Paper 2 Gender Flashcards
GCSE results between boys and girls
Girls consistently out perform boys
2014 A star to C for girls was 73.1% and boys boys it was 64.3%
How does cutting the state benefits affect women
They make up a fifth of women’s incomes compared to a tenth of males
What percentage of women have a persistent low wage compared to men’s percentage
22% compared to 14% for men
What percentage of people in national minimum wage jobs are women (low pay commission 2007)
How much will women’s wage reduce by each year if they are absent from work for a year
How much wealth do all women own between them
1% even though they are 50% of population
Are women more likely to be in poverty than men
What percentage of women make up the worlds poor
Chant argues time poverty
What is time poverty
Women have multiple jobs are are being underpaid or unpaid
What percentage of lone parent families are headed by women
90% and majority are poor
What did the women’s budget group 2005 find
Women often go without food,clothing and warmth to protect children
In regards to work and employment what did the ONS find:
Women with children are less likely to work
Women dominate employment within the caring and leisure occupations
Men make up majority of top 10% of earners
What percentage of uk bank CEOs are women
How many women are sacked every year for being pregnant
How many women lose out on pay or promotions as a result of pregnancy
How many hours a week do women spend doing chores compared to men
Women 15 hours
Men 5 hours
Are women likely to be upwardly mobile
What did the 2014 global gender gap report say
Ranked countries according to how well they divide resources and opportunities among male and females
Britain was ranked 26th
What did Savage 2011 find
Studied social mobility in 2000s and found that men were 40% were more likely to climb the career ladder than women
What did Li and Devines report show
Black African women have experienced at 15-20% fall in full time employment rates where as white women have remained stable
Young British women said discrimination has been a barrier to employment despite their high levels of qualifications
How do men display their masculinity
In crime and anti social behaviour
With the equality of women growing what does this mean for male jobs
There are less traditional male jobs
What does government data show about boys in education
Twice as likely to have literacy problems
Four times more likely to be excluded from school
What did the department of education figures show
That white working class boys are the largest underachieving group in education
The head of Ofsted said this was due to their anti school subculture
What did the tests by the Programme for international student assessment PICA show
That boys lag a year behind girls at reading in every country
What did the department of health show about men life expectancy
Women are likely to live four years longer than males
What did the ONS data find in regard to males health
2010 men develop a heart disease ten years earlier than women
2011 rate of suicide for men is three times higher than women
Are men more likely to have an alcohol or drug problem
67% of people consume alcohol at hazardous level what percentage of those are male
75% of people are dependent on cannabis what percentage of those are male
What percentage of the 200 people killed in the workplace every year are male
More than 95%
What did ONS find that the average working hours for males are compared to women
39 hours compared to 34 for women
What did Benatars book state
The least desirable jobs and most dangerous jobs are largely dominated by males
What did Warin et al study of 95 families state
That majority of fathers mothers and teenage children believe the father should be the breadwinner
So they found that fathers are under pressure to provide for their families
What did the report by the Equal opportunities commission find
Fathers are more likely to be employed
Fathers are less likely to work part time 4% than men without children 9%
Uk fathers work the longest hours in Europe 46.9 hrs a week compared to France 35.5 hrs
Fathers working more than 50 hours a week spend less time with their children
Fathers often feel discouraged by the workplace norms from taking time off work for family or expressing a wish for flexible work
What does malestream mean
Used in place of mainstream to describe an approach where the point of view of men is taken as normal and usual
Explains the disregard of women
Why do feminists emerge
They all share the view that much of the culture has been shaped by men and neglects the contribution that women make to society
What happened in the first wave of feminism
Wanted vote for all women led by suffragettes
Wanted better education for women to help them gain jobs
Wanted women to be able to divorce
What success was there in the first wave of feminism
Vote for women was given in 1928
Laws were passed to give women access to to higher education they were allowed to take part in exams
Granted access to jobs
Some improvement in divorce
But inequality did occur as women were socialised to be housewives
What happened in the second wave of feminism
What was their slogan
Their slogan was the personal is political, meaning women’s personal problems was due to the way society was organised
which gave men power over women, which lead to women’s oppression
These groups created a sisterhood where they worked together to bring social change
What years was the second wave of feminism
What was an important event in the second wave of feminism
The first National Women’s Liberation Movement conference in 1970
What were the demands established at the first National Women’s Liberation Movement conference
Equal pay, equal education, free contraception, free 24 hr nurseries
In 1978 further demands were added: financial independence, end to discrimination against lesbians, freedom from sexual abuse, end to laws that show male dominance
What was the success of the second wave
Some success but many demands not met and this caused division of groups to go off on their own- feeling of unity was lost
What is the third wave of feminism seen as
Seen as an individualised and diverse form of feminsism that has come about due to globalisation and rise of technology
Focuses more on individual identity
What does the third wave of feminism acknowledge
That women come from many ethnicities, religions and cultural backgrounds so there is no single approach to feminism
Why does the third wave feminists criticise the second wave feminists
For only expressing the interests of white middle class women
What were the goals of the third wave feminists
Focus on making changes to traditional ideas
Abolish gender roles
Abolish stereotypes
What happened in the forth wave of feminists
How do they bring about change
Feminists claim to use the internet to bring about change through online petitions and direct action
What does Kira Cochrane believe about the forth wave of feminism
That it is defined by technology
What are examples to shows that forth wave feminists used technology to campaign
Success of the Everyday sexism project, social media campaign in 2012
Uk feminista campaign, taking magazines which displayed naked women off the shelves
Badge for girl guides, go for it be the change
Who are liberal feminists
Group of feminists who believe in legal equality and social reform to achieve gender equality
What do liberal feminists focus on
Gaining equal rights in workplace education and politics
What do liberal feminists believe gender inequalities are a result of
Gender role socialisation and unfair laws
How do liberal feminists create change in society and examples
Changes in norms and values bring about equality
E.g equal pay act and sex discrimination act
What terms does Oakley use to describe that gender role socialisation is the cause of inequality from a young age
How is gender role socialisation reinforced
By education system and media
What was Sue sharpes study
Interviewed working class girls in 1970 and 1990 to find their priorities
What did Sharpe find in regard to the girls main priorities
1970- love, marriage, husband and children
1990- job,career and being bale to support themselves
Evaluation of liberal feminism
Liberal feminism is a middle class movement that fails to address the concerns of wider range women such as those from a minority
Liberal feminists are overly optimistic despite equal pay act there has continued to be a significant gender pay gap
Argued that a more revolutionary change is needed to bring change
Who are Marxist feminists
A group of feminists who believe that women are exploited under capitalism
What do Marxist feminists believe
That social class affects the life chances of women and is a key factor in the relationship between men and women
How do Marxist feminists believe women re exploited by capitalism
Through their position in the family as wives and mothers
Why do Marxist feminists believe gender inequalities are maintained
Women are encouraged to accept the nuclear family form
How do women benefit capitalism
Perform unpaid domestic work
Examples of how women serve the needs of capitalism according to Marxist feminists
Reproduce the next generation of workers and socialise them into being hard workers
Unpaid domestic work means only one wage has to be paid and women rely on men for money
Women soothe stress of men after hard day at work- Ansley sees women as a safety value and takers of shit
What was Dalla costa and James study about
How unpaid housework contributes to the economy and the debate to whether it should be work or a role and if it should be compensated with a wage
Highlights that capitalist economies rely on the exploitation of women to increase profits
Evaluation of Marxist feminists
Criticised for placing too much emphasis on social class and ignoring other factors
Radical feminists argue patriarchy is a more significant form of exploitation that came before capitalism
Relies on a revolution to bring about change
Who are radical feminists
A group of feminists who believe that patriarchy is the primary cause of women’s oppression ands society should be reconstructed to eliminate it
What view do Delphy and Leonard give
That the family plays a major role in the oppression of women
Who do radical feminists argue society is ran by
Ran by males so they are advantaged in every area
What do radical feminists believe about biological differences leading to inequality
Do not accept that biological differences should mean that women are treated unequally
What does radical feminist Millett say
Modern technology such as the contraceptive pill means men can no longer have the power and domination
What does Johnsons concept of patriarchal terrorism explain
Explains how men use violence over women to control them
What evidence is there for men using violence over women
30% women globally experienced sexual abuse
Men enforce heterosexuality to maintain control
What does Ti-Grace Atkinson state
Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice
Evaluation of radical feminism
Radical feminists see women as sharing common interests because they are all female but it’s argued that social class and ethnicity are important sources of inequality
Radical feminists are accused over emphasising the differences between men and women
Experience of women is different across the globe
Who discussed the theory intersectionality
Sylvia Walby
What theories does walby combine
Marxist and radial feminism
What is intersectionality
Recognising the interplay between different forms of social inequality e.g class, gender, ethnicity
Why is Walby critical of radical feminists over patriarchy
Radicals feminists see patriarchy as unchanging
Why is Walby critical of Marxists
Believes Marxists focuses too much on capitalism and fails to explain women’s exploitation in non-capitalist societies
How does Walby view patriarchy
Important in understanding of gender inequality and she believes it is not fixed and changes over time
What does Walby say patriarchy has evolved from
From private patriarchy (women limited to domestic sphere) to public patriarchy (women entered employment)
What are the six patriarchal structures that make up patriarchy
Paid employment
The household
The state
Cultural institutions
Violence against women
What are the different combinations of public and private patriarchy through the intersection of social inequalities
E.g British African women- public patriarchy
British muslin women- private patriarchy
What types of patriarchy do older women and younger women experience
Older women- may still experience private patriarchy
Younger women- better educational qualifications and are less likely to accept gender discrimination
Evaluation of Walby
Strength- can be viewed as an improvement on other feminist theories as it incorporates other feminist theory
She refined her ideas overtime meaning she incorporated social changes
Who is extremely critical of Walby and most feminist theories
What is Hakims theory called
Preference theory
What does Hakim argue
That women are not victims of unfair employment but they have preferences and make rational choices in terms of the type of work they do e.g part time
What does Hakim say the cause of inequalities in the workplace is
Different behaviours and attitudes of men and women e.g women are not as committed to their career as men
What are the three classifications of women’s work lifestyle preferences
Home centred
Work centred
What does home centred mean
Family life and children are the main priorities
What does adaptive mean
Women who want to combine work and family (60% of women in Britain)
What does work centred mean
Main priority is employment often have no children (20%)
Evaluation of Hakim
Criticised by other feminists- it is often employers attitudes rather than women’s attitudes that cause women to work in the secondary labour market of low paid and insecure work
Feminists criticise Hakim for ignoring the patriarchy
What cause functionalists believe is the cause of gender inequality
Biological factors
What are the biological roles
Women birth children so its natural they take care of it
Men are breadwinners
What was Murdock study into gender roles in over 200 societies
Found that women were located in the home because of their biological factors and physique meant they can’t do strenuous tasks
What gender roles do Parosns discuss
Expressive- women
Instrumental- male
What do the separate roles that Parsons discuss contribute to
The smooth running of society and explains differences in labour market
What is human capital
The knowledge and skills a persons develops overtime
What does the amount of human capital a persons has affects
Their income
Why do women have lower levels of human capital than men
Men are work orientated and women choose to prioritise their roles as homemakers
Evaluation of the functionalist view
Feminists such as Oakley says gender roles are socially constructed rather than based on biological differences
Human capital theory ignores constraints in society which disadvantage women
Only refer to the experience of white middle class and ignores other groups
What do the new right believe as well
That gender roles are biologically determined
What does the new right believe regarding genders and roles in spheres
Men- public sphere
Women- private sphere
What does the new right believe is the best way to have a stable society
The nuclear family
Why does the new right write more on the nuclear family
They believe it is under threat
Why does the new right believe we should maintain the nuclear family
Keep traditional values and changing gender roles led to social problems e.g lone parents do not socialise children properly
What does Phyllis Schafly say
That marriage and motherhood is the most fulfilling role for women
Evaluation of the new right
Biological argument is yet to be proved
Can be seen as dated
What does Engles suggest is the result of women’s subordinate position
The ownership of private property and development of nuclear family
What does engles say caused inequality
Rise of a class based society through capitalism
What gave rise to the belief of the nuclear family
Under capitalism men can gain control over women which is seen to restrict women’s sexuality and protect male property rights
What idea do Marxist and Marxists feminists both support
That women do unpaid domestic work
What do neo Marxists argue that social structure is based on
The dominance of some groups over others
Neo Marxists have tried to support all oppressed groups but who did most of the rearsch
Marxists feminists who focussed on gender inequality
Evaluation of Marxism
Focus on macro issues and neglect small scale interactions
Postmodernists say they are outdated and fail to recognise changes in gender roles
Overemphasising the impact of class and economic factors on gender
What ways of Webers three dimensions of stratification are used to explain inequalities
Status and party
What are the two main types of occupational segregation
Horizontal segregation and vertical segregation
What is horizontal segregation
Differences in the number of males and females present across occupations e.g nurses are mainly women and this influences young people to choose an occupation associated with their gender
What is vertical segregation
Men’s domination of the highest ranking jobs
What is a glass ceiling
Barrier that keeps women from achieving power
What is a concrete ceiling
Harder barrier for women to reach high positions
What is a glass elevator
Men often rise higher and faster up the career ladder than women
What are men’s hidden advantages
Seen as natural leaders
Women are seen as making emotional decisions and mane make rational decisions
What did Barron and Norris find
Dual labour market:
Women are mostly in secondary labour market meaning their jobs are low paid and have poor security meanwhile men dominate the primary labour market medians their jobs are secure and well paid
What status do women’s domestic role carry
Low status
Do women participate in parties
Participate less than men
Evaluation of Weber
Postmodernists say there is no longer a consensus about what creates high and low status
Do not explain how men and women end up in different jobs