Motile, reproducing stage, feeding stage of Protozoa
Amebae has chromatoid bodies in the cyst stage
Amebiasis is cause by
E. histolytica
Organs of the body that is most often involved in extraintestinal amebiasis
Characteristic of true amebae
Peripheral chromatin on the nuclear body
Chromatin bodies in the cyst
Include pathogens and non pathogens
True ameba
E. hartmanni
Ameba that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract of man are non motile, nonfeeding and infective during what stage ?
Mature cyst of E. polecki have how many nuclei
Cyst with chromatoid bodies that have two pointed ends or that can be round triangular or oval
E. coli
Small delicate nuclear chromatin
FIne, even, peripheral chromatin
Progressive motility with hyaline, finger like pseudopods
Trophozoites of E. histolytica
Trophozoite when acting as a pathogen is likely to ingest RBC of the host
E. histolytica
Point of differentiation between E. histolytica and E. hartmanni
The mature cyst of E. histolytica has how many nuclei
Failure to find bacteria in purulent spinal fluid should alert one to find the possibility of an infection with
Trophozoite is distinguished by the possession of achromatic granules surrounding its karyosomal chromatin
I. butschlii
Double walled, wrinkled cyst form
A. castellani
A cyst that possesses a single nucleus and a large glycogen vacuole that stains deeply with iodine belong to
I. butschlii
Some ameba have spiny, hyaline extensions called
Best staining procedures for species of Naegleria and Acanthamoeba
Hematoxylin and eosin
Wright stain
Ameba inhabiting the CNS enter the body through
Nasal mucosa
Specimen are Acanthamoeba and Naegleria usually found
Cerebrospinal fluid
Found in the brain
Trophozoite can assume a limax form
Trophozoite can become an ameba flagellate
Trophozoite whose karyosomal chromatin appears as a rosette of 4-6 granules
N. fowleri
Often mistaken for cyst of amebae
Blastocystis hominis
Intestinal flagellates are usuallly which shape in the trophozoite stage
Pear shaped
Pathognomonic for G. lamblia and the stage it is found in
Ventral sucking disk- trophozoite
Protozoa that has an undulating membrane
Symptoms in Infection with D. fragilis
Abdominal discomfort without diarrhea
Common in D. fragilis and T. vaginalis
Neither has a cyst form
Flagellate that can be pathogen of small intestine
Intestinal flagellate troph has a sucking disk, 2 nuclei, 8 flagella and a axostyle
G. lamblia
Red and white blood cells in stool specimens are characteristics of
Bacillary dysentery
A pear shaped flagellate with jerky motility that is found in a urine specimen
T. vaginalis
Eighty percent of the trophozoites of D. fragilis have
2 nuclei
Only bilaterally symmetrical protozoan
Intracellular form of blood and tissue flagellates
Cause of African sleeping sickness
Vector of African sleeping sickness
Tse tse fly (Glossina)
Species of Trypanosoma that cause Chaga’s disease
Characteristics of trypanosome form of T. cruzi
Prominent kinetoplast
Thick organism
Specimen would be suitable for a demonstration of the trypanosomes of sleeping sickness
Fluid from lymph node
The extracellular form of Trypanosoma is a slender organism characterized by an undulaitng membrane and a free flagellum that arises
Posteriorly from the kinetoplast
Found within the reticuloendothelial cells
L. donovani
H. capsulatum
T. gondii
Trypanosoma cruzi transmitted?
Bite of reduviid bug
A chagoma is a lesion seen in infections with
T. cruzi
Organism cause of Kala-azar
L. donovani
In the lab diagnosis of L. donovani, which is the preferred specimen in which to fluid Leihman-Donovan bodies
Bone marrow
Only ciliate that is pathogenic in humans
B. coli
A very large cyst whose double wall encloses a ciliated organism with one visible nuclei would be
Acquired by accident by man, since it customarily infects swine
structures are used for motiliy of Balantidium coli
Nucleus in the trophozoite of B. coli is the reproductive one
Conjugation of trophozoites of B. coli never occurs between
Same size organisms
Definitive host (vector) to Plasmodium
Female Anopheles mosquito
Malarial organism presents as pale, very amoeboid ring trophozoites, infecting a large pale RBC with dots of hemoglobin
P. vivax
Malarial organisms preferentially invades retics
P. vivax
Malarial organism whose schizont resembles a “fruit pie” in which the merozoite form a rosette around the malarial pigment
P. malariae
Malarial organism characteristically has a band form trophozoite stretching across the RBC
P. malariae
Gametocyte of Plasmodium falciparum can be differentiated from the other malarial species by
Type of Malaria can Ziemann’s stippling can be found
Type of Malaria can Maurer’s dot can be found
Malarial organism feaatures ring trophozoites that have double chromatin dots, applique forms and often have multiple parasites in the infected RBCs
P. falciparum
Malarial organism has large, coarse, red dots within a large, pale RBC with fimbriated edges
P. ovale