PART 02 Flashcards
To understand and to pass the quiz
General Type of Wells
Shallow Wells, Deep Wells
o Most common type
o Usually dug manually
o Around 15 m deep
Dug Well
Similar to dug well, but constructed using an auger driven in by hand or with power tools
Seldom hand driven
below 15 meters, but can reach 40+ meters with power tools.
Bored Well
o Use of extreme water
pressure so as not to—H–+i-+-‘ ‘
affect existing foundations in the vicinity
o Makes use of a suction pump above, while casing acts as the pump riser
o Used only where ground is relatively soft hence sometiems referred to as “Sand-Point Wells”
Jetted Well
o Dug with a sharp pointed hollow slotted iron rod and well screen
o Depths are from 10-15 meters
Driven Well
o Used for drilling oil
o Can reach up to 1000 m
Drilled Wells
2 Most Common Sources of Contamination
Septic Tank/leach fields
Livestock feedlots
In locating a well, location must not be ____________
100 ft. away from such pollution sources
Locate on _____________
higher ground
The ______ the well, the better for natural filtrattion
Well screens are made of _________ material like brass.
______ material like stones and rock sediment provide additional screening
Basic types of Pumps
Piston Pump, Centrifugal Pump
- Water is sucked into a sealed vacuum by use of a piston
o Single
Piston Pump
- Water is drawn into the pump & discharged with a centrifugal force.
Centrifugal Pump
Piston pumps that operate with controlled speed. The discharge from a — is pulsating and changes only when the speed of the pump is changed. Sometimes an air chamber is introduced to regulate the pulsation.
Reciprocating Pumps
______ are centrifugal pumps typically used for drawing water up from a well.
Jet Pumps
are piston pumps that make use of a pump drivers
can discharge from 900 to 1200 GPM
are more efficient for viscous fluids
Rotary Pump
are designed to be fully immersible within a tank or other media storage receptacle.
* Many common types of pumps can be designed by manufacturers to be –
e. Sump Pumps
Submersible Pumps
are used in applications where excess water must be pumped away from a particular area.
Sump pumps
are centrifugal pumps used for large applications because of their multiple impellers
can discharge up to 2000 GPM
- Turbine Pumps
Types of tanks for domestic use
Overhead tanks, Cisterns, Pressure Tanks, Hot Water Tanks
- Does not have any pressure concerns but relies on gravity to supply water to fixtures below
Overhead Tanks
- Usually built of reinforced concrete underground and connected with a pump
Used in Overhead Feed System
* Main Components:
o Supply Pipe
o Inlet
o Overflow Pipe
o Drip Pan
Gravity Supply Tanks
- Used in the Air Pressure System
- Often used with a pump
- Also makes use of a pressure relief valve, which relieves pressure automatically if necessary
Pneumatic Water Tanks
- Small hot water tank (30-60 cm diameter; 180cm max length)
- Made of galvanized steel sheet, copper or stainless steel
- Standard working pressure limit is 85 to 150 psi
Range Boiler
o Used mainly to completely close or completely open the water line (does not control flow of water).
o Best suited to the main supply and pump lines wherein operation is infrequent.
Gate Valve
2 Types of Gate Valve
The Wedge Shape or Tapered Disc, The Double Disc Valve
o Controls the flow of water with a movable spindle.
o Can reduce water pressure (throttling).
o Only one side of the valve is an inlet.
Globe Valve
3 Types of Globe Valves
The Plug Type Disc Valve (for throttling)
The Conventional Disc Valve (for shutting)
The Composition Disc Valve (for steam and hot water)
Main function is to prevent reversal offlow (backflow)
Check Valve
4 Types of Check Valve
The Swing Check Valve
The Lift Check Valve
Vertical Check Valve
Horizontal Check Valve
o Operates in the same manner as globe valve (disc & seat design)
o Used to make a 90° turn in a line
o Reduces number of joints
Angle Valve
o Located at the lower end of the pumps
o Used mainly to prevent loss of priming of the pumps
Foot Valve
Used on water systems, heating systems, compressed air lines & other pipe lines with excessive pressure.
Safety Valve
o Operates by the compression of a soft packing upon a metal sheet
- Compression Cock
o Operates with a round tapering plug ground to fit a metal sheet.
‘Hose bibb” - has grooves fit for a hose
- Key Cock
Constructed with a ball connected to the handle
Ball faucet