Paraphilias-Kohlenberg Flashcards
What is a paraphilia?
Any intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or fondling with phenotypically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners.
What is a paraphilic disorder?
A paraphilia that is currently causing distress or impairment to the individual or a paraphilia whose satisfaction has entailed personal harm, or risk or harm, to others.
**just having a paraphilia doesn’t mean you have a disorder
What are the 2 DSMV categories for paraphilias?
Anomalous Activity Preferences
Anomalous Target Preferences
Anomalous activity preferences includes what?
courtship disorders (voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotteurism) algolagnic disorders (involving pain & suffering)
Anomalous target preferences includes what?
other humans (pedophilia) directed elsewhere (fetishes, transvestic disorder)
You need both Criterion A & B to have a paraphilic disorder. What does this mean?
A: specifies the qualitative nature of the paraphilia (erotic focus on children or exposing genitals to others)
B: specifies negative consequences of the paraphilia (distress, impairment)
What is voyeuristic disorder?
A: at least 6 mo sexual arousal unsuspecting person who is naked B: acted on this--distress & impairment in social occupational, or other important areas of functioning 18 or over more common in men
When may voyeurism be considered normal? Is sexual contact usu sought? When is the usual onset?
May be considered normal in adolescent males.
Generally, no sexual contact is sought.
Onset tends to be before age 15 years.
The course tends to be chronic.
What is exhibitionistic disorder?
A: Over at least 6 months, recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the exposure of one’s genitals to an unsuspecting person, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors.
B: Acted on them with a non-consenting person, or these feelings cause significant distress or impairment.
(specify…to kids, adults, both)
Prevalence: Unknown (2-4%?) M
T/F Exhibitionists make up 1/3 of sex offenders referred for treatment.
what are the 2 categories of exhibitionists?
Two categories:
Inhibited temperament – tend to struggle with their urges and expose a flaccid penis
Aggressive temperament – expose an erect penis and masturbate
What are the reconviction rates like for exhibitionists?
low after 1st reconviction rate
high after 2nd reconviction rate
What is frotteuristic disorder?
A. 6 months…touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person…
B. Acted upon these urges with a nonconsenting person….distress or impairment…
Prevalence: 30% of adult males.
What is sexual masochism disorder?
A…6 months…arousal from the act of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer, as manifested by fantasies, urges, behaviors.
B. Clinically significant distress…
Specify: With asphyxiophilia
Prevalence: 2.2% males, 1.3% of females
What is sexual sadism disorder?
A: 6 months…pleasure from physical or psychological suffering of another person, as manifested by fantasies, urges…
B: Nonconsenting person, distress.
Prevalence: 2-30%
Among people who have committed sexually motivated homicides, this disorder ranges from 37-75%.