Parliment- scrutiny Flashcards
question time and the opposition
How does HoC scrutinise executives?
scrutinise the legislative proposal and executive general scrutiny and oversees ideas
What are parliamentary questions?
Gov ministers face questions from MPs on the floor of the house
- timetabled in question time
How do parliamentary questions worked?
-questions tabled in advanced, ministers answer topical questions on issues in departments
-Speaker Bercow requires ministers to answer urgent questions more frequently
What is prime minister question time?
Take place every wednesday for 30 mins
- the leader of the opposition, 3rd largest party and backbenchers question the prime minister
-332 hrs spend on q time in 2015-16 alone
What do backbenchers do in question times?
Ask consitituency releted questions
But whips can set up questions that will flatter the government
Leader of opposition in question time?
Shapes the agenda
e.g. corbyn tried to allow public qs
berkhow speakers
creates a punch and judy politics
Positives of question time?
-high profile
-forces key issues to be addressed
-opportunity for opposition to get a better debate performance
-keeps on toes as they are directly held accountables
Negatives of question tie?
-misleading/distorts image about how parliament and scrutiny work
-encourage punch and judy politics
-12%of public proud of parliament
-many mps from ruling party’s are told to ask questions that flatter gov/front benchers who want promotion.
What are the four types of oppositions?
Official opposition- Labor
Other opposition- Lib dem
Intra party- opponents within governing party
Inter party- periods of coalition e.g. lib dem and conservative gov
Purpose of the opposition?
-Offers scrutiny and checks on gov
-Viable and alternative solution
-opposition must portray itself as the gov in waiting
How can the opposition challenge the government?
-select committees
-official opponent allowance to ask open qs +5 in pmqs, only official opposition can respond to gov
-20 opposition days set aside each year choosing debate topic
-members of shadow cabinet can ask questions of ministers and propose alternative policy
-inter party rebel/coalition gov
What does opposition power depend on?
-a minority party- makes opp more powerful as they can defeat legislative plans
Why does a good government need an effective opposition?
-stop dictator
-can influence the pm
-accept legitimacy
Example of good opposition and gov?
Covid times by awareness of political backlash if govt wasn’t reacting
Leader of opposition powers?
-aditional salary
-right to respind first to the pm on major settelment
-can ask pm in pmqs 6 questions
-appoint shadow cabinet to follow the work of gov departments
-oppose gov legislations
Strengths of the opposition?
-official opposition funding and benefits
-position self in alt gov
-opposition can change gov policy (Gurkhas and brexit
-backbenchers rebel in gov prevent problems
Weaknesses of the opposition?
-govs greater recourses, choice of debate topic
-depends on quality of members in a shadow cabinet and how they debate/preform in media
-successful rebellions on major issues are rare
-opposition successes are rare