Parkinsons and Huntingtons - Farbman Flashcards
Will movement disorders of the basal ganglia result in involuntary movements directly caused by losses in strength or cerebellar function?
What is the one class of movement disorders that is bradykinetic?
Dysfunction of the substantia nigra affects production of what neurotransmitter?
Besides Parkinson disease itself, what are three other causes of Parkinsonism?
- antipsychotic drugs–deplete dopamine availability
- Postencephalitis–damage to nigrostriatal system
- toxic agents–manganese, MPTP
Describe the following characteristics of Parkinson’s Disease:
- avg. age of onset
- Male:female ratio
- prevalence
- abnormal labs
- 63
- 3:2 male to female
- 160/100,000
- all labs normal
What are the four cardinal symptoms of PD?
- Resting tremor
- Rigidity
- Bradykinesia
- Postural instability
is the resting tremor in PD symmetric or asymmetric?
What are some of the specific traits of PD bradykinesia?
loss of automatic movements (arm wing with walk), masked facies, festinating gait, freezing
What clinically available imaging exam can diagnose PD? What research exam is available
SPECT, cuz you suSPECT someone as PD
PET for research cuz you use your PET rats to study!
What is the mechanism of Levodopa action?
goes to the brain and is converted to dopamine
What is the mechanism of MAOb inhibitors?
prevents MAO from working, stops dopamine breakdown
What is the mechanism of COMT inhibitors?
prevents COMT from working, stops dopamine breakdown
What is the mechanism of anti-cholinergic drugs?
restores dopamine:choline balance in the striatum by blocking acetylcholine
when treating PD, are we treating the disease or symptoms?
the symptoms
When is surgical deep brain stimulation an option for pt’s with PD?
Only after “maximal medical treatment”
What is the relation between DBS and dopamine sensitivity?
Pt must be dopamine sensitive for DBS to work
Will DBS work for postural instability?
What basal ganglia do they use in DBS?
subthalamic nucleus or GPi
What symptoms precede PD?
REM sleep behavior disorder
What issues with blood pressure do Pt’s with PD suffer?
orthostatic hypotension
What two psychological symptoms do pts with PD suffer?
depression and dementia
In the Braak Hypothesis, at what Braak stage do PD patients become symptomatic?
Stage 3
What nuclei/centers are involved at stage 3? (3)
Substantia nigra
Locus ceruleus
Dorsal IX / X nucleus and olfactory bulb
What is the most common type of movement disorder?
Essential tremor
Where does an essential tremor usually present?
Neck or arms
how is an essential tremor different than a parkinsonian tremor?
essential is faster, BILATERAL, action tremor, and may respond to alcohol!
Which tremor responds to alcohol?
Essential tremor
Descrebe athetosis?
movements that are slow, sinuous, and writhing in nature
Describe dystonia?
movements are sustained so they appear to be abnormal postures
Botulinum toxin is used for treatment of what movement disorder?
FOCAL dystonia
What is used to treat generalized dystonia?
What percent of children have tics?
Is it possible to outgrow tic?
tourrette’s syndrome is the combination of what two things?
motor and vocal tics
Are tics suppressible?
For a short time only
What movement disorder is characterized by violent movements of the proximal muscles and looks like chorea?
(blank) disorder is seen commonly secondary to a stroke in the contralateral subthalamic nucleus
T/F: hemiballismus will resolve spontaneously
T/F: chorea may be drug induced
(blank) happens in children as complication of previous group A hemolytic streptococcal infection and may recur during pregnancy
syndenham’s chorea
Is the progression of chorea proximal to distal?
No, it is random
What is the average age of onset of HD?
(blank) is characterized by chorea, speech disturbances, falls, and cognitive and psychiatric changes
Can HD have an early onset?
Yes, with akinesia
HD causes atrophy of what part of the brain?
T/F: HD is fully penetrant
true :(
What is the genetic mechanism for the HD mutation?
CAG trinucleotide repeat
How many repeats are necessary for full penetrance?
> 40
How many repeats are necessary to be considered normal?
T/F: HD shows anticipation
Tetrabenazine is a drug used for chorea that works primarily by:
depleting dopamine
(blank) percent of patients with HD suffer depression
T/F: 80% of pts with HD meet criteria for major depressive episode
False, only 30%
T/F: Mania presents in 1/10 pts with HD
Apathy, impulsivity, and executive dysfunction are characteristics of PD or HD?
What risk does tetrabenazine carry with it?
While helping chorea, it increases the risk of suicide and depression
Wilson Disease has a triad of (blank x3) findings:
hepatic, neurological, and psychiatric
Is Wilson disease auto. dominant or recessive?
Wilson disease is involved with the abnormal metabolism (build up) of what heavy metal?/
What is the gold standard for diagnosing wilson disease?
24 hour urine copper content >100ug
Is ceruloplasmin low or high in WD? Is this more or less sensitive that urine copper?
LOW, less sensitive
T/F: a liver biopsy without any neurological or psychiatric symptoms would be positive for WD
Kayser-Fleisher rings are a buildup of what element around the iris and are indicative of what disease?
copper, WD
T/F: Of the triad of symptoms in WD, only hepatic findings are always present
What are the three most common hepatic issues in WD
jaundice, varices, and spider angiomas
(Aphasia/Dysarthria) is commonly present in WD
What movement disorder should you consider if you have a child with abnormal movements?
Wilson’s disease
What surgical procedure is curative for wilson’s disease?
liver transplant
does a pedigree for wilson’s disease present in the same way as all other normal autosomal recessive diseases?
In WD, an MRI will show hyperintensities of the bilateral (blank and blank) on (T1/T2) images
thalamus and putamen on T2
The FACE OF THE GIANT PANDA is seen on midbrain images of what disease?
In MRI imaging, seeing high signal in the tegmentum with a normal red nucleus is known as the (blank) and is seen in (HD/PD/WD)
FACE OF THE GIANT PANDA, Wilson’s disease
Treatment of WD is the removal/lowering of (copper/iron)
What element is used to block copper absorption?
Pnicillamine and trientene are chelators used to:
remove copper
T/F: scans or bloodwork are the primary, sufficient, and necssary method of diagnosing a movement disorder
What are the criteria for diagnosing a movement disorder? (3)
- Good history
- Family history
- Good physical exam