Part 1: 1st Module Flashcards
What is Clinical Pathology?
Deals with diagnosis of disease by laboratory means. It involves the collection and examination of body fluids and interpretations of laboratory findings. It is applied in both animals and humans
contain reducing agents to prevent oxidation
Stuart’s medium
it is used to neutralize certain bacterial inhibitors
Best example of tissue to collet
Collect tissues immediately after death. Live sick animals presented for necropsy
Supplies needed for specimen collection and transport
✓ Viral transfer medium (VTM) w/ sterile swabs in zip-locked bag
✓ Dry ice/ ice packs
✓ cold box/styrofoam
✓ pre-printed barcode
✓ glove, mask, and lab gowns
✓ tongue depressor
✓ rapid diagnostic test kit
it is the most common used site for blood collection in the horse, cattle, sheep, goat, camel and large wild mammals; used occasionally in small animals
Jugular vein
should be used for blood sample
✓ vacutainer tube
✓ vacutainer needle
✓ syringe
✓ needle holder
✓ disinfectant
The most commonly used site for collection of small amount of blood in the dog. By constricting the area on the dorsal aspects of the fore limb at the level of the elbow which can be raised beginning just above the carpal vein.
Cephalic vein
can be used in small dog, pig, cat and small lab animals (small dog, rabbit, guinea pig, and monkey).
Ear vein
site that can be used in small dog, puppy, guinea pig etc.
toe or toe nail
site the can be used in pig, cattle, sheep, rat and mouse
commonest method used in the rat and mouse. a small transverse incision with a razor blade produce drops of blood.
method that is used on the coccygeal vein on the ventral side
site that can be used in animals like bird, fish, and others.
Site that used in dog, cat, small mammals, rat etc.
Femoral or Tibial vessels
site used for dairy cattle
Mammary vein
site used for the pigs
Anterior vena cava
a best method for obtaining a large quantity of blood (1ml) in mouse
Retro orbital Venus plexus
this technique is reported to be less traumatic than others
Retro orbital Venus plexus
short filled tubes of EDTA cause?
false increase in total plasma protein content and a false decrease in PCV and RBC count
In most animals up to _____ ml/kg blood collection has no any adverse effect.
are for tests requiring clotted blood
Red-stopper tubes
container EDTA in concentrated liquid or dessicated powder form
Lavender stopper tubes
contain heparin and are used for blood gases, pH (CO2, 02)
Green stopper tubes
contain oxalates, fluorides or citrates
Gray stopper tubes
available with Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD) solution or physiological saline solution
Yellow stopper tubes
Recommended for routine hematological procedures, preserve cellular elements better
EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid)
it form insoluble Ca salts
May shrinks cell because Na salt is less soluble
it’s mode of action is Antithrombin and antithromboplastin
Less effect on RBC hemolysis used for blood gas analysis
may cause clumping of WBC, unsuitable for smears, as it interferes with stain ability of WBC expensive
Combine with Ca to form an insoluble Ca salt
Na citrate
can be used for blood transfusion
Na citrate
interferes with many chemical tests, shrink cells
Na citrate
Units with Ca to form insoluble calcium oxalate
Potassium oxalate
causes shrinkage, it increase the volume of blood
Potassium oxalate
Very soluble
Potassium oxalate
units with Ca to form insoluble calcium oxalate
Sodium oxalate
Used mainly for prothrombin time
Sodium oxalate
amount required for EDTA
10-20 mg (1ml)
Amount required for Heparin
1-2 mg (0.2 ml)
Amount required for Na citrate
10-20 mg (1ml)
Amount required for Potassium oxalate
20mg (2 drops)
amount required for sodium oxalate
color of erythrocytes in Cytoplasm and Chromatin
Yellow to pinkish- Purple
color Lymphocytes in Cytoplasm and Chromatin
Blue- Purplish red
strain color of monocytes in Cytoplasm and Chromatin
Light blue- Purple
strain color of Basophils in Cytoplasm
Dark purple granules
Stain color of Heterophils/Neutrophils in Cytoplasm and Chromatin
yellow to brownish red rods- light purple
stain color of thrombocytes in Cytoplasm and Chromatin
Grey-blue - Purple