Part 3: 1st module Flashcards
Decreased Erythrocytes
Increased Erythrocytes
Decreases reticulocytes
Increased reticulocytes
Decreased Leukocytes
Increased Leukocytes
Decreased Neutrophils
Increased Neutrophils
Decreased Lymphocytes
Increased Lymphocytes
Decreased Monocytes
Increased Monocytes
Decreased Eosinophils
Increased Eosinophils
decreased Basophils
Increased Basophils
Decreased platelets
Increased Platelets
Both the red blood cells and leukocytes present in the circulation are produced largely in the?
bone marrow
Both the red blood cells and leukocytes are theorized to arise from a common stem cell ___________________ which under a series of differentiation produces the red cells and Leukocytes
pluripotential hematopoietic stem cell
comprises the leukocytes carried in the circulation
Circulating pool
correspond to a general increase in the number of leukocytes in the circulation, irrespective of the leukocyte cell type involved (usually elevated neutrophils count)
Is the reverse or the general reduction in Leukocyte numbers
comprises the leukocyte that are present at the periphery of blood vessels
Marginal pool
those leukocytes which are at the bone marrow awaiting differentiation and release, including those at other lymphoid tissues such as lymph nodes and spleen.
Marrow pool
are produced in the bone marrow, released into the peripheral blood and migrate into the tissues.
normally progresses in the bone marrow in an orderly fashion from blast cell to mature granulocyte
can maintain itself against continual removal of cells into the differential proliferation pool; reconstitute itself if depletion occurs; and depending upon the demand, can increase cell production
Stem cell pool
is not self-sustaining; made up myeloblast, pro granulocytes, and large and small myelocytes, and large and small myelocytes (the larger cells form a dividing pool that supplies cells to the maturation pool)
Differential proliferating pool
it is not self-sustaining; made up of metamyelocyte band cells, and mature segmented granulocytes; no DNA synthesis occurs
Non-proliferating or maturation pool
phagocytes of small particles, e.g. pyogenic bacteria
the general causes of neutropenia are related to alteration in the bone marrow and are known as the three D’s.
- Degeneration (ineffective granulopoiesis)
- Depression (reduced granulopoiesis)
- Depletion (reduced survival in blood)
the result of a condition that causes deficiency in bone marrow activity that results in an inability to mature neutrophils
results when the marrow loses its ability to produce neutrophils in response to peripheral demands
this alteration is characterized by a diminished number of neutrophils with zero or very few immature neutrophils in peripheral blood.
occurs when the demand of leukocytes is such that the marrow’s storage pool is exhausted and the compensatory functional reaction has not yet be manifest
is a term used to denote an increase in the number of immature neutrophils in the peripheral circulation
Shift to the left
is characterized by an absolute increase in neutrophils accompanied by the appearance of immature neutrophils in the peripheral circulation
regenerative left shift
is manifested by a slight to moderate increase in the number of band neutrophils
slight left shift
may include a few metamyelocytes and many band cells
moderate left shift
characterized by an increasing number of metamyelocytes with the occasional appearance of myelocytes and possibly some promyelocytes
marked shift
there is a normal, low, or falling total leukocyte count accompanied by a moderate to marked shift to the left, with the absolute number of immature neutrophils frequently exceeding the number of mature neutrophils
degenerative left shift
this alteration is a result of the inability of bone marrow to produce mature cells in response to infection and as a result there is a proportional increase in immature neutrophils in the blood.
Degenerative left shift
found in the respiratory and gastro intestinal tract linings, where they act as detoxifiers; mobilized at site of Ag-Ab reactions in response to mediators released from basophils and mast cells
eosinophilia is seen in the following conditions
- reflection of hypersensitivity in conditions such as PARASITISM and ALLERGIC REACTIONS
- Anaphylactic reactions
- adrenocortical insufficiency
- Recovery stages of some acute infections
- Granulocytic eosinophilic leukemias
- Neoplasms of the ovary
- Eosinophilic myositis
- Splenectomy in the dog
- Eosinophilic gastroenteritis in the dog
- Eosinophilic granuloma in the cat
- Association w/ estrus in some dogs
its function is not entirely known; granules contain heparin, histamine and a platelet activating factor
Lymphopoiesis occurs in __________ in __________, ___________ and other lymphoid organs.
thymus in neonates, bone marrow