Part of the Brain & Function Flashcards
Main Parts of the Brain
cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem
produces higher functioning roles: thinking, learning, memory, language, emotion, movement, perception
*largest part of brain consisting of grey matter (cerebral cortex) and white matter (center)
*divided into hemispheres (L/R)
*contains the lobes of the brain (frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital)
responsible for monitoring and regulating behaviors, especially automatic movements, regulates posture and balance, involved in learning and attention
*located under cerebrum
*contains many neurons
acts as a relay station, regulated automatic functions (sleep cycles, breathing, temperature, digestion, coughing, sneezing)
*connects cerebrum and cerebellum to spinal cord
*located at base of brain
Right vs. Left
right hemisphere: controls L half of body, associated w/ visualization, depth perception, spatial navigation
left hemisphere: controls R half of body, associated w/ language (Broca’s, Wernicke’s Areas)
*connected by corpus callosum which allows for communication and shared info processing
Frontal Lobes
main functions associated w/ higher cognitive funcions: problem solving, decision-making, attention, intelligence, voluntary behaviors
*located at front of brain
*contains motor cortex (planning and coordinating movements)
Prefrontal Cortex
initiates higher level cognitive functioning
*within frontal lobes
*Broca’s Area located here
Temporal Lobes
main functions are understanding larnguage, memory acquisition, face/object recognition, perception, auditory info processing
*located on either side of brain
*L side: language, learning, memorizing, word formation, verbal memory (more dominant)
*R side: learning and memorizing non-verbal info, determining facial expressions
Parietal Lobes
integrated info from senses to allow us to build a coherent picture, allows us to perceive our bodies through somatosensory info, aids in visuospatial processing, reading, # representation
*located at top of brain btwn frontal and occipital, above temporal
*contain somatosensory cortex: receives/processes sensory info, makes representational map of body
Occipital Lobes
assess the size, depth, distance, color info, object and facial recognition, mapping of visual world
*receive sensory info from eyes to encode that into diff visual data
*located at back of brain
Cerebral Cortex
wide surface area for many neurons and large amounts of info processing
*surface of the cerebrum
*wrinkled appearance - gyri (bulge) and sulci (furrow)
*primarily grey matter
processes emotions and fear, ties emotional meaning to memories, processing rewards, decision making, fight-or-flight response
*structure in deep brain
*part of limbic system
Limbic System
neural network that mediates emotion and memory
relays sensory/motor info and contributes to attention, perception, timing, movement
*relays info btwn cerebral cortex, brain stem, and other cortical structures
modulates behavioral and physiological functions, control autonomic functions: hunger, thirst, temperature, sexual activity
*integrates info from diff brain parts
*responds to stimuli like light, odor, stress
*under thalamus
associated w/ learning and memory - formation of memories, early storage for new long-term memories
*curved structure in limbic system
Basal Ganglia
group of structures regulating coordination of fine motor movements: balance, posture
also plays role in reward and addiction
fluid filled interconnected cavities within brain that provide cushioning
*extensions of the spinal cord
*filled w/ CSF
nerve cells in NS that transmit info through electrochemical signals
*made up of soma, dendrite, axon, axon terminal
Glial Cells
non neuronal cell in the CNS that provide neurons with nourishment, support, protection
*make up myelin sheath
Cranial Nerves
12 cranial nerves linked to brain w/o passing through spinal cord, allows info to pass from face organs to brain
*olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal
responsible for movement of body and head, receiving and integrating sensory info, and regulating eye movement
serves as communication center, transmits signals btwn forebrain and cerebellum
Medulla Oblongata
transmits signals btwn spinal cord and higher parts of brain, controls automatic activities like heartbeat and respiration, basic ANS functions, balance