Parliamentary Democracy - Political movements Flashcards
A body of related ideas about man and the way society should develop
Progressive means forward thinking, in favor of change and focused on the future. Politicians emphasize what is wrong in society and call for change
Conservative meansmaintaining the status quo and is focused on the present and the past. Politicians emphasize what we have already achieved.
When conservatives want to turn back the clock and reintroduce old well-tried rules and regulations.
Left-wing parties want an active government working on redistributing welath
Right-wing parties want a passive government which promotes freedom and limits government interference
Political middle
Parties that emphasize the joint responsibilit of citizens and the government. People and organizations have to look after themselves in the first place. If they cannot realize this, then the government can interfere.
Socialism is a political movement that stands for equality. It wants a fair distribution of income, knowledge and power; protection of the weaker members of society; and a steering role for the government in order to realize social equality. It emphasizes the role of the government in the socio-economic field.
Liberalism is a political movement that stands for personal and economic freedon. It believes in a free market economu and wants the government to take back a seat, but to maintain order and respect. It emphazises the interests of the individual and of the business world.
Denominationalism is a political movement that stands for harmony. It wants shared responsibility, a caring society, solidarty and stewardship. The government should have a complementary role as a support for private organizations - it should leave as much as possible to the social intermediaries. Denominationalism ephasizes the responsibility of citizens for each other.
Populism isn’t based on any ideology, but often has very nationalistic points of view. They want to defend the rights of the ordinary citizen who cannot speak for himself. They tend to explain political issues in simple terms and suggest decisive solutions,