Paper 6/17 Flashcards
Production of a long main season crop of tomatoes.
Production of a cut flower crop.
Cold Frame
Production of young vegetable crops e.g. Cabbage
Hardening off of bedding plants
Polythene Tunnel
Growing self blanching celery crop.
Production of a crop of lettuce.
Advance ripening of crop e.g. Strawberries.
Covering taller crops to get them established.
Display flowering or foliage pot plants for the home.
Bedding Plants
Seed Sowing
Small seed can be broadcast in a seed tray.
Large seed can space sown in a seed tray or sown in modules.
Seed tray should be overfilled with seed growing media, struck off and then firmed with pressing board to create a firm, level seed bed.
Seed is broadcast evenly at a suitable density and lightly covered with growing media as appropriate.
Bedding Plants.
Germination environment.
Seeds need moisture, oxygen and warmth to germinate.
Sow in well aerated, moisture retentive seed sowing growing media.
Temp 18 degrees C in greenhouse or growing room.
Bedding plants.
Pricking out
Carried out when cotyledon leaves have expanded and can be handled without damage.
The seedlings are teased apart with a dibber and pricked out into seed trays, modules or small pots containing suitable growing medi eg. John Innes No 1.
Make a hole with a dibber, it should be large enough to accommodate the seedlings root system
Plant at a depth so that the cotyledons are just above ground level.
Effect on plant growth of good air movement.
Sturdier growth.
Less prevalence of disease.
Effect on plant growth of high natural light.
Compact healthy growth with short internodes.
Good bud initiation and flower development.
Effects on plant growth of high relative humidity.
Higher incidence of disease.
Less water loss, reduced irrigation required.
Erratic irrigation
Effect on plant growth.
Possible splitting or damage to fruit production.
Possible leaf damage caused by leaf scorch or root loss.
Effect on plant growth of Carbon Dioxide concentration.
If concentration of carbon dioxide is good rate of photosynthesis will increase. There will be a higher level of crop productivity.
Protected environment.
Importance of framework material.
Needs to be strong - skeleton of structure.
Timber eg. Teak or red cedar.
Metal eg. Galvanised steel.
Protected environment.
The way in which a structure is aligned in relation to the points of the compass.
East/west orientation is best - presents the maximum amount of glass to the sun, maximises amount of natural light entry.