy metal emissions and geothermal hydrogen sulfide, and the assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus in Laguna Lake.
Reynaldo A. Tabada
is known as the father of Biology. His famous works were in classifying living things. The classification scheme referred to as the “Ladder of Life,” was in use until the 19th century. He was the first person to identify and coordinate the relationships between animals.
established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, the existence of new species arising through the natural selection process. His evolutionary theory was published in On the Origin of Species in 1859, and it caused quite the stir – he disputed the long-held belief that God created all species at the beginning of the earth.
Charles Darwin
is known as the father of modern genetics. His experiments showed that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows specific patterns, after that becoming the foundation of modern genetics and leading to heredity studies.
Gregor Mendel
discovered that fermentations are made by microbes, which is why the term ‘pasteurization’ came into being as an indication to the death of dangerous microbes in certain food items. He also developed vaccines against anthrax and rabies.
Louis Pasteur
Procedural approach that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting of systematic observation, calculation and analysis, and hypothesis creation, testing, conclusion and recommendation.
Is a device designed to produce visual or photographic images of small objects with magnification. It must perform three tasks: to create a magnified image of the specimen, to isolate the details in the picture, and to make the details clear to the human eye or camera. This category of instruments includes not only multi-lens lens designs with lenses and condensers but also primary single-lens devices that are mostly portable, such as magnifying glass.