Parkinsons and Huntingtons - Farbman Flashcards
Will movement disorders of the basal ganglia result in involuntary movements directly caused by losses in strength or cerebellar function?
What is the one class of movement disorders that is bradykinetic?
Dysfunction of the substantia nigra affects production of what neurotransmitter?
Besides Parkinson disease itself, what are three other causes of Parkinsonism?
- antipsychotic drugs–deplete dopamine availability
- Postencephalitis–damage to nigrostriatal system
- toxic agents–manganese, MPTP
Describe the following characteristics of Parkinson’s Disease:
- avg. age of onset
- Male:female ratio
- prevalence
- abnormal labs
- 63
- 3:2 male to female
- 160/100,000
- all labs normal
What are the four cardinal symptoms of PD?
- Resting tremor
- Rigidity
- Bradykinesia
- Postural instability
is the resting tremor in PD symmetric or asymmetric?
What are some of the specific traits of PD bradykinesia?
loss of automatic movements (arm wing with walk), masked facies, festinating gait, freezing
What clinically available imaging exam can diagnose PD? What research exam is available
SPECT, cuz you suSPECT someone as PD
PET for research cuz you use your PET rats to study!
What is the mechanism of Levodopa action?
goes to the brain and is converted to dopamine
What is the mechanism of MAOb inhibitors?
prevents MAO from working, stops dopamine breakdown
What is the mechanism of COMT inhibitors?
prevents COMT from working, stops dopamine breakdown
What is the mechanism of anti-cholinergic drugs?
restores dopamine:choline balance in the striatum by blocking acetylcholine
when treating PD, are we treating the disease or symptoms?
the symptoms
When is surgical deep brain stimulation an option for pt’s with PD?
Only after “maximal medical treatment”
What is the relation between DBS and dopamine sensitivity?
Pt must be dopamine sensitive for DBS to work
Will DBS work for postural instability?
What basal ganglia do they use in DBS?
subthalamic nucleus or GPi
What symptoms precede PD?
REM sleep behavior disorder
What issues with blood pressure do Pt’s with PD suffer?
orthostatic hypotension
What two psychological symptoms do pts with PD suffer?
depression and dementia
In the Braak Hypothesis, at what Braak stage do PD patients become symptomatic?
Stage 3
What nuclei/centers are involved at stage 3? (3)
Substantia nigra
Locus ceruleus
Dorsal IX / X nucleus and olfactory bulb
What is the most common type of movement disorder?
Essential tremor
Where does an essential tremor usually present?
Neck or arms
how is an essential tremor different than a parkinsonian tremor?
essential is faster, BILATERAL, action tremor, and may respond to alcohol!
Which tremor responds to alcohol?
Essential tremor
Descrebe athetosis?
movements that are slow, sinuous, and writhing in nature
Describe dystonia?
movements are sustained so they appear to be abnormal postures
Botulinum toxin is used for treatment of what movement disorder?
FOCAL dystonia