MOCKS Flashcards
Outline two forms of leadership in the church?
- Catholic Priests work in the person of Christ doing the work of Christ on earth
- The Pope is believed to be the successor of Saint Peter and therefore has supreme leadership of the Catholic church on earth
Why is the Bible considered important to Christians?
- In the Bible there are prophets that are the messengers of God that teach us how to live and how not to live. This shows us that God wants us to live and not to live for the day of Judgement
- “Word of God” Since God is Omnipotent, Omniscient etc: they would read the Bible as they can’t reject how perfect God is
Outline two examples of Jesus’ healing miracles?
- The faith centurion. This is when a roman soldier comes to Jesus for help and knows that Jesus can help him due to pure faith. Jesus heals him.
- Healing of a sick woman. This is when the sick woman came to Jesus and said “If i touch your I will be healed” and Jesus sis “your faith has healed you”
What is the importance of the Crucifixion?
Jesus’ sacrifice was an act of atonement - it restored the broken relationship between God and humanity
Wiped away Genesis 2 and 3
It demonstrates God’s Benevolence - He suffered as humans do because he loves humanity
John 3:16-17 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”
It fulfils the prophecies of the Old Testament, proving Jesus to be the Messiah
Isiah 53:5 “He was pierced for our transgressions”
Importance of the Ressurrection?
Proof that Jesus was God incarnate
John 1 - “The Word was made flesh”
Proof that God approved on Jesus’ sacrifice , and it was sufficent to restore the relationship between God and man.
1 Corinthians 15:6 - Jesus is said to have appeared to hundreds of people after his ressurection
It is a message of hope - if a Christian follows their religion properly then they will be raised back to life after death and share eternity in heaven
John 11:25 - “I am the ressurection and the life; he who believes in me will live even if he dies.”
Where does the Mind Reside?
Reductive Physicalism - World is made of only physical stuff
Phineas Gage got injured (his personality changed)
Substance Dualism- World is made of Both Physcial and Mental Stuff
Qualia –> Instance sof subjective First person experience
Give two specific features of churches?
The Font
Signifcance - Must be born again, gets rid of sin, part of Christian family
The Nave
Significance- Protection (arc shaped)
Ship metaphor. All pointed towards Jerusalem where Jesus lived
Significane of going to Church?
Develops History and Signficance –> Application into our lives
Allows Bible Teachings
Builds Community –> Agape Love
Shows Costly Grace to step into a new environment (Bonhoeffer “God helps those who helps himself”
Designed to help you towards religion –> Priests = Prompters
Advantages of Alternative Churches?
Focus more on God –> Freedom of expression
More informal Community
Churches focus on matieral wealth whereas these focus on spiritual wealth –> Timothy 6:10 “Love of money is obstacle”
Easier to access
What is Advent?
Begins fourth Sunday before Christmas day and marks the start of the liturgical church year in Roman Catholic and Anglican churches
What may Christians do during advent?
May have advent wreaths with four candles on them and each Sunday in the advent peiod one of the candles will be lit
C. may use this time to get ready spiritually for Christmas
What do churches do on Christmas day?
Churches hold services that celebrate Jesus’ birth. Reading from the gospels and nativity plays
What does the Orthodox church believe about Christmas?
Christmas is celebrated on the day when it is believed that the Magi visited Jesus (7th Jan)
Many Orthodox C’s fast before their Christmas day
tends to shift their focus from themselves to others, so that they spend less time worrying about food and use more time in increased prayer
They attend a special church liturgy on Christmas Day on 7th Jan
Why is Christmas important to Christians?
Celebration of Jesus’ incarnation
Reconciles humans with the God
His birth is the point in history that Christians believe gives humaity hope for a new beginning, the possibility of a restored personal relationship with God
Why is Easter significant?
Takes place at the end of Holy Week
C’s use this time to gain a deeper understanding of the suffering death and ressurection of Jesus.
What do Orthodox, Roman Catholic and the Church of England do before Easter and why?
Lent (40 day period)
C’s use this a s tme of fasting. In doing this they are recalling the Gospel accounts of when, after his baptism, Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert
What happens on Ash Wednesday?
Eucharist services to mark the start of Lent.
In these services worshippers will have the sign of the cross marked on their forehead with ashes. (Visual reminder of the death and ressurection of Jesus
What is Palm Sunday?
Start of the Holy Week
recalls Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem where the crowds welcomed him waving palm branches
In churches small crosses made of palm leaves are given out to celebrate Palm Sunday
What is Maundy Thursday?
Time for Christians to remember the last supper.
It was at this meal that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and in many churches a service is heled on Maundy Thursday that includes the washing of people’s feet
He also established that Eucharist and predicted that one of his disciples would betray him
This shows how Jesus came to serve
What is Good Friday?
Where Jesus is crucified
Special services are held to give people the opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ death.
Main Church service begins at midday and lasts three hours, reflecting Jesus’ time on the cross
Shows how Jesus died for our sins
Shows how God is merciful
What is Easter Saturday and Sunday?
Time of joy as Jesus’ ressurection and victory over sin are celebrated
Church of England, Roman Catholic Church and others keep an Easter vigil on the Saturday evening.
Paschal Candle is brought out and the ministers puts five drops of incense on it.
Each drop - Wounds Jesus received on the cross
They hold this candle during the Eucharist
This is what enables them to be saved by God
What is a Rite of Passage?
A ceremony or event marking an important stage in someone’s life, especially birth, the transition from childhood to adulthood, marriage, and death
How do Churches support families and the community?
o Sunday Schools. o Youth Clubs. o Mother and Child Groups. o Visiting the Elderly and the Sick. o Supporting local Christian charities
What is Marriage?
A state instituted and ordained by God for the lifelong relationship between two people.
For Protestants it is a deeply important act, and for Catholics and Orthodox Christians it is a sacrament.
What is the importance of Marriage?
o To make a life-long commitment to another person in front of God.
o To make a public declaration of love.
o To make a public declaration of intent to begin a Christian family.
How is marriage performed differently in the Orthodox Church?
Rings are not exchanged during the marriage ceremony; instead they are exchanged at a betrothal service (which celebrates the engagement taking place).
During the wedding ceremony, stafanas (silver crowns) are initially held over the heads of the bride and groom. They are placed on their heads near the end of the ceremony.
Many of the rituals involve the couple doing things in threes – three sips of wine, circling the alter three times etc.
What is a Funeral?
A ritual performed for a person after their death.
What is the importance of Funerals?
To thank God for that person’s life.
o To remind all that there is always hope of the afterlife.
o To acknowledge that someone is no longer part of this world, but is with God.
o To comfort all who knew the deceased.
o To mark the beginning of life without the deceased.
What are the differences between funerals in Roman Catholic and Church of England fuenrals?
For Catholic funerals, the service may include a full Requiem Mass – this is a mass for the dead which seeks to secure a state of rest/tranquillity for the deceased.
How is A funeral performed differently by Eastern Orthodox Chrsitans?
The coffin is usually opened in the church, a bowl of koliva (a dish of boiled wheat with honey) with a lit candle on top is placed near the head of the coffin. A crown or wreath with the Trisagion (famous Orthodox hymn) printed on it is placed on the head and a small icon of Christ, the deceased’s patron saint, or a cross is placed in the deceased’s hand or in the casket.
Lit candles should be distributed to all present and should remain lit throughout the funeral service.
What do Roman Catholic Churches do on midnight at Christmas eve?
Midnight Mass
What is the significance of the The Reception of the Holy Fire? in Orthodox Church
Good spreads through the world
Significance of Real Dyed Eggs? In Orthodox Church
Jesus’ Blood= Sacrifice = Crucifixion
Egg=Tomb, He ressurected and moved the tomb
Shell of the Egg=God, God is the protector
Significance of the greeting “Christo Anesti”? In Orthodox Church
Ressurection -> Christ has risen
Proclamation of prophecy.
Significance of the Paschal Candle in the Catholic Church?
(Its five pieces of incense and every member of the congergation lighting a candle from it.)
. Every Member of the congregation -> every member can be saved
.Light = Good as Light = Knowledge
. Incense spreads like knowledge
.Light = smoke, smoke goes upwards
Significance of the Traditional abstention from Red Meat?
.Red Meat = good as they eat grass
.Meat is supposed to be burnt and goes upwards
Significance of Priests wearing white?
White = Purity
What are the three approaches to creation?
Young Earth Creationists –> The Bible is all true and all of it can and must be taken literally. Therefore, the Earth is only 6000 yrs old - Genesis give a literal account of creation
Old Earth Creationists –> Some of the teachings are true but some of it aren’t because they are unclear or symbolic. Therefore, the Earth was created as per Genesis but much older as the timings are symbolic
Evolutionary Thiests - Not historically accurate and has been corrupted by humans, however it contains depper meanings that must be found within the text.
The Earth was created as per scientific understanding - What Genesis presents us with is a worldview from a long time ago
Three views of Imago Dei?
St Irenaeus - Rationality
Karl Barth- Relational
Clines- Functional
Why might Public Worship may not have value to a Christian?
True Faith Matters only
Boenhoffer (Costly Grace) “When a man really gives up trying to make something out of himself” and “throws himself into the arms of God” then he will be developing true faith
Public Worship has lost its meaning due to the lack of knowledge in the Bible
Meditational Prayers allows you to connect with God
Why might Public Worship be Good?
Helps us to form a connection with the past history of Christianity
Hosea 4:6 “People will be destroyed for the lack of knowledge”
We will forget the significance –> We will be undermining God’s signficance
Neo Orthodoxy
Why might it not matter how you Worship?
Intention Matters only
Agape Love
God isn’t helping you he is judging you
Kierkegaard and his Fideism backs this up
Gregory of Nyssa “God is imminent”
Importance of the Temptation of Christ?
Human God (Personal) puts himself through
Teaches us to never test God
Shows possesions on Earth are limited and worthless
What are the Two Views on Conscience?
St Augustine - Voice Whispering to us” –> Sign of a direct message from God
Aquinas - Helps us to tell us what is right and wrong –> Used in Decision Making
Why should Christians prioritise conscience over the Bible?
Aquinas says yes
Gift from god (Ratio)
Imago Dei (We have the authority)
Why shouldn’t Christians prioritise Conscience over the Bible?
Based on human logic and faculty so if we are evil (Akrasia) we are not fit to make these decisions
What are some titles for Jesus?
Messiah –>”Anointed One”
Son of God
What was Martin Luther’s view of Pilgramage?
Pointless because it has lost it’s true meaning (become more of a holiday)
Why is the Pilgramage to Bethlehem important?
“Narrow Gateway” –> Costly Grace
Where Jesus Lived and died
Church of the Nativity in Manger Square,