Parkinsons and Huntingtons Flashcards
How common is Parkinsons?
Parkinsons is common
Huntington’s Chorea
- How it presents
- WHta it is
- Chorea, Tics, Psychiatric symptoms
- Autosomal dominant disease
- CAG repeat of the hUntingtin Gene (chromsome 4p)
- normal number of repeats is 28, diseease occurs at >/40
- ABnormal Huntingtin protein aggregates in cell and is assoicated with cell death
- The more repeats, the earlier and more severe the disease
- Anticipations
Diagnosis Huntingtins chorea
- Genetic testing - Genetic counselling prior to diagnostic test, issues around confidentiality
- Differential diagnosis - any other cause of chorea/ tics- always think about Wilson’s disease (autosomal recessive)
Treatment Hungtintons
- Maintaining nutrition - associated with improves outcome and need to keep intake as burn lots more with constant movements
- Physiotherapist
- Drug-SYmptomatic treatments: First line VMAT2 inhibitors eg, tetrabenazine (reduce dopamine in presynaptic neuron) or atypical antipsychotic (block dopamine receptors) like lanzopine
- Drugs on horizon - Gene therapy (Deleting excess gene)
Normal basal ganglia function - Substnatia nigra
Parkinsons disease
Must have bradykinesia and 1 of:
- Rigidity
- Rest tremor (4-6hZ)
- Posutral instability
Parkinsons disease pathology - idiopathic
- Misfolding of alpha-synuclein associated with Lewy Bodies and neuronal cell death
- Likely (complex) interplay between genetic and environmental factors
- Neuroinflammation, problems clearing things out of cells (autopahgy), mitochondrial dysfunction etc
PD and genetics
- Parents of children with Gaucher’s disease are mor elikely to get PD (GBA homozygous)
- Genetic PD is exception not the rule:
- Autosomal dominant - PARK8 (AKA LRRK2) and SNCA (Park 1/4), mutation in alpha-synuclein (first described but rate)
- Autosomal recessive - PARK 2 (AKA parkin), problem with clearing toxic proteins.
Clinical Diagnosis Parkinson’s disease
UK Brain bank Criteria
ABout diagnosis it, excluding everything else and supportive criteria
Premotor features of Parkinsons
- (Loose neurones before get Parkinsons)
Subtle symptoms you can get before getting Parkinsons
- Anosmia
- REM sleep behavior disorder- acting out dreams overnight
- Constipation - changes to nerves in the gut
- (Mood changes)- not that helpful as common in population, same with coxnstipation
Non motor symptoms Parkinsons
People really struggle with concentration issues, hallucinations etc
The main differential diagnoses Parkinsons
- Essential tremor - refer back to diagnosis parkinsonism on brain bank criteria
- Vascular parkinsonism - repeated strokes and strictly unilateral features after 3y might suggest (on UK brain bank criteria for exlusion criteria).
- Parkinson’s plus syndromes - PSP, MSA, CBS (In pbl) circled below
- Dementia with lewy bodies- some pathological process as PD but the different course of the disease. The onset of cognitive Sx<1year from Parkinsonism or before.
Refer back to the criteria.
Essential tremor on DAT scan
This shows in brain, beautiful comma shape
Parkinsons disease on DAT scan
Full stops - (comma is Essential trmeor)