paper 2 : section C : the challenge of resource management Flashcards
what are the 3 main resources
the 3 main resources are :
- food
- water
- energy
why is equal water distribution water important
water is important as you need it in order to have a good quality of life as without water you will be dehydrated and weak
also water is needed to grow foof
why is equal energy distribution important
energy is important, especially to developing countries as you energy to develop and become a NEE or a HIC
why is equal food distribution important
food is important as without food,people become malnourished which increases the likelihood of illnesses and reduced energy
if people are sick or have no energy they wont be able to work, which could hinder a countries development
what causes water scarcity
water scarcity is caused by :
- variations in climate and rainfall
- poverty
- great areas of desert
why does the UK import so much food
the UK imports so much food because :
- there is a constant demand for seasonal produce eg strawberries + pears
- the UK’s climate is unsuitable for production of some foods eg bananas and tea
- food produced in the UK can be expensive because of poor harvests
- supermarkets that compete for low prices, import cheap foods
how is the rate of UK food imports affecting the UK’s carbon footprint
the rate of UK food imports is affecting the UK’s carbon footprint and making it increase as :
-the imported food have high food miles and therefore have had a greater amount of CO2 emitted during transportation
what are the advantages of organic farming
the advantages of organic farming are :
- reduced food miles
- local farmers are supported
- local employment is provided
- beneficial for the environement
what are the disadvantages of organic farming
the disadvantages of organic farming are :
-too small scale to keep up with the increasing food supply demand
what are the disadvantages of agribusiness
the disadvantages of agribusiness are :
- chemicals are used so the produce isn’t organic
- bad for the environment(loss of biodiversity or soil erosion)
what is agribusiness
agribusiness is intensive farming that maximises crop yields
where in the UK may there be high water stress
in the UK, areas in the south east, like London may suffer from high water stress as there is a large population and low rainfall in these areas
where in the UK is there low water stress
in the UK there is low water stress in areas like Scotland and the lake district
what is water stress like in the north
in the north there is low water stress
how could water transfer reduce water stress and deficit in the south
water transfer could reduce water stress and deficit in the south as water will be taken from areas of surplus to areas of deficit