Part Three Flashcards
Deae ā fēminīs in templō laudantur. What is the case and use of “deae”?
Nominative Subject
Deae ā fēminīs in templō laudantur. What is the case and use of “fēminīs”?
Ablative of Agent
Deae ā fēminīs in templō laudantur. What is the case and use of “templō”?
Ablative of Place Where
Deae ā fēminīs in templō laudantur. Parse the Latin verb form “laudantur”.
3rd Person, Plural, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Deae ā fēminīs in templō laudantur.
The goddesses are praised by the women in the temple.
Pecūnia ā puellā tenētur. What is the case and use of “pecūnia”?
Nominative Subject
Pecūnia ā puellā tenētur. What is the case and use of “puellā”?
Ablative of Agent
Pecūnia ā puellā tenētur. Parse the Latin verb form “tenētur”.
3rd Person, Singular, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Pecūnia ā puellā tenētur.
The money is held by the girl.
Discipulī ā magistrā docentur. What is the case and use of “discipulī”?
Nominative Subject
Discipulī ā magistrā docentur. What is the case and use of “magistrā”?
Ablative of Agent
Discipulī ā magistrā docentur. Parse the Latin verb form “docentur”.
3rd Person, Plural, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Discipulī ā magistrā docentur.
The students are taught by the teacher.
Ego ab amīcīs laudor. What is the case and use of “amīcīs”?
Ablative of Agent
Ego ab amīcīs laudor. Parse the Latin verb form “laudor”.
1st Person, Singular, Present, Passive, Indicative
Tū ab Aurēliā rīdēris. What is the case and use of “Aurēliā”?
Ablative of Agent
Tū ab Aurēliā rīdēris. Parse the Latin verb form “rīdēris”.
2nd Person, Singular, Present, Passive, Indicative
Ā familiā amāmur. What is the case and use of “familiā”?
Ablative of Agent
Ā familiā amāmur. Parse the Latin verb form “amāmur”.
1st Person, Plural, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Ā familiā amāmur.
We are loved by the family.
Fābulae dē fortūnā puellīs nārrantur. What is the case and use of “fābulae”?
Nominative Subject
Fābulae dē fortūnā puellīs nārrantur. What is the case and use of “fortūnā”?
Ablative with a Preposition (or of Place from Which)
Fābulae dē fortūnā puellīs nārrantur. What is the case and use of “puellīs”?
Dative of Indirect Object
Fābulae dē fortūnā puellīs nārrantur. Parse the Latin verb form “nārrantur”.
3rd Person, Plural, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Fābulae dē fortūnā puellīs nārrantur.
Stories about fortune are told to the girls.
Templum Diānae virīs mōnstrātur. What is the case and use of “templum”?
Nominative Subject
Templum Diānae virīs mōnstrātur. What is the case and use of “Diānae”?
Genitive of Possession
Templum Diānae virīs mōnstrātur. What is the case and use of “virīs”?
Dative of Indirect Object
Templum Diānae virīs mōnstrātur. Parse the Latin verb form “mōnstrātur”.
3rd Person, Singular, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Templum Diānae virīs mōnstrātur.
The temple of Diana is shown to the men.
Decimus ā familiā semper monētur. What is the case and use of “Decimus”?
Nominative Subject
Decimus ā familiā semper monētur. What is the case and use of “familiā”?
Ablative of Agent
Decimus ā familiā semper monētur. Parse the Latin verb form “monētur”.
3rd Person, Singular, Present, Passive, Indicative
Translate: Decimus ā familiā semper monētur.
Decimus is always warned by the family.
Deus Plūtō sub terrā habitat. What is the case and use of “Deus”?
Nominative Subject
Deus Plūtō sub terrā habitat. What is the case and use of “Plūtō”?
Nominative Subject
Deus Plūtō sub terrā habitat. What is the case and use of “terrā”?
Ablative with a Preposition (or of Place Where)
Deus Plūtō sub terrā habitat. Parse the Latin verb form “habitat”.
3rd Person, Singular, Present, Active, Indicative
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Domus Augustāna
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Basilica Ulpia (Forum Trāiānī)
Which region of Italy is labeled I?

Latium et Campānia

Which region of Italy is labeled II?

Āpūlia et Calabria

Which region of Italy is labeled III?

Lūcānia et Brutium

Which region of Italy is labeled IV?


Which region of Italy is labeled V?


Which region of Italy is labeled VI?


Which region of Italy is labeled VII?


Which region of Italy is labeled VIII?

Gallia Cispadāna

Which region of Italy is labeled IX?


Which region of Italy is labeled X?


Which region of Italy is labeled XI?

Gallia Trānspadāna

What man is depicted by this bust?

Pompey the Great
What event is depicted by this painting?

The Judgement of Paris
(painting is by Rubens)
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Ancient Roman columbārium
What men are depicted by this sculpture?

Laocoon and his sons
(statue can be found at the Vatican)
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

The rōstra (or speakers platform)
Ego ab amīcīs laudor. What is the case and use of “ego”?
Nominative Subject
Translate: Ego ab amīcīs laudor.
I am praised by the friends.
Tū ab Aurēliā rīdēris. What is the case and use of “tū”?
Nominative Subject
Translate: Tū ab Aurēliā rīdēris.
You are laughed at by Aurelia.
What man is depicted by this bust?

Mārcus Tullius Cicerō
What event is depicted by this pottery?

Neoptolemus killing Priam
(can be found at the Louvre Museum in Paris)
What Roman article of clothing can be found on this coin?

Roman pilleus or “liberty cap.”
(This coin was minted by Brutus and Cassius and celebrated the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March, 44 B.C.)
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Aurelian Wall
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Theater of Marcellus
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Inscription from the Arch of Titus
What man is depicted by this bust?

M. Licinius Crassus
What men are depicted by this sculpture?

Which Roman Road is colored dark blue?

via Aemilia

Which Roman Road is colored teal?

via Aemilia Scaura

Which Roman Road is colored red?

via Appia

Which Roman Road is colored yellow?

via Aurēlia

Which Roman Road is colored green?

via Cassia

Which Roman Road is colored magenta?

via Flāminia

Which Roman Road is colored gray?

via Salāria

Which Roman Road is colored sky blue?

via Popilia

Which Roman Road is colored gold?

via Valeria

Which Roman Road is colored maroon?

via Pompēia

Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Temple of Castor and Pollux
(aedēs Castoris)
Identify the Roman art style depicted in this photograph.

Pompeian Wall Painting—“First Style”
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Baths of Trajan on the Esquiline
What Roman is depicted by this sculpture?

a Vestal Virgin in the Forum Romanum
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Temple of Mars Ultor
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Basilica Sempronia (and then Julia)
What event is depicted by this plaque?

The Struggle of Apollo and Hercules
(Octavian vs. Antony; can be found at the Palatine Museum in Rome)
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Tomb of the Baker
(can be found at the Porta Maggiore in Rome)
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Baths of Caracalla
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Temple of Hercules Victor
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Forum of Augustus
What event is depicted by this plaque?

Seven Against Thebes
(plaque orignally found in Pyrgi)
What is depicted in this photograph?

theater mask
(can be found in the British Museum)
What men are depicted by this pottery?

Ajax the Greater and Achilles
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Pons Aemilius
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Tiberius’ funerary inscription at the Mausoleum of Augustus
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

The oculus of the Pantheon
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Āra Pācis
Identify the Roman structure in this photograph.

Forum Rōmānum
(picture was taken from the Palatine Hill)
What man is depicted by this bust?

What man in mythology was transformed into this bird?

(the bird is known as a hoopoe)
What men are depicted by this sculpture?

Aeneas carrying his father Anchises
Identify the Roman structure modeled in this photograph.

Reconstruction of the Palatine Hill
What event is depicted by this painting?

The Rape of Europa
What event is depicted by this painting?

Medea contemplating the murder of her children
What men are depicted by this sculpture?

Claudius as Jupiter