Parakande Flashcards
Get to me
The phrase “get to me” is an informal expression used when something affects or bothers someone emotionally or mentally. It implies that a situation, behavior, or remark has an impact strong enough to make someone feel upset, frustrated, or uncomfortable.
“Get to me” can be used in both positive and negative contexts, though it’s often associated with negative or challenging emotions. For instance:
• When someone says, “The criticism got to me,” it means the criticism made them feel bad or affected their mood. • If someone says, “His kindness really got to me,” it can mean that the kindness deeply touched them emotionally.
In general, “get to me” suggests that something has “reached” someone’s inner feelings in a way that can’t be easily ignored.
“I usually don’t mind criticism, but this time it really got to me.”
• معمولاً از انتقاد ناراحت نمیشوم، ولی این بار واقعاً من را تحت تأثیر قرار داد.
“Seeing so much injustice in the world gets to me sometimes.”
• دیدن اینهمه بیعدالتی در جهان گاهی اوقات واقعاً من را ناراحت میکند.
A recession is a period of economic decline where trade and industrial activities slow down, usually measured by a fall in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two consecutive quarters. During a recession, businesses may see lower profits, unemployment tends to rise, and consumers often reduce their spending due to economic uncertainty.
Example: “The company laid off workers due to the ongoing recession.”
Meaning in Persian:
رکود اقتصادی
Empathy vs sympathy
• Empathy involves deeper emotional connection and understanding. You feel what the other person is feeling.
• Sympathy involves feelings of pity or concern, but without necessarily feeling the emotions of the other person.
In Persian:
• Empathy: همدلی - درک و اشتراک احساسات دیگران
• Sympathy: دلسوزی - احساس تأسف برای دیگران
Example: “She showed great empathy by comforting her friend who lost her pet.”
Example: “He expressed his sympathy to the family after their loss.”
When her husband died, she received many letters of sympathy.
مداخله کردن
سیک سنگین کردن
to consider carefully: He pondered (on) the suggestion.
I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle.
Grown ups
- English:
• Noun: Adults; people who are no longer children.
Example: The grown-ups are talking, so please wait your turn.- Persian:
• اسم: بزرگترها، بزرگسالان
مثال: بزرگترها در حال صحبت هستند، لطفاً صبر کن.
- Persian:
اثر هنری
Lay aside
• To put something to the side temporarily or permanently.
• Literal: To set something down or store it.
Example: She laid aside the book to answer the phone.
• Figurative: To stop thinking about or give up something.
Example: Let’s lay aside our differences and work together.
Lay aside vs put aside
Lay aside” often has a stronger sense of abandonment or figurative meaning.
• “Put aside” is more versatile and frequently used in everyday contexts.
Meaning of “Devote”
1. English: • Verb: To dedicate time, effort, or resources to something or someone. • Example: She devoted her life to helping the poor. 2. Persian: • اختصاص دادن، وقف کردن • مثال: او زندگیاش را وقف کمک به فقرا کرد.
Disheartened vs disappointed
- Discouraged
- Dejected
- Demoralized
- Despondent
- Dispirited
- Downcast
- Hopeless
- Blue
• Often implies a gradual process.
• Example: She was disheartened after trying so hard and seeing no results.
• Persian: دلسرد، ناامید
بیشتر حالت دل سرد
• Feeling sad or let down because expectations weren’t met. • Often refers to a specific event or unmet hope. • Example: I was disappointed that he forgot my birthday. • Persian: ناامید، مأیوس بیشتر حالت ناراحت و نا امید
• Adjective: Causing fatigue, boredom, or annoyance; something that feels tedious or exhausting.
• Example: The long meeting was tiresome and unproductive.
2. Persian:
• خستهکننده، ملالآور، آزاردهنده
• مثال: جلسه طولانی خستهکننده و بینتیجه بود.
Synonyms for “Tiresome”:
1. Boring 2. Tedious 3. Dull 4. Monotonous 5. Annoying 6. Irritating 7. Exhausting
• Noun: Unexpected or casual meetings or experiences.
• Example: She had several encounters with wild animals during her trip.
• Verb: To meet someone or experience something unexpectedly.
• Example: They encountered many difficulties along the way.
2. Persian:
• اسم: ملاقاتها یا مواجهههای ناگهانی
• مثال: او در سفرش چندین مواجهه با حیوانات وحشی داشت.
• فعل: مواجه شدن با کسی یا چیزی بهطور غیرمنتظره
• مثال: آنها با مشکلات زیادی روبهرو شدند.
Matters of Consequence vs trivial things
- English:
• Important or significant issues; things that have serious or notable importance.
• Example: He prefers to focus on matters of consequence rather than trivial things.- Persian:
• مسائل مهم و اساسی، موضوعات بااهمیت
• مثال: او ترجیح میدهد بر مسائل مهم تمرکز کند تا چیزهای پیشپاافتاده.
- Persian:
• In a very personal or private manner; deeply, closely involved or familiar.
• Example: She knows the town intimately, having lived there for years.
• Persian:
• به صورت نزدیک و خصوصی، عمیقاً
• مثال: او شهر را به خوبی میشناسد، چون
سالها در آن زندگی کرده است
Example: She knew him intimately, understanding his thoughts and feelings without him saying a word.
Translation in Persian: او او را بهطور صمیمانه و عمیق میشناخت و بدون اینکه چیزی بگوید، افکار و احساساتش را درک میکرد.
Definition: In a humble, moderate, or reserved manner.
Persian: با فروتنی، بهطور ساده
Synonyms: humbly, simply
Example: She dressed modestly for the meeting, wearing simple and professional attire.
Peal of laughter
Peal of laughter
Definition: A loud, clear burst of laughter.
Persian: قهقهه بلند
Synonyms: burst of laughter, roar of laughter
Example: The children’s peal of laughter echoed through the playground.
He gave a peal of laughter.
Persian: او قهقهه زد.
Definition: To throw something lightly or carelessly; to move something up or back quickly.
Persian: پرت کردن، تکان دادن
Synonyms: throw, flip
Example: She tossed the ball to her friend.
Definition: A state of being lost in one’s thoughts, daydreaming.
Persian: خیالپردازی، رویا
Synonyms: daydream, contemplation
Example: She was in a reverie, imagining her future travels around the world.
Definition: To move downward, typically into a lower position, or to become immersed.
Persian: غرق شدن، فرو رفتن
Synonyms: descended, dropped
Example: He sank into the chair, exhausted from the long day.
Definition: The state of being similar or alike in appearance or character.
Persian: شباهت
Synonyms: similarity, likeness
Example: There is a strong resemblance between the two paintings, both using the same color palette.
Overcome rumination
غلبه بر نشخوار ذهنی
successfully stop or manage the habit of overthinking or repeatedly dwelling on negative thoughts or problems.
Overcome intrusive thoughts
Overcome intrusive (likely referring to intrusive thoughts) means to successfully manage or reduce the impact of unwanted, distressing thoughts that disrupt your mental peace.
to give expression or an outlet to (an emotion etc ): He was angry with himself and vented his rage on his son by beating him violently.
خالی کردن
Meaning: To begin a journey or an important activity (شروع کردن یک سفر یا فعالیت مهم)
• Example: They embarked on a mission to explore the Arctic.
(آنها مأموریت خود برای کاوش در قطب شمال را آغاز کردند.)
• Synonyms: begin, commence, start
to go, or put, on board ship: Passengers should embark early.
سوار شدن؛ بارگیری کردن
Meaning: To stop doing something or come to an end (متوقف کردن، پایان یافتن)
• Example: The company decided to cease operations due to financial difficulties.
(شرکت تصمیم گرفت به دلیل مشکلات مالی عملیات خود را متوقف کند.)
• Synonyms: stop, halt, discontinue
clothing: in formal attire.
♦ verb
to dress: attired in silk.
Drive up
Meaning: To cause something to increase or rise, especially prices or costs (بالا بردن، افزایش دادن)
1. The high demand for housing has driven up prices in the city.
(تقاضای زیاد برای مسکن باعث افزایش قیمتها در شهر شده است.)
2. Rising fuel costs have driven up transportation expenses.
(افزایش هزینه سوخت، هزینههای حملونقل را بالا برده است.)
Synonyms: raise, increase, push up
Meaning: A general increase in prices over time, which reduces the purchasing power of money (تورم)
1. Inflation has driven up the cost of living significantly.
(تورم هزینه زندگی را به طور قابل توجهی افزایش داده است.)
2. The government is taking measures to control inflation.
(دولت در حال اتخاذ تدابیری برای کنترل تورم است.)
Synonyms: price rise, cost increase
She was accused of having prejudice against people from different backgrounds.
(او به داشتن تعصب علیه افراد با پیشینههای مختلف متهم شد.)
2. The judge’s decision was influenced by prejudice, rather than the facts.
(تصمیم قاضی تحت تأثیر پیشداوری بود، نه حقایق.)
Cerebral (adjective)
Persian: فکری، مغزی
1. Related to the brain.
2. Intellectual rather than emotional or physical; involving deep thought.
Her writing is very cerebral, appealing to readers who enjoy complex ideas.
• Intellectual
• Thoughtful
Adhere (verb)
Persian: پایبند بودن، چسبیدن
1. To stick firmly to something.
2. To follow a rule, law, or commitment faithfully.
You must adhere to the company’s guidelines to maintain your position.
• Stick
• Comply
Intermittent (adjective)
Persian: متناوب، گهگاهی
Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
The rain was intermittent, with short bursts followed by sunshine.
• Sporadic
• Occasional
Dwell on
Dwell on (phrasal verb)
Persian: تأکید کردن روی، زیاد فکر کردن به
To think, talk, or write about something for too long, especially something unpleasant or troubling.
Try not to dwell on your past mistakes; focus on the future instead.
• Overthink
• Brood over
Dwell on
Dwell on (phrasal verb)
Persian: تأکید کردن روی، زیاد فکر کردن به
To think, talk, or write about something for too long, especially something unpleasant or troubling.
Try not to dwell on your past mistakes; focus on the future instead.
• Overthink
• Brood over
Meaning: Features or services that make a place more comfortable or enjoyable.
Persian: امکانات، تسهیلات
Example: The hotel offers many amenities, including a swimming pool, free Wi-Fi, and a gym.
Example in Persian: این هتل امکانات زیادی دارد، از جمله استخر، وایفای رایگان و سالن ورزشی.
Synonyms: facilities, conveniences, services
Meaning 1 (Explosion): A sudden and violent explosion.
Persian: انفجار
Example: The blast from the bomb shattered all the windows in the building.
Example in Persian: انفجار بمب تمام شیشههای ساختمان را شکست.
Synonyms: explosion, detonation
Meaning 2 (A great time): A very enjoyable or exciting experience.
Persian: لحظات خیلی خوب، خوشگذرانی
Example: We had a blast at the party last night!
Example in Persian: دیشب در مهمانی خیلی خوش گذشت!
Synonyms: fun, great time, enjoyment
Reap (verb) – درو کردن، برداشت کردن
1. To harvest or gather a crop
• Farmers reap wheat in the summer.
2. To receive or get something as a result of actions or efforts
• She worked hard and reaped the rewards of her success.
• Harvest (for crops)
• Gain (for benefits)
• Earn
• Obtain
- A short trip or excursion for enjoyment
• We went on a family outing to the beach.
• (ما برای یک گردش خانوادگی به ساحل رفتیم.)- The act of exposing someone’s private information (especially about sexuality) without their consent
• The journalist was criticized for the outing of a celebrity’s personal life.
- The act of exposing someone’s private information (especially about sexuality) without their consent
• Excursion
• Trip
• Day out