Part 4: Data Privacy Rights Flashcards
Under ______ people whose personal information is collected, stored and processed are called data subjects. Organizations who deal with your personal details, whereabouts, and preferences are dutybound to observe and respect your data privacy rights
RA 10173
The right ______ is the most basic right as it empowers you as a data subject to consider other actions to protect your data privacy and assert your other privacy rights
to be informed
What are the 8 Data Privacy Rights
Right to
be informed access object erasure or blocking damages file a complaint data portability
The right to find out whether an organization holds any persona data about you
The right to access
Through this right you may ask the company to provide you with a written description of the kind of information they have about you as well as their purpose for holding them
The right to access
Under the _____you have the right to obtain from an organization a copy of any information relating to you
Data privacy Act of 2012
If your request is not granted by the Data Protection Officer, you may file a complaint to the ____
When you object or withhold the consent the PIC should no loner process your personal data, is a right to ___
Under the law you have the right to suspend, withdraw or, removal, or destruction of your data is a right to__
erasure or blocking
You may claim compensation if you suffered damages due to inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, unauthorized use of personal data is the right to
If you feel that your personal information has been misused, maliciously disclosed, or improperly disposed, or data privacy rights violated you may a file a complaint to the
National Privacy Commission
The right to dispute or correct any inaccuracy in data
Right to rectify
This right assures you that you remain in full control of your data
The right to Data portability
This right allows you to electronically move, copy, or transfer data in a secure manner
The right to Data portability
This right allows you to manage your personal data in your private device and transmit data from one personal information controller to another
The right to Data portability
This right promotes competition that fosters better services for the public
The right to Data portability
As Sarasohn Kahn (2008, p. 2) noted, “the use of social media on the Internet are _____, _____and
____consumers and providers in healthcare.”
As early as the ____, computer scientists began to write about the creation of a network of interconnected computers where scientists could share and analyze data by interacting across the network.
is defined as “a computer network consisting
of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission
and exchange”.
Refers to the global seamless interconnection of networks made possible by the protocols devised in the 1970s through DARPA sponsored research”.
As the Internet came to expand, Tim Berners Lee wrote his seminal paper \_\_\_\_\_ : A Proposal that circulated throughout the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) organization.
Information Management
In 1990, Berners Lee’s paper was recirculated and he began development of a global hypertext system that would eventually become the ____
World Wide Web
As the WWW concept evolved, Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina at the University of Illinois developed a browser called ____that provided a graphical interface for users. This browser is credited with
popularizing the Web.
is the network of
interconnected computers across globe
is an application that supports a system of
interlinked, hypertexted
One uses the ___to
connect to the ____.
A _____ allows
the user to view Web
pages that contain text,
images, and other
Web browser
Allowed users to access information and knowledge housed on Web
pages complete with text, images, and even some multimedia
Web 1.0
Considered a dissemination vehicle that democratized access to
information and knowledge.
Web 1.0
Time period between 1991 and 2004
Web 1.0
Flattening was particularly powerful in the world of commerce but
also exploded in higher education, making it easier for students to
access knowledge beyond their own academic campus.
Web 1.0
For healthcare, it was a time where consumers could now have
access to health information and knowledge that was not locked in
an academic library or in a distant place.
Web 1.0
O’Reilly and Dougherty introduced the term ___at a 2004
conference brainstorming session about the failures of the dot com
industry. “the Web was more important than ever, with exciting new
applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity”
Web 2.0
Key Concepts that Defined Web 2.0:
•First, the Web is viewed as a ___rather than an application.
•Second, the power of the Web is achieved by harnessing the _____
•Third important principle was that the Web provided rich user ___
collective intelligence of the user
and colleagues noted, “the Internet is as much a collection
of communities as a collection of technologies, and its success is
largely attributable to satisfying basic community needs as well as
utilizing the community effectively to push the infrastructure forward”.
Web 2.0
The transition from an information dissemination platform to an
engaging, customizable, social, and media rich environment
epitomizes this next generation of the Web.
Web 2.0
As Downes stated, “the Web was shifting from being a medium, in
which information was transmitted and consumed, into being a
platform, in which content was created , shared , remixed ,
repurposed , and passed along
Web 2.0
Owen, Grant, Sayers, and Facer aptly described the transition of the
Web, “we have witnessed a renaissance of this idea in the
emergence of tools, resources and practices that are seen by many
as returning the web to its early potential to facilitate collaboration
and social interaction”.
Web 2.0
Although some have predicted that there will be Web 3.0, known as
the __, this never materialized as projected.
Semantic Web
There have been more recent references to such terms as the
Internet of Things (IOT) and the Connected Age
Web 2.0
Ashton first described it as a system where the Internet is
connected to the physical world via ubiquitous sensors.
Internet of Things (IOT)
the latest evolution of network aware smart objects that connect the
physical world with information”.
Internet of Things (IOT)
environment that “offers new ways to connect things that were
previously considered disparate and ‘un connectable’: people,
resources, experiences, diverse content, and communities, as well
as experts and novices, formal and informal modes, mentors and
Connected Age
“______is about reaching out and
bringing in, about building synergies to create a whole that is greater
than the sum of its parts”.
are about connecting the
dots in the classroom, online, or even with people and places
outside the traditional academic environment”.
Learning pathways
In healthcare, Caulfield and Donnelly offered a model of _____ that “encompasses terms such as wireless, digital, electronic,
mobile, and telehealth and refers to a conceptual model for health
management where devices, services or interventions are designed
around the patient’s needs, and health related data is shared, in
such a way that the patient can receive care in the most proactive
and efficient manner possible.
In this model, patients, caretakers, and providers are ‘connected’ by
means of timely sharing and presentation of accurate and pertinent
information regarding patient status through smarter use of data,
devices, communication platforms and people”.
Model of Connected
The ___ refers to more virtual connections especially
with people, resources, and ideas.
Connected Age
It is within the context of the___ that we examine the
digital tools being used to transform education and healthcare practice.
Connected Age
___ focuses on those connections with physical objects.
The Pew Research Internet Project has witnessed three technology
revolutions since it began studying the Internet: (3) The three revolutions are primary driving forces behind the
Connected Age.
- Broadband
- Mobile Connectivity, and
- Rise in social media and social networking in everyday life.
a set of technologies and channels targeted at forming and enabling
a potentially massive community of participants to productively
collaborate … enable collaboration on a much grander scale and
support tapping the power of the collective in ways previously
Social media
Defining characteristic of social media:
–“wisdom of the crowds” by ___
Defining characteristic of social media:
refers to the idea that people collect or congregate
around content to contribute, rather than the way individuals
create and distribute content in the Web 1.0 world
Defining characteristic of social media:
refers to the fact that everyone can see who is
contributing and what contributions are made.
Defining characteristic of social media:
refers to the anytime, anyplace concept; people can
participate regardless of geography or time.
Defining characteristic of social media:
refers to the notion that information or content being
exchanged is captured and not lost as in a synchronous chat room.
Defining characteristic of social media:
recognition that you can’t predict, model, design, and
control all human collaborative interactions and optimize them as you
would a fixed business process.
___ and ____ are important concepts for
sharing resources and ideas as well as for making connections with
people similar to you.
Social writing
__can take many forms and include, but are not limited
to, wikis, blogs, and microblogging.
Social writing
____ short for Weblogs, are considered to be personal Web sites
where content is displayed for visitors to review and comment upon.
_____are coined after the Hawaiian work for fast, and are a means to
establish an easily and quickly accessed consumer driven knowledge
base; they are essentially collaborative tools that are “based on social
regulation rather than technical safeguards”.
___ as a form of social writing, are also prevalent in
_____is a popular wiki targeted toward clinical informatics topics
which contains information on a variety of topics in such areas as
clinical decision support systems, unintended consequences of
technology, federal initiatives, and usability.
Professional organizations, such as HIMSS ( org/)
also maintain a ___
Decision Support Wiki.
Another important wiki is of course the ever popular ___ that
maintains over 4 million articles
_____the combination of texting and blogging adds a new dimension to communication and social writing and is growing in popularity.
Using such tools like _____now allow consumers to post content to a Web site, which then automatically distributes the content to others who have “subscribed” to the individual’s site; this creates short
bursts of communication among any number of individuals
These ___sites allow social communication to come
directly to consumers, rather than requiring that consumers go and
seek it out themselves,
These short bursts of communication, known as _____, are limited
to a specific number of characters (140),
______can be defined as the
science of distribution and determinants of information in an electronic medium, specifically the Internet, or in a population, with the ultimate aim to inform public health and public policy”.
In microblogging, The electronic medium can be supply driven, such as the
information being published in:
iv. _____that includes Web searching and navigation
Discussion groups
Demand driven
___ embraces many of the defining characteristics of the
Connected Age and is a major component of connected learning and
connected health.
Social networking
__and ___were two of the principle themes in
Web 2.0 and are the driving forces behind the social media movement with continued relevance in the Connected Age.
… involves the explicit
modeling of connections between people, forming a complex network of relations, which in turn enables and facilitates collaboration and collaborative filtering processe
Social networking
Another aspect of__ is the ability to share user
generated content in the form of videos, stories, or photographs.
social networking
Essentially, the social networking site serves as a powerful tool to ___and ____ consumers to share personal information, ___relationships, and communicate with others.
The eHealth Initiative Report developed a specific taxonomy to classify\_\_\_\_\_\_ for chronic diseases: iInternet support groups ii. Media sharing iii. Messaging boards/discussions iv. Microblogs v. Social networking general and specific to a particular disease vi. Weblogs vii. Social games viii. Challenges
social media tools
10 categories of social media:
i. Blogs
ii. Microblogs
iii. Social networking sites
iv. Professional networking sites
v. Thematic networking sites
vi. Wikis vii. Mashups
viii. Collaborative filtering sites
ix. Media sharing sites
x. Virtual worlds
__ celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2014 and is considered the dominant social networking site where 57% of adults and 73% of
teens (12 17 years old) used Facebook.
Of the available social networking sites, __stands out as one
of the more popular, as it has proven useful for resource sharing,
communication, and collaboration.
In the past, most studies were descriptive. In a review by Skiba, Guillory, and
Dickson, there are three general areas of research in social media:
1.The first focused primarily on the _____ on social media,
in particular social networks and Twitter.
2.The second area was the specific _____ such as diabetics or cancer patients;
3.The final area was related to the ____of
patients for research studies and the collection of data from social media could be used as an additional form of research data.
content being shared
use of social media by patient populations
use of social media for recruitment
According to the eHealth Initiative, there are several key challenges affecting
the widespread adoption of social media in healthcare:
1.There are concerns about __and __compliance
2.There are also concerns about the balance of ________ and ______associated with the sharing of personal information online.
3.The quality, validity, reliability , and authenticity of ____are an issue especially when there is user generated information,
4.There is also the challenge of the ___specifically with differing
populations such as the elderly, minorities, the disabled, those living in rural areas, and those in poor or undeserved areas without access to broadband.
privacy ..HIPAA
transparency and anonymity
digital divide
“medical and public
health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient
monitoring devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other wireless devices.
Mobile Health or mHealth
involves the use of voice and short messaging service (SMS) as well as
more complex functionalities such as 3G systems, global positioning systems
(GPS), and Bluetooth
What category of Mobile App?
mobile apps that transform a mobile platform into a
regulated medical device (light, vibrations, camera, or other similar
sources to perform medical device functions and are used by a licensed
practitioner to diagnose or treat a disease).
What category of Mobile App?
apps that connect to an existing device
type for purposes of controlling its operation, function, or energy
source (such as implantable or body worn medical devices)
What category of Mobile App?
refers to apps that display, transfer, store, or
convert patient specific medical device data from a connected
___ allow consumer and patients to use mobile health
The most frequently used health apps were for ___, __, or