PARASITOLOGY - Small Animal Gastrointestinal Parasites Flashcards
What are the three main ascarids seen in small animals?
Toxocara canis
Toxocara cati
Toxocara leonina
What is the host species for toxocara canis?
Describe the lifecycle of toxocara canis
- Eggs containing L3 larvae are ingested
- L3 hatch in the small intestine
- L3 migrate to the tissues and go into arrest
- L3 activate in response to pregnancy (around 3 weeks pre-partum)
- L3 migrate across the placenta and into the foetal lungs
- At birth, L3 migrate to the small intestine of the puppy via the trachea where they are coughed up and ingested
- L3 develop into L4 larvae and then into adults in the small intestine
- Female Toxocara Canis adults produce eggs which are excreted into the environment in the faeces
What are the four routes of transmission for toxocara canis?
Paratenic hosts
Which method of transmission allows for 100% transmission of toxocara canis?
Transplacental transmission
When are puppies reinfected with toxocara canis and why?
Puppies are reinfected with toxocara canis at 5 weeks old due to transmammary transmission
What is the pre-patent period for toxocara canis?
16 days
What are the clinical signs of toxocara canis in puppies?
Pot belly
Failure to thrive
When should you administer anthelmintics to treat toxocara canis in puppies?
You should treat for toxocara canis at 16 days after birth and at 5 weeks after birth
When should anthelmintics be given to pregnant bitches to treat Toxocara Canis?
You should treat pregnant bitches for toxocara canis three weeks pre-partum and two days post partum
Which anthelmintic should be used to treat pregnant bitches for toxocara canis?
High dose fenbendazole
What is the host species for toxocara cati?
What are the three routes of transmission for toxocara cati?
Paratenic host
What is the most important route of transmission for toxocara cati?
Transmammary transmission
What is the pre-patent period for toxocara cati?
8 weeks
Describe the morphological appearance of toxocara cati
Toxocara cati has a ‘arrow head’ like appearance
What are the host species for toxocara leonina?
What are the routes of transmission for toxocara leonina?
Paratenic hosts
What is the pre-patent period for toxocara leonina?
11 weeks
Describe the morphological appearance of toxocara leonina
Toxocara leonina has a ‘pointed head’ appearance