Part 1: Medicine stands still Flashcards
How much was known about the causes of illness in the Medieval Period
. Not much was known
. It was thought that god made people ill
What was the significance of the zodiac charts when treating patients
. It determined whether they were going to operate on certain parts of the body or not
What was the urine chart
. Doctors would examine and taste urine to diagnose a patient
What was significant about hypocrites
. He taught that examining patients and keeping detailed records was important
. His theory of the four humors said that the body consisted of blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile that had to be balanced for good health
. Blood letting would get rid of blood to balance the humors
What was significant about Galen
. Galen built on the four humors theory
. To learn about anatomy, Galen dissected animals such as pigs. He based his books about animals which was wrong as the human anatomy was different
. Galen brought in the ideas of god into his work. In result, the church liked him and banned anyone from proving him wrong
What were medieval hospitals in the west like
. They only held 12 people since there were 12 disciples
. There were no doctors but there were monks
. There were prayers regularly
. They did not treat patients
How did Islam in the east play a role in health
. Islamic doctors wrote medical encyclopedias
. They treated patients and cared for them
. They tried to challenge the ideas of Galen and build on it further
. The caliph (King) did not allow human dissections
What was the significance of the crusasdes
. During the crusades, they stole the ideas from the east about medicine and brought it back to the west.
What did towns do to improve public health
. Very little
. They had poor sanitation
. There would be waste on the streets and in rivers
What was the public health in monasteries
. Monks could read and learn more about public health
. They had pipes and drains
. Abbots made monks take baths at least twice a year
What was believed about the black death
. People thought it was a punishment from god
. Minority groups were blamed
. They blamed the bad smells because of the miasma theory (bad smells make you ill) so plaque doctors had sweet smelling herbs in them
what role did war have in advancing health in the medieval period
. Improved the skill of doctors as there were more patients to test on
. Helped make new tools such as the arrow cup
How did chance play a role in advancing health in the medieval period
. The king ordered that the streets be cleaned because of the miasma theory. They did not know what germs were at that time and without knowing it they got rid of the germs making people sick
How did communication help advance health in the medieval period
. Monks would copy out Galen’s work by hand so physicians could learn from his work
How did religion play a role in health in the medieval period
. Christianity taught that god sent illness as a punishment
. The church controlled universities and only taught the ideas of Galen
. The church banned medical research and human dissections
. The caliph in the east did not allow human dissections