Part 5 Flashcards
True or False?
When the touch voltage rises, also the human total impedance rises
True or False?
In order to reduce electric shock hazard, the duration of the electric shock current is sought to be reduced by proper dimensioning of the fuses
True or False?
A human can have a ventricular fibrillation from an electric shock of as low as 50 mA
True or False?
A protective clothing protecting against fire and heat in accordance with the standard is a safe protection against the heating effect of the arc
True or False?
The resistance of the protective conductor has a significant impact on the proper functioning of the fault current protection
True or False?
The Electrical Safety Standard SFS 6002 is not applicable for high-voltage
True or False?
The Electrical Safety Standard SFS 6002 is also applicable to cleaning work carried out in the vicinity of electrical installations
True or False?
The Electricity Safety Standard applies to the operational measures to electrical equipment made at home by every holder of the electrical equipment
True or False?
If an electrical contractor, when constructing electrical installations, has to deviate from the electrical safety standard, he has to apply for a special permit for the deviation from the finnish safety and chemicals agancy Tukes
True or False?
If the national iegislation is in conflict with the guides of the electricity safety standard, the national legislation shall be followed.
True or False?
To all presons working in the electrical sector, including people functioning in superviory, operational, and expert tasks, training regarding general safety at electrical work shall be provided
True or False?
To people instucted in assisting in electrical works it would be beneficial to give first aid training
True or False?
Electrical installations may be made live again after finishing the work based on a previously agreed time, if the time of all watches of the participants in the work have been checked prior to starting the work.
(have to check with provider)
True or False?
Also professionals in the electrical sector should be instructed to the work that they are preforming.
True or False?
In electrical rooms, ordinary tools can be used in other jobs, depending on the situation.
True or False?
The responsibility of the operation of the electrical installation belongs to the holder of the installation.
True or False?
For each work area a person supervising the electrical safety during working activities shall be nominated.
True or False?
The person in charge of the performance of the work in electrical works in connection with the maintenace of a property, can be the person in charge of the work of the property management although he is not an electric professional.
True or False?
An electrical sector student working as a trainee can be nominated supervisor of electrical safety during working activites.
True or False?
A new person in charge of electrical work has to be nominated within 3 months from the person in charge of electrical work in charged or is prevented from carrying out his task.
True or False?
A person instructed by an electrically skilled professional must not preform the disconnection of the work area for dead working.
True or False?
An ordinary person may preform operational measures in a low-voltage installtion if the installation is sufficiently contact protected.
True or False?
A person instruced by an electrucally professional may preform operational measures in contact unprotected structures
True or False?
The measurement equipment used for measurement of electrical installations of buildings shall be in accordance with at least CAT III measurement equipment
True or False?
Minor change and extension works in installations do not have to be inspected prior to their commissioning
True or False?
A line protection circuit breaker may be used only for the disconnection of a single group conductor.
True or False?
The opening of a locking preventing reclosing may be possible only by means of a key or a tool
True or False?
If the disconnection and prevention of energizing are preformed in accordance with the instructions, verification of absence of voltage is not necessary to preform prior to commencing the work.
True or False?
Only the person in charge of electrical work can give premission to the commencment of the work
True or False?
Work earthing must be made in all work locations
True or False?
The verification of absence of operating voltage by means of a multimeter is live working.
True or False?
With a live working glove you may intentionally touch live parts
True or False?
The live working zone distance for low-voltage is 0,2 m from a bare live part.
True or False?
Also the person in charge of electrical safety during work activites can decide upon the preformance of live workings.
True or False?
When retightening the screw terminals of an electrical installation as live working, (230V) an ordinary screwdriver may be used, if live working gloves are used.