parts of the brain Flashcards
4 main divisions of the brain
- cerebrum
- diencephalon
- cerebellum
- brain stem
- divided into left and right hemispheres
- hemispheres divided into 5 lobes (frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, insula)
-fxn: higher mental fxns like learning, memory, personality, cognition, language, conscience
- deep underneath cerebral hemispheres–central “core” of brain
- 4 parts–thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, subthalamus
-fxn: processing, integrating, relaying into to different parts of brain; homeostatic fxns, regulation of movement and biological rhythm
- divided into left and right hemispheres
- fxn: planning and coordination of movement, like playing a sport or instrument
- connects brain to spinal cord
- fxn: basic involuntary homeostatic functions; control of certain reflexes; monitoring movement; integrating and relaying into to other parts of nervous system.
spinal cord
- extends from brainstem, ends btwn 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae
- vertebral canal encloses and protects spinal cord
- central canal is internal cavity w/i spinal cord that is continuous with brain ventricles–filled with CSF (spinal taps access this CSF)
white and gray matter
- white= myelinated axons
- gray=cell bodies, dendrites (and unmyelinated axons)
-both brain and spinal cord have both.
-white is deep (receive input and send output to gray matter) , gray is superficial
-gray is deep (processes info), white is superficial(relays info to and from brain)
- name of clusters of neuron cell bodies in
- name of bundle of axons
- nuclei
- tracts
- name of clusters of neuron cell bodies in
- name of bundle of axons
- gangli
- nerves
frontal lobes
- of cerebrum
- fxn: planning, executing movement. complex mental fxns i.e., behavior, conscience, personality.
- who I am (personality, conscience, planning, behavior) and how I move (executing movement)
parietal lobes
- of cerebrum
- fxn: processing and integrating sensory info and function in attention
- parietal = pay attention! ; Process sensory into
temporal lobes
- of cerebrum
- fxn: hearing, language, memory, emotions
- temporal=temper=emotions
- temporal-mente=language
- temporal=time=memories
- temporal lobes are near our ears–hearing
occipital lobes
- of cerebrum
- fxn: processes all into related to sight
- occiput=ojo=eyes=sight
Insulas (lobes)
- of cerebrum
- fxn: functions related to taste and viscera (internal organs)
- insula=INside=INternal organs/viscera
- insula=INsert in mouth to TASTE
- insula=Insulin=eating=taste
cerebral cortex
- part of cerebrum
- functionally most complex part of cortex
- outer edge of gray matter
- mostly neocortex = mostly newly evolved part of brain.
- huge surface area due to folds (sulci and gyri)
- all neurons of cortex are interneurons!
-fxn: conscious processes like planning movement, interpreting incoming sensory info, and complex higher functions.
- interneurons receive sensory and then pass into on to motor—interpret sensory and plan motor (movement) MAKES SENSE
- most complex part of cortex=able to do complex higher functions