Part 3 (Sustaining Victory) Chapter 11: Decisiveness and Uncertainty Flashcards
Given the high-pressure situation that leaders are under, a good leader must learn how to be __________ with it
Leaders must be able to make comprehensive decisions and act decisively despite the ______
The concept of dealing with uncertainty is often referred to as the __________________. It states that we must remember that there is no 100% solution when we are dealing with situations with uncertain outcomes.
incomplete picture principle
When we worry too much about trying to get all the necessary details to paint the perfect picture, it can only lead to ________. It keeps leaders from making strategic decisions, and may possibly lead the front line troops into a dangerous situation. It leads to an inability to _______
disorder, execute
We must always remember that ______ is never guaranteed, nor are outcomes always certain
It is important for a good leader to stay _____ even when bombarded with troubling situations. This develops his thinking and strategic skills. More importantly, this develops a leaders most significant quality - his _______
calm, decision making
If there is anything indecisiveness leads to, it’s definitely ____
Chapter 11 is called _____ ____ ___ by leif babin. The war story is placed: Sniper overwatch, Ramadi Iraq: Take the shot
Decisiveness amid uncertainty
Chris Kyle told Leif he had a guy with a scoped weapon in the second story window of building
Chris Kyle was nicknamed the ____. Chris Kyle was a great sniper not because he was the most exceptional marksmen, but because he placed himself in the right place at the right time to maximize his effectiveness. While other snipers get bored or lose focus after an hour to two, Chris maintained discipline and stayed vigilant. He made his own luck
PID meand
positively identify
The _____ labeled each building or structure in a sector with a number. Everyone in this US army Brigade task force used the same ____ which was crucial
Battle Map
In Ramadi, there were no ____ or ____ numbers, so matching the numbers and street names on the maps to the buildings on the ground was challenging
street signs, address numbers
The interpreters translated the spray painted Arabic Jihadists graffiti that said “we will fight until we reach either of the two heavens: ____ or _____.”
Victory or Martyrdom
After every engagement, Leif relayed ____ ___ or (SITREPS) to the US Army company in charge of the NEW combat outpost - Team Warrior of the 1st Battalion, 36th infantry regiment assigned to TUB
situational reports
You still have eyes on him, means
a visual on the potential target
In chapter 11, the call sign for TUB in that particular battle space was ____ ___
red bull
Leif remembered a basic rule of firearms safety his father taught him in his boyhood days in Texas was:
know your target and what is beyond it
Chris Kyles level of caution indicated to Leif that as his platoon commander, Leif needed to make the tough decision- the best decision he could- based on the information he had
Jocko had always encouraged them to be ___ in decision making
In chapter 11, decisivness amid uncertainty, the military story is about Chris Kyle possibly seeing an enemy sniper but he his unable to PID. Leif, relayed the info to the Team Warriors Company Commander who ordered the shot. Leif refused because Chris was not comfortable and neither was Leif. Leif was concerned about the amount of friendlies in the area and recommended sending some soldiers in to clear the building in question. The commander reluctantly agreed and soldiers were sent to clear the building. Then 10 soldier from Warrior company burst out of the front door of the building and ran across the street. Leif ordered a halt of the clearance team.Leif then realized his mistake - they were looking at a building 1 block farther than they realized where US soldiers were gathered.
The guys with the scoped weapon was not a sniper, it was a US soldier standing back form the window with a Trijicon ACOG scope on his US military issued ____ rifle
The SEALS warfare insignia was a
In combat as in life, the outcome is never certain, the picture never clear. There are no guarantees of success. But in order to succeed, leaders must be comfortable under pressure and act on ___, not emotion. This is critical component to victory.
Leaders cannot be paralyzed by ___. It results in inaction. It is critical for leaders to act decisively amid uncertainty, to make the best decisions based on the immediate info available
One of the biggest lessons learned for our generation of combat leaders is there is no ____ _____ solution. Leaders must be prepared to make and educated guess based on previous experience, knowledge of the enemy operates, likely outcomes, and whatever intel is available at that immediate moment
100% right
The ____ ____ principle is not unique to combat. It applies to virtually every aspect of our individual lives. It particularly applies to leadership and decision making in business.
incomplete picture
In chapter 11 application to business. Darla is the CEO of the subsidiary company. She was in charge of Eduardo and Nigel. Eduardo and Nigel built up animosity for each other and had become quite cutthroat. Each criticized the others work and passed that criticism to Darla, to try to undermine each other. Darla was going to let the situation play out because she was concerned that there would be a mass exodus if either employee left/got fired and she felt like they were key people. Neither employee was a good leader and both were toxic to the company. Jocko suggested that the fix was
to fire both employees and promote two eager employees. Darla did just that and had HR draft letters to Nigel and Eduardo and security escorted them out of the building
As a leader, you want to be ____. You need to be ____ -as decisive and willing to make tough choices.