Parasitology Flashcards
Permanent association of 2 organisms that cannot exist independently
Relationship beneficial to both associates
Hosts that transmit parasite to man
Vectors that are essential to life
Biologic vectors
Vectors that are non-essential to life
Phoretic or mechanical vectors
Parasites that infest (live on the outside)
Parasites that infect (live within the body of host)
Parasites that are capable of leading both free and parasitic existence
Facultative or opportunistic
Take up permanent residence and completely upon host cell
Obligate parasite
Establishes itself in a host in which it does not ordinarily live
Incidental parasite
Free-living during part of its existence and seeks host intermittently to obtain nourishment
Temporary parasite
Causes injury to host
Pathogenic parasite
Foreign species passing through alimentary tract without infecting the host
Coprozoic or spurious
Individual harbouring the parasite is reinfected by THE SAME SPECIES
Infected person is his own direct source of reexposure
Harbors adult or sexual stages
Final or definitive host
Harbors asexual or larval stage
Intermediate host
Harbors arrested phase of parasite development
Paratenic host
Host that is not essential to development of parasite
Incidental host
Harbors infection with production of little or no damage and without symptoms
Most dreaded complication of E. histolytica
Amebic pericarditis
E. histolytica most commonly disseminate to
Liver via portal vein
Most common site of E. histolytica in liver
Posteroinferior lobe
Nonpathogenic ameba
Entamoeba coli
Found in pyorrheal pockets between gums and in tonsillar crypts
Entamoeba gingivalis
Lumen dweller in cecum
Endolimax nana
Iodameba butschlii
Ring and dot appearance of nuclei, peripheral chromatin, and central karyosome
E. histolytica
Characeteristic glycogen vacuoles in the cyst stage
Iodamoeba butchlii
Brain-eating amoeba
Naegleria fowleri
Free-living amoeba
Naegleria fowleri
The only ciliate that parasitises man
Balantidium coli
Anchovy paste abscess
E. histolytica (liver)
Flask-like lesion of E. histolytica is due to
Submucosal invasion
DOC for E. histolytica
Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM)
Naegleria fowleri
DOC for Balantidium coli
Lemon- or pear-shaped parasite with a nipple-like protruberance
Chilomastix mesnili
Falling leaf motility
Giardia lamblia
Amoeba, neurologic symptoms seen with a rapid course, death occurring 4-5 days after onset of symptoms
Naegleria fowleri
DOC of Naegleria fowleri
Amphotericin B
Largest protozoan ciliophora
Balantidium coli
Shepherdβs crook appearance
Chilomastix mesnili
Villous atrophy»_space; malabsorption, steatorrhea, lactose intolerance, flatulence
G. lamblia
DOC for G. lamblia
Quinacrine HCl
Acute vaginitis with yellow-green discharge
T. vaginalis
DOC for T. vaginalis
Longest tapeworm
D. latum
Enterotest capsule
G. lamblia
Strawberry cervix
T. vaginalis
Type of anemia in D. latum infection
Megaloblastic anemia (Vitamin B12 deficiency)
Waterlily sign
Hydatid cyst of E. granulosus
Definitive host of E. granulosus
Rosette appearance of gravid uterus
D. latum
Raw or undercooked beef may harbour what stage of T. saginata
Larvae (cysticercus)
MCC of splenic cyst
Hydatid cyst of E. granulosus
Definitive host of T. saginata
Oval eggs with lid-like operculum
D. latum
Dog tapeworm
E. granulosus
Fish tapeworm
D. latum
MC site of hydatid cyst
Copepods are first intermediate host
D. latum
Definitive host of T. solium
Intermediate host of T. saginata
Intermediate host of T. solium
T/F Encysted larva of taenia migrate to encyst in muscles/brain of humans
F, cattle and pigs and then ingested by humans from undercooked meat of these animals
Stage in life cycle of Taenia that is ingested causing neurocysticercosis
Dwarf tapeworm
Hymenolepis nana
Giant intestinal fluke
Fasciolopsis buski
Rostellar hooklets
T. solium
MC parasitic brain infection in the world
DOC for Taenia infection
MC tapeworm infection
H. nana
Henβs egg-shaped ova
F. buski
Oral sucker surrounded by colarette of spines
E. ilocanum
Intermediate host of E. ilocanum
Pila luzonica
Smallest but deadliest trematode
H. heterophyes (cardiac failure)
Ingestion of metacercaria encysted on fresh water vegetation
F. buski
F. hepatica
Fatal complication of H. heterophyes
Cardiac failure/cardiac beriberi
Sheep liver fluke
Fasciola hepatica
Intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica
Intermediate host of F. buski
Where F. hepatica resides in definitive hosts
Biliary tract
Where F. buski resides in definitive hosts
DOC for F. hepatica
Freshwater fish
C. sinensis
Predator fish
D. latum
DOC for C. sinensis
Lung fluke
P. westermani
Usual mode of diagnosis of P. westermani
Eggs in sputum
Ova looks like old-fashioned light bulb
C. sinensis
DOC for P. westermani
Parasite that mimics PTb
P. westermani
Oriental liver fluke
C. sinensis
Large lateral spine
S. mansoni
Very small lateral spine
S. japonicum
Oriental lung fluke
P. westermani
Katayama reaction
Schistosomes; first seen in S. japonicum; Similar to serum sickness; Ag-Ab reaction with increased IgE and IgG against eggs of parasite (1500-3500 eggs per day!)
Intermediate host of S. japonicum
Oncomelania quadrasi snail (oncomelania hupensis quadrasi) !!! Important !!! Philippines
Adult habitat of S. japonicum
Superior mesenteric veins
Ingestion of inadequately cooked or pickled crustaceans (crabs and crayfish)
P. westermani
Circum Oval Precipitin Test (COPT)
S. japonicum
DOC for all species of schistosoma
Swimmerβs itch
S. mekongi
Endemic in Leyte
S. japonicum
Adult habitat of S. mansoni
Inferior mesenteric vein
Old world hookworm
Ancylostoma duodenale
New world hookworm
Necator americanus
Hookworm with prominent teeth
A. duodenale
Hookworm with cutting plates
N. americanus
Type of anemia caused by hookworms
MC parasitic infection in the Phils
A. lumbricoides
Major damage caused by A. lumbricoides is due to
Migration (rather than presence in the intestine)
T/F Most ascaris infections are asymptomatic
Ground itch
Giant worm
A. lumbricoides
Roundworm known to cause autoinfection
E. vermicularis
Roundworm known to cause internal autoinfection
S. stercoralis
Most common helminth in the US
E. vermicularis
Largest intestinal roundworm
A. lumbricoides
E. vermicularis
Dwarf threadworm
S. stercoralis
S. stercoralis infective stage
Filariform larva
S. stercoralis diagnostic stage
Rhabditiform larva
Wandering behavior
A. lumbricoides
Larva currens
S. stercoralis
Gold standard for diagnosis of trichinosis
Muscle biopsy
Trichuris trichiura
MCC of Loeffler syndrome
A. lumbricoides
Bentonite flocculation test
T. spiralis
Harada mori culture technique
S. stercoralis
Habitat of T. trichiura in humans
Cecum and ascending colon
Transient respiratory illness associated with blood eosinophilia and radiographic shadowing
Loeffler syndrome
Bachman intradermal test
T. spiralis
Rectal prolapse
T. trichiura
River blindness
O. volvulus
Calabar swelling
Loaloa (swelling and edema in subcutaneous tissue)
Ova with bipolar plugs
1) T. trichiura: Japanese lantern, football-shaped, barrel-shaped, lemon-shaped
2) C. philippinensis
Worm crawling on conjunctiva
DOC for loaloa
Mazzotti reaction
O. volvulus (local/systemic reactions upon treatment with DEC)
Treatment for loaloa in the eye
Surgical excision
Treatment for microfilaria of O. volvulus
Treatment for adult worms of O. volvulus
W. bancrofti
Pointed tail contains nuclei
Blackflies of the genus Simulium
O. volvulus
Pointed tail free of nuclei
W. bancrofti
Vectors of W. bancrofti
Vector that transmits the infection lives and breeds near fast-flowing streams and rivers and the infection can result in blindness
O. volvulus
Treatment for O. volvulus microfilaria
Malayan lymphatic filariasis
B. malayi
Vectors of B. malayi
B. malayi vs onchocerca: More in children
B. malayi
B. malayi vs onchocerca: More rapid course
B. malayi
Nocturnal periodicity
B. malayi and W. bancrofti (blood smears should be taken at night
DOC for B. malayi
Guinea worm
D. medinensis
Treatment of D. medinensis
Manual extraction of worm
Dog hookworm
Ancylostoma caninum
Cat hookworm
Ancylostoma braziliense
T/F Ancylostoma caninum and braziliense can complete their lifecycle in humans
Most serious finding in toxocara infection
Blindness (retinal involvement)
Prevention of toxocara infection
Deworming of dogs (Toxocara canis: Visceral larva migrans)
Pudoc worm
Capillaria philippinensis
Creeping reaction
Cutaneous larva migrans (ancylostoma caninum/braziliense)
DOC for C. philippinensis
Diagnostic stage of T. cruzi
C-shaped trypomastigote
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
Leishmania tropica
Small whipworm
Capillaria philippinensis
Dumdum fever
Kala azar (visceral leishmaniasis; lesihmania donovani)
Romana sign
Chagoma of T. cruzi
American leishmaniasis
Leishmania braziliensis
Fish-eating birds are natural hosts
Capillaria philippinensis
DOC for Leishamnia
Na Stibogluconate
Unilateral painless periorbital swelling
Romana sign/Chagoma; T. cruzi
Leishmania braziliensis
Intestinal gurgling (borborygmi)
C. philippinensis
MOA of Na Stibogluconate in treatment of leishmania
Inhibits PFK in the worm
Montenegro test
Peanut shell ova
C. philippinensis
African sleeping sickness (tsetse fly)
Vector of malaria in the Philippines
Anopheles flavirostris
Stages of malaria
Cold stage (20 mins-1 hour) Hot stage (1-4 hours) Sweating stage(2-3 hours)
Total duration of febrile cycle of malaria
6-10 hours
Fever synchronises with that parasitic activity
Erythrocytic schizogony
Factors that provide resistance to malaria
G6PD deficiency Hgb S (sickle cell anemia), C, or E Thalassemia Southeast asian ovalocytosis Duffy blood group negative
Blackwater fever
P. falciparum, due to DIC and intravascular hemolysis
Plasmodium that naturally infects macaques and causes zoonotic malaria in humans
P. knowlesi
MC causative agent of malaria in the Phils
P. falciparum
MC causative agent of malaria in Africa
P. falciparum
Most prevalent human malaria parasite
P. vivax
Plasmodium that causes pernicious anemia
P. falciparum
Plasmodium that can infect individuals who are negative for the Duffy blood group
P. ovale
3-day cycle
Quartan (paroxysm every 4 days)
2-day cycle
Tertian (paroxysm every 3 days)
Significant plasmodium in Malaysia
P. knowlesi
Parasitizes red cells of all ages
P. falciparum
Parasitizes young red cells (reticulocytes)
P. vivax
P. ovale
Transfusion malaria
P. vivax
Plasmodium, nephrotic syndrome
P. malariae
Parasitizes older red cells
P. malariae
Enlarged infected red cells
P. vivax
Daisy schizont
P. malariae
Plasmodium with lowest parasitemia
P. malariae
Plasmodium with highest parasitemia
P. falciparum
P. malariae
Gametocyte, compact
P. malariae
Gametocyte, large round
P. vivax
Phenomenon in malarial infection wherein there is recurrence of a disease after it is thought to be resolved; in which the parasite responsible for the disease can remain present in the blood in low numbers, flaring up again in days, weeks, and sometimes months
Occurs earlier, recrudescence vs relapse
Sometimes confused as a reinfection, recrudescence vs relapse
T/F When a recrudescence appears, it is treated like the primary infection
Gametocyte, small round
P. ovale
Plasmodium, asexual phase
Plasmodium, sexual phase
T/F Human is definitive host of Plasmodium spp
F, intermediate host
Plasmodium, infective stage to human
Plasmodium, infective stage to mosquito
Malaria, rupture of liver cells release
Plasmodium, infective stage to RBCs
Preferred staining method for Cryptosporidium
Kinyoun stain
DOC for Cryptosporidium
Cat feces
T. gondii
Ig increased in congenital toxoplasmosis
Characteristics of Saboraud agar
Low pH (Acidic)
Cutaneous mycoses
Dermatophytes (MET)
M. furfur
C. werneckii
Subcutaneous mycoses
S. schenckii Chromomycosis-causing fungi Mycetoma Fonsecaea Phialophora Cladosporium
Sabin Feldman dye test
T. gondii
DOC for T. gondii
Systemic mycoses
Opportunistic mycoses
Ringworm of glabrous skin
T. corporis
DOC of M. furfur
Topical miconazole
MCC of outbreaks of tinea capitis
T. tonsurans
Cause of favus
T. schoenlenii
> 90 degree branching
Main cause of endothrix
T. tonsurans
Flowerette arrangement of conidia
S. schenckii
Packets of cigar
M. leprae
Opportunistic fungus assoc with ketoacidosis
Cryptococcus (cryptococcus antigen latex agglutination)
Mold in soil, spherule in tissue
C. immitis
DOC of C. immitis
Opportunistic fungus assoc with leukemia
MCC of fungal meningitis
C. neoformas
Highest endemism in semiarid areas (dessert sand)
C. immitis
Black nasal discharge
Spelunkerβs disease (caving)
H. capsulatum, from guano
Dichotomously-branching hyphae
Aspergillus fumigatus
Barrel-shaped arthroconidia
C. immitis
Fungus that resembles Ptb in xray
H. capsulatum
MC opportunistic fungi
Candida albicans