Paper 2 FULLY Flashcards
Explain two key points about the contents of the Bible?
Inspired by God = authority
§ Has rules & teachings on how Christians should lead their lives
§ E.g. 10 commandments (OT); sermon on the mount, parables (NT
§ Source of authority for church leaders to pass on to worshippers
· Fundamentalist: contains Word of God à follow closely
· Liberal: inspired by God, written by humans à consult with a modern interpretation
2 ways in which the Bible has authority for Christians?
Ø Catholics: read during mass
Ø Anglican: processed through the church & read
Ø Sermon: reading & preaching by priest
Ø Instruction & education within denomination
Ø Daily reading
Ø Aid for meditation (concentrate on a particular part)
What quotation might a fundamentalist use to support the idea that the Bible has ultimate authority?
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching”
2 Timothy 3:16-17
“For the word of God is alive and active”
Hebrews 4:12
3 Reasons why Catholics believe the Bible has authority
“WofG” –> (Revelational Proposition) “For the Word of God is alive and active” –> God’s characteristics –>
Contains teachings of God and Jesus –> Sermon on the Mount –> Neo-Orthodoxy
Strengths of Fideism as an approach towards the Bible?
We can’t understand God because he is too advanced
Human’s are unable to find the true message as humans are morally corrupt after Genesis 3
The Bible is outdated and the History of it is unclear
Develops Costly Grace
Doesn’t challenge God
Weaknesses of Fideism?
Fideism is not completely Subjective (argued by Barth)
Unnecessarily undermines the Confidence in the Bible
Underestimates the Role of Reason
If God was loving why would he confuzzle us?
Weaknesses of Demythologisation?
Undermines the Word of God
People may get different beliefs (contradicting)
if there is a truth to be expressed, it should able to be expressed directly
it is disagreement over literal truths that separate religions (didin’t Jesus rise from the dead?)
Strenghts of Demythologisation?
when the bible was written, myths were a common means of conveying meaning
Develops Costly Grace
Bultmann argues that it is only by understanding religious language in a mythological sense that modern believer will be able to square their scientific understanding of the world with miraculous events in the bible
Helps us apply it to the modern era
Quaker views on Intermediaries
Reject Intermediaries
Moved to speak by the spirit
Direct Link to God- no corruption
Conscience - Listening
Quaker views on Intermediaries
Reject Intermediaries
Moved to speak by the spirit
Direct Link to God- no corruption
Conscience - Listening
No set structure –> Something of God in everybody (Imago Dei Genesis 1:26) –> SoL –> everyone treated equally
We’re all equal
2 ways the Bible is used in worship today?
Lectio Divina
Meditative Worship
Rosary Beeds
Extamporaneous Worship
Why is the Bible important in Catholic Worship?
WOG –> Lectio Divina –> 2 Tim 3:16
Moral and Ethical Guidance - SoM –> Mt 5:9 “Blessed be the peacemakers”
Protestant Worship?
Emphasis on Word of God
Two religious understandings of the term conscience?
St Augustine - Voice Whispering to us” –> Sign of a direct message from God
Aquinas - Helps us to tell us what is right and wrong –> Used in Decision Making
Why might some Christians believe Conscience is a poor guide for moral action?
Genesis 3
Karl Barth
The fallibility of human reasoning
Downplays God’s authority
Why might some Christians believe Conscience is a useful guide for making moral decisions?
Wrong to not listen to God
Jesus’ healing miracles?
The feeding of the 5,000
The healing of the paralysed man
The Beatitudes?
Matthew 5:3-16
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven”
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted”
“Blessed are the meek; for they will inherit the Earth”
Explain what is meant by the narrow gateway
“Enter by the narrow gate” Matthew 7:13 –> Costly Grace
How does the Sermon on the Mount link to discipleship?
Sermon on the mount
· Teaching on how to live a moral life
· Behaviour of agape
Name important contributions by Boenhoffer to the religion of Christianity
Obedience and Leadership –> This does not come from rational evaluation but rather ‘single-minded obedience’ (obedience without thinking for God) –> one must surrender his will to God completely.
Cheap and Costly Grace –> make radical changes to their life and can’t continue to follow practices –> shown by Jesus in the ressurection –> Since Jesus is God we should listen to him
What do people do on Palm Sunday
§ Palm Sunday
à People wave palm leaves & shout “hosanna” (save us)
What do people do on Maundy Thursday?
§ Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper
à Washes disciples’ feet à serving others
à Remind them to serve others first
à Inspire Christians to stand up for injustice (Jesus crucifixion was unjust)
Significance of Christmas to Christians?
Celebration of Jesus’ incarnation
.By being Born as human, God made the way for humans to be reconciled to him
Shows God is personal
.Shows Gods Omnibenovolence
Example of Significance of Christmas to Christians?
.Church Light a small fire of blessed palm and burn frankincense to commemorate Jesus’ gifts. –> commemorates the birth of God –> Jesus –> Jesus = Human, Human = God, Rekindles relations
. Miracles
What is done during Marriage and why?
Minister explains the importance of Marriage –> Matthew 18-20 –> Make sure they understand and everybody else understands the vow they are making
Exchange vows in front of God and Families etc: –> Breaks down the commitment they are making to each other
Exchange of Rings –> Outward sign to others they are married and is a symbol of commitment
Prayers –> Through prayers, the couple are encouraged to rely on God and to seek to him for support during their married life.
Importances of Churches?
Develops History and Significance –> Application into our lives
Allows Bible Teachings –> Builds Community –> Agape Love –> “For where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name; I am there with”
Shows Costly Grace to step into new environment –> Boenhoffer ‘God helps those who helps him’
Designed to help you towards religion –> Priests = Prompters
Reasons for Marriage?
Allows you to have a family (Catholics)
Makes a long life commitment in front of God
Values/Teachings of Jesus
Spreads Message fo Christianity
Reasons for Funerals?
Remembrance of a person’s life as a gift from God –> Omnibenevolence (Genesis)
Closer connection to God
Advantages of Alternative Churches?
Focus more on God –> Freedom of Expression
More informal community –> Last Supper
Helps them to give –> form of prayer
Churches focus on material wealth –> increased Spiritual Wealth from other Churches.
Timothy 6:10 “Love of money Is obstacle”
Not as alienated –> They’re invested –> Focus on Community
“Love thy neighbour as you love thyself”
Why does Public Worship have no value?
Only matters if one presents true faith –> Boenhoffer’s book of Discipleship ‘When a man really gives up trying to make something out of himself’ and ‘throws himself into the arms of God’ then he will be developing true faith
Anything Else is Cheap Grace
Criticisms to the saying Public Worship has no value?
Undermines the history and significance of God’s miracles that we are supposed to praise
Cheap Grace may be used when undergoing Quaker Worship
Too Subjective
Why is Public Worship important to Christians?
Hosea 4:6 “People will be destroyed for the lack of knowledge”
Why is Public Worship better than Private Worship and why is Public Worship worse than Private Worship?
Fixes Problem of Subjectivity
Won’t be undermining God
Destroys Costly Grace
History not true
No Intention “Babbling Like Paigans”
Anglican Worship?
Praise–> Liturgy of Word: The Nicene Creed –> Focuses on God’s goodnes
Teaching –> Bible readings and a sermon (Liturgy of the Word)
Prayer –> Prayers of Intercession and Confession –> PRAYERS for others to be helped
Giving –> Sending out of God’s people
Bible Reading –> Focuses on the prospect of eternal life with God after death
John 11:25 ‘ I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies’
Eulogy - Talk or speech in which the person’s life is remembered and their achievements are acknowledged
Prayers - Prayers are said for the friends and relatives of the dead person, asking that God support them in their time of grief
Requiem Mass –> Only By the Cat a Holics
Give 6 Specific Features of Churches?
Stained glass window
§ Tell stories from the Bible for the illiterate
· Font
§ Bowl of water for baptism
§ Entrance à welcoming to the church
· Altar § Focal point, congregation face altar § Place for Holy Communion & candles § Reminds people of Jesus’ death § Jesus is light & guidance § Congregation kneel à respected by worshippers, commitment
o Raised stand where the priest preaches
·Lectern WITH EAGLE § Bookstand to rest Bible · Pews § Long wooden benches for congregation
3 Places of the Bethlehem Pilgramage?
· Church of the nativity
§ Jesus born into poverty
§ Jesus iuwas fully human
·Shepherd’s Fields
§ God cares for ordinary people as well (share news with low reputable people)
§ An angel once appeared there
· Milk Grotto
§ Mary spilt a drop of milk whilst nursing Jesus
3 Sites of the Pilgramage to Jerusalem?
Garden tomb
§ Jesus’ burial site à holy place
§ Understand how Jesus suffered to clear our sins
·Church of the Holy Sepulchre
§ Site where Jesus rose from the dead
§ Resurrection à divine & Son of God, power over death
§ Holiest site in Christian world
Garden of Gethsemane
§ Where Jesus prayed before being persecuted
Two examples of Public Worship?
reading from the Holy Bible , attending the Eucharist and singing religious songs.
Two Examples of Private Worship in Christianity?
saying prayers of thanks before a meal. reading a passage from the Bible every day. saying set prayers using a rosary
How do Christians celebrate Christmas? (Advent)
Begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas
Advent Wreaths with four candles on them. Each Sunday one candle is lit.
Significance of Advent?
It marks the start of the liturgical church year in Roman and Anglican churches. Marks the period of waiting for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
What do Churches do on midnight at Christmas eve?
Midnight Mass (Roman Catholic)
What do Churches hold on Christmas Day?
They hold services that celebrate Jesus’ birth. (Carols, Hymns, reading from Gospels and the Nativity plays)
When and Why do the Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas?
On or Near the 7th of January due to historical differences in the way the calendars were calculated
What do the Orthodox Churches do before Christmas day
What is the significance of fasting before Christmas Day?
It is believed that fasting helps people shift their focus from them and on to others, as they will spend less time worrying about food and focus more time on prayer and caring for the poor.
What do the Orthodox Churches do on Christmas day?
Churches Light a small fire of blessed palms and burn frankincense to commemorate the three gifts the Magi brought to baby Jesus.
Significance of Christmas to Christians?
Celebration of Jesus’ incarnation
.By being Born as human, God made the way for humans to be reconciled to him
Shows God is personal
What is the significance of the The Reception of the Holy Fire? and what church does this?
Good spreads through the world
Orthodox Church
Significance of Red Dyed Eggs? In Orthodox Church
Jesus’ Blood= Sacrifice = Crucifixion
Egg=Tomb, He ressurected and moved the tomb
Shell of the Egg=God, God is the protector
Significance of the greeting “Christo Anesti”? In which church
Ressurection -> Christ has risen
Proclamation of prophecy.
Orthodox Church
Significance of the Paschal Candle? in which church?
(Its five pieces of incense and every member of the congergation lighting a candle from it.)
. Every Member of the congregation -> every member can be saved
.Light = Good as Light = Knowledge
. Incense spreads like knowledge
.Light = smoke, smoke goes upwards
Significance of the Traditional abstention from Red Meat?
.Red Meat = good as they eat grass
.Meat is supposed to be burnt and goes upwards
Significance of Priests wearing white?
White = Purity
What does Palm Sunday Commemorate?
Palm SUnday recalls Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey
How is Palm Sunday celebrated by Christians?
In Churches, Small crosses made of palm are given out. These are used as reminders of the palms the people waved at him with as well as his death on the cross
Significance of Palm Sunday?
Palm Sunday is a time to reflect on their true faith and loyalty to Jesus.
Uses of the Bible?
- ‘Sola scriptura’: Timothy “All scripture is God breathed”(connection to God)
- Gospels to help und. Jesus: ethical teachings in SOTM/ ‘Turn the other cheek’
- Issues of complex modern moral dilemmas e.g. Three parent babies, human trials, refugee crises.
-Catholic use of Bible: worship- Small sections selected day by day for Mass,
these are set out in Missal(Catholic books of worship which set out the content of each Mass on a three year cycle).
- Devotion can undertake Lectio Divinia- this is a four step method of biblical contemplation.
- Steps followed: reading, meditation, praying and contemplation
Importance of Baptism?
- Absolving of Original sin and commences path to salvation
- Reference to Holy Trinity and rebirth
- Sacrament in the Catholic Church
- This mentioned in three of the four Gospels and was meant to have been carried out by John the Baptist.
- John Macquarrie: The “Christ event” is important rather than individual unique events.
- “This is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased”(Matthew).
What were the temptations of Jesus?
- 40 days and 40 nights, reference to Lent
- Temptations proves Jesus holiness
- During this time, Satan is meant to have come to Jesus and tried to tempt him. Jesus refused each one and then Satan departed and Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry.
What were the three temptations?
- Make bread out of stones to relieve his own hunger.
- Jump from a high point and rely on angels to break his fall. The narrative of both Luke and Matthew have Satan quote Psalm 91:11-12 to indicate that God had promised this assistance.
- Worship Satan in return for all the kingdoms of the World
Importance of the Death of Jesus
- Displays God’s omnibenevolence due to his sacrifice of his only son for Humanity.
- Executed on Good Friday.
- Saturday: He went down to hell and absolved all humans of sin.
Hypostatic union= Jesus is fully man and God.
Crucifixion and ascension
“Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” Luke 23
Recorded in Apostles creed which is read in church
Fulfils the prophecy of the old testament, “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our sins” Isaiah
God know understand qualia type of human suffering
Importance of the Ressurection?
- Birth of Christianity, and establishes a journey to salvation, possible for all Christians.
- Jesus being represented as a human, displays how all humans can be saved and reach heaven
-Arguably the most important event in Jesus’s life.
“If Christ had not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith”(1 Corinthians).
-For all Christians- proof that Jesus was God incarnate and proves his divinity.
John 1: “The Word was made flesh”
Message of hope
Significance of Pilgrimage to Bethlehem?
develop a deeper understanding of God”,
“reflect on the miracle of the Incarnation”
“to allow a sustained period of the focus on faith”?
Outline two forms of leadership in the Church
Catholic priests work in the person of Christ
(1) doing the work of Christ on earth (1).
• Catholic bishops are believed to be successors
of the apostles (1) and have the responsibility
of the leadership of a diocese (1).
• The Pope is believed to be the successor of
Saint Peter (1) and therefore has supreme
leadership of the Catholic Church on earth (1).
Why is Baptism important?
Baptism ==> Salvation ==> Gives a personal identification with God, a new life and a new name as a believer
Shown in Matthew 28:30 talks about purifying us and washing away our sins and makes us very holy in the eyes of God as we are sanitised thus we may achieve the kingdom of heaven
Jesus did it
Why is Easter Important?
Allows them to commemorate struggles of Jesus
Easter gave rise to Maundy Thursday, which is the basis for modern day communion/mass/eucharist.
This is of extreme importance because it allows Christians to have a part of God’s blood and body (making them sacred + holy)
Also, it is a direct sign of God’s power
On Easter Sunday God rose from the dead
It is also a celebration - we celebrate the fact that Jesus gained victory over death to save our sins.
In Essence, Easter is the reason that Christians are able to gain salvation, truly repent and enter the kingdom of heaven with the promise of eternal life
How is the Bible used in Christian worship?
• The Bible is read aloud during Christian worship (1) so that believers can become
more familiar with their sacred texts. (1)
• Often a Christian will read the Bible at home (1) which allows Christians to gain a
deeper understanding of its meaning. (1)
• The Bible is often placed on a special stand during worship (1) which is a mark of
respect for what is believed to be the Word of God. (1)
What happened during the death of Jesus?
According to all four gospels, Jesus was brought to the “Place of a Skull” and crucified with two thieves, with the charge of claiming to be “King of the Jews”, and the soldiers divided his clothes before he bowed his head and died.