part 1 Flashcards
Synoptic meteorology
meteorology traditionally involves the study of weather systems, such as
- extratropical high and low pressure systems,
- jet streams
- associated waves
- fronts.
mesoscale meteorology
- the study of convective storms,
- land–sea breezes,
- gap winds,
- and mountain waves
The earth system exhibits a continuous……………………….spectrum of motion that defies simple categorization.
spatial and temporal
Weather forecasting
necessitates understanding a wide range of processes and phenomena acting on a variety of spatial and temporal scales.
forecasting for a coastal location requires information concerning
- the near-shore water temperature,
- the potential for land–sea breeze circulations,
- and the strength and orientation of the prevailing synoptic-scale wind flow.
The prediction of precipitation type can benefit from
knowledge of atmospheric thermodynamics and cloud physics.
Other types of prediction, including ……………………………………… and ……………………………, also require knowledge that spans a broad spectrum of meteorological processes.
air quality forecasting and seasonal climate prediction
quasigeostrophic (QG) equations
simplified version of the full primitive equations
igoners small terms
momentum equations are
ideal gas
geostraphic wind is a balance between
corriolis and PGF
scale analysis
a systematic strategy to determine which terms in the equations, often associated with specific physical processes, are most important and which are negligible in a given meteorological setting.
scale analysis is a systematic strategy to determine which terms in the equations, often associated with specific physical processes, are most important and which are negligible in a given meteorological setting. By
characterizing the temporal and spatial scales associated with specific weather systems, we can systematically neglect “small” terms in the governing equations in the study of those systems.
for synoptic- and planetary-scale weather systems, such as cyclones and anticyclones, we know that in the ……………………………, flow above……………………tends to be fairly close to a state of ……………………………balance
midlatitudes, ~1 km altitude, geostrophic
—flow above ~1 km altitude tends to be fairly close to a state of geostrophic balance, whereas for mesoscale weather systems, such as thunderstorms, it …………………………………………………….
does not, even in the same geographical location
geostrophic balance ignores
whereas for mesoscale weather systems, such as thunderstorms, it does not, even in the same geographical location. Why?
cannot ignore friction
This is one example of why students in the atmospheric sciences are required to derive equations, because it is important to know what ……..
- assumptions were made in the development of a given technique
- this information is needed to deduce which tools are appropriate for which situations.
- the ability to apply a systematic approach to the governing equations allows atmospheric scientists to develop new equations and techniques to study unique problems.
The length scale can be related to
the size of a weather system, or how far an air parcel would travel within the system during a given time interval.
The time scale
can be related to how long it would take an air parcel to circulate within the system
Scale: Microscale
less than 1 km
Scale: Microscale
less than 1 hour
Scale: Microscale
example phenomena:
Turbulence, PBL
Scale: Mesoscale
1 - 1000 km
Scale: Mesoscale
1 h - 1 day
Scale: Mesoscale
example phenomena:
Thunderstorm, land-sea breeze
Scale: synoptic
Scale: synoptic
1 day-1 week
Scale: synoptic
Example phenomena:
Upper level trough, ridges, fronts surface lows and highs
Scale: Planetary
less than 4000 km
Scale: planetary
less than 1 week
Scale: planetary
Example phenomena:
polar front jet streams, trade winds
the dependent variables in the system
- the four independent variables are the three spatial directions
- and time, denoted as x, y, z, and t, respectively
governing equations are applied to a flat “cartesian” earth for
- qualitative work,
- or if we study weather systems that are sufficiently small in spatial scale, we can neglect the distortion that results.
shows unit vectors in an orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system. For some applications, the i and j unit vectors may be
grid relative
the horizontal coordinate directions here will be taken to align with
latitude and longitude lines
A and B represent
K^ (z, + upward)