Paper 2 Sexual realtions quotes Flashcards
Christian, against adultery and sex within marriage
-“You shall not commit adultery” 10 commandments, Bible
-“Every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage” catholic teaching
contraception, Islam
“do not kill your children fo fear of povery, killing them is a great sin”
marriage beliefs christianity
“be fruitful and increase the number, fill the earth” Genesis Jesus
-“in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do apart, in presnece of God i mke this vow” anglican wedding
“marriage between man and a women central stability and health for human society” church of england
“there is no institution in Islam more beloved and dearer than marrige” Hadith
“such marriage is invalid” arrenged and against will, hadith
cohabition+ sex outside marriage
“sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage, otisude it always constitutes a grave sin” Xian, catholic church
“and do not go anywhere near adultery, it is an ourage, and an evil path” Qur’an
“a man shouldn’t stat with a woman in seclusion”
divorce and remarriage
“if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery” Jesus in Bible
“if you are in doubt, period of witing shall be three months” divorce Qur’an
what do children and parent have to do in families
“children obey your parents in eveything”
“children are a heritage from the LORD”
“family remains the most importat grouping human beings have ever developed” Church of englanf
“Honor your father and your mother”.
“be kind to your parents, speak to them respectfully” Qur’an
“honour your children and oerfect their manners” hadith
“greates sin to curse your parents” hadith
gender equality
“nor is there male and female, for you are all one In Christ Jesus”
“your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you”
“We created you all from a single man and a single woman” Qur’an