May Mocks Flashcards
A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death
3 Religious views on the Purpose of Life?
Salvation –> Life is a test which is needed to be saved through Christian belief
To become more God-like
To cast dominion over animals (be the protectors)
3 different Religious reasons for believing in life after death?
Jesus promised that his followers would have eternal life - “ He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.” John 11:25-26
Immortal Soul-Jesus told the criminal crucified with him that he would go straight to paradise.
“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:39-43
Jesus’ life as an example - God sent Jesus to Earth in order that humans could overcome death and have eternal life.
3 different non-religious reasons for believing in life after death?
Near-death experiences- people who have had these say that they were travelling through a tunnel or toward a light e.g. research of Dr S Parnia
Existence of the spirit world/ghosts - who are thought to be the spirits of the dead that are sometimes visible to the living. Use mediums and ouija boards.
3 different non-religious views on the purpose of life?
To find the meaning of life
To reproduce
To Pursuit the knowledge of life
To develop the better human
Preservation of human nature
Explain two different reasons for life only having meaning to religious people?
There is an end goal in religion –> Irenenanen Theodicy –> purpose to doing well in order to succeed as human beings –> Day of Judgement (God is judge)
God created the Earth –> Without a purposeful creation life was made by chance and therefore not intentional –> No purpose to life
Explain two different reasons that question about the meaning and purpose of life get in the way and making the world a better place?
Three different types of Abortion?
Therapeutic Abortion - Performed to save the life of the mother/and or child
Selective Abortion - Performed when there are too many foetuses or the foetus is perceived as having an undesirable characteristic
Elective Abortion - Performed at the Womans request for non-medical reasons
Unwanted Pregnancy through consensual sexual activity
Why might Euthansia be banned everywhere?
Sancity of Life due to Imago Dei
Genesis 1:26
Humans aren’t fit enough to make decisions (Genesis 3)
Temptation of Euthanasia is a test (Irenean Theodicy)
God doesn’t permit it
What criticisms may a person face if they believe Euthanasia should be banned everywhere?
Aquinas’ theory of Double Effect (Doing a bad thing for good intentions is fine)
If it’s a doctor at a patients request then it’s fine
Not all tests are fair (Some people have harder tests)
Why might certain types of Euthanasia be allowed?
Rational Decision should be held over Sancity of Life
Agape Love
Because humans are in God’s Likeness (Imago Dei)
Supported by Augustine
Criticisms of allowing certain types of Euthanasia are allowed?
What is the most loving thing to do in Euthanasia
How do we determine who to take into account
Humans aren’t fit to make Decisions
(Voluntary Euthanasia shows this because they aren’t fit enough)
Why should Euthansia be allowed?
Quality of Life matters (Peter Singer)
Femenist approach Agape Love
Humans have the authority to do it as well because of Imago Dei
BUT it would have to be a person who doesn’t have a relationship with the patient because they may let their own bias infect their decision making
Types of Euthansia?
Active Euthanasia- A person deliberately and directly ends the life of a patient
Passive Euthanasia - The death is brought about by omission, letting an individual die
Voluntary Euthanasia - Euthanasia at the request of a person
Involuntary Euthanasia - Euthanasia when the person is unconscious or otherwise unable to make a meaningful choice between living an dying, and an appropriate person takes the decision on their behalf
Euthanasia for the terminally ill and for the non terminally ill
the practice of marrying or state of being married to one person at a time.
the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship
the state of living together and having a sexual relationship without being married.
a legally recognized union with rights similar to those of marriage, created originally for same-sex couples in jurisdictions where they were not legally allowed to marry.
Three reasons for divorcing?
Financial reasons, due to the other committing Adultery, Abuse
Positives of Divorce?
Quality of Life (Peter Singer)
Agape Love (Joe Fletcher)
Helps you get closer to God (the person may have a bad influence on you)
Negatives of Divorce?
Against God’s Wishes
1 Corinthians 7:10-11 “ To the married I give this command: A wife must not separate from her husband”
Emotional Impact on Children (Least loving thing to do)
Economic Impact on the Family
a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit
Nuclear Family?
a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
Single-Parent Family?
Single-parent families are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is widowed or divorced and not remarried, or by a parent who has never married.
Extended Family?
a family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives.
A step family, blended family, bonus family, or instafamily is a family where at least one parent has children that are not biologically or adoptive related to the other spouse or partner.
Outline 3 ways in which Church communities try to sustain family life?
Sunday School, Charity and
Church: meet people à talk through problems
§ Youth group: people of the same age, help in community
§ School: Christian values
§ Christian family: prayers, religious celebrations, support
3 different fertillity treatments?
IVF, Artificial Insemination and Surrogacy
freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
3 causes of terrorism?
Fighting for God
Social injustice
Political Reasons
Name three groups who are considered terrorist organisations?
IRA, ISIS, Al Qaeda
Explain Just War Theory?
The Fall in Genesis 3 –> Akrasia (a state of human greediness) –> Human Nature (inevitably evil unless controlled by dominant structures) –> War is inevitable –> Might as well do Just War Theory
5 Criteria for the Just War Theory Before War?
Just Cause
Proper Authority
Proper Intention
Probability of Success (Added by the Bible Later)
Last Resort (Added by the Bible Later)
Quotes supporting the Holy War Theory?
“Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.”
Deuteronomy 7:1-2
1 Samuel 15: “Now go, attack the Amalekites ’”
Strengths of Holy War Theory?
Costly Grace- It is harder to cross the continent of Europe and retake the holy land then peace. We should strive for the harder option.
The War is fought by God’s authority War is justified
Weaknesses of Holy War Theory?
People will only go to fight to go to heaven. Not based on correct intention.
Matthew 5:39: “turn the other cheek
God himself is no longer giving commands and they are fallen from the fall Genesis 3. The Catholic Church has the ability to wage war
Do not fight evil with evil. Just because evil is committed doesn’t justify killing innocent people
Explain why warfare might be supported in this religion. (6)
Why is Just War Theory Right?
it maintains the central importance of the dignity of each human being.
it rejects the view that there are no rules of conduct in war situations.
tries to protect the innocent victims of warfare
Why is Just War Theory Wrong?
Question of discrimination between a soldier and a non-combatant is a problem.
Concepts of war and justice have no place together. They are incompatible
It is open to great abuse, people will always be able to justify war no matter what.
Conventional Warfare?
Conventional warfare is a form of warfare conducted by using conventional weapons and battlefield tactics between two or more states in open confrontation
Examples of Conventional Warfare?
WW1, WW2
Technological Warfare?
It comprises the kinds of technology that are distinctly military in nature and not civilian in application, usually because they lack useful or legal civilian applications, or are dangerous to use without appropriate military training
the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means
Absolute Pacifism?
It is never morally right to take part in violence or a war, even in self-defence.
Conditional Pacifism?
War and violence are wrong in principle, however they may be required in certain (extreme) circumstances.
Why is Absolute Pacifism Right?
Sanctity of Life We do not have the right to take peoples life
Costly Grace Peace is harder to do than violence
Sources of Authority Jesus argued against violence in the BIBLE
What is Liberation Theology and how is it supported?
Liberation theology was a radical movement that grew up in South America as a response to the poverty and the ill-treatment of ordinary people
If Jesus were still alive today he would be a Marxist revolutionary.
Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor”
Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which one who may initially feel victimized, undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding a given offense, and overcomes negative emotions such as resentment and vengeance
Reconciliation, in Christian theology, is an element of salvation that refers to the results of atonement. Reconciliation is the end of the estrangement, caused by original sin, between God and humanity.
Give Two examples of current conflict in the world today
2019–2021 Persian Gulf crisis.
2020–2021 China–India skirmishes
Examples of Bullying?
Physical Assault
Verbal abuse or agression
Christian Reasons to support Anti-Bullying?
-“Turn the Other Cheek” Hebrew 10:30
Agape Love
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself” Exodus 20
Absolute Pacifism
God is benevolent as well as Jesus
Stewardship we have the responsibility (Imago Dei)
Sancity of Life
Identify two sins that are not crimes?
Divorce, Abortion, Bhlasphemy
Identify two sins that aren’t crimes?
Adultery, ANy crime with good intention
Examples of Punishment?
Electronic Tagging
Community Service
Capital Punishment
Reasons for Crime and Sin?
Low Self Esteem
Why is Punishment important to Christians?
Agape Love Joe Fletcher
Irenenean Theodicy
Just War Theory (Sometimes it’s necessary)
Why may Punishment be considered as unfair or bad?
Possibly sending away the innocent –> Destroys the SoL
Matthew 18:21-35
Servant couldn’t “repay the debt” to the king. The servant “begged” and asked be “patient with me”.
However, when a person hadn’t paid the servant back he threw him in “prison”
Got told off by the King “You wicked Servant”
Doesn’t work
the faces are representing the people he has seen
Why is Punishment important to Christians?
Agape Love Joe Fletcher
Irenenean Theodicy
Just War Theory (Sometimes it’s necessary)
Imago Dei
Why is Capital Punishment bad?
It’s Murder
Destroys Sancity of Life as well as Imago Dei
You could kill an innocent person
Forgiveness is more important (Matthew 18:21-35)
Jesus reformed sinners (when he caught a woman in adultery John 8:1-11)
“take life for life” Exodus 21:23-24
Why is Capital Punishment good?
Most Loving thing to do (Stopping a Murderer)
People less likely to do murder
Many more people are murdered than put to death (Sacrifice a few prisoners)
The Bible sets down the death penalty for some crimes, so it must be acceptable to God.
“take life for life” Exodus 21:23-24
Two examples of Apocalyptic Warfare?
Fat Man
Little Boy
Arguments against Homosexuality?
God made male and female according to the Book of Genesis to complete each other and to procreate. Even if the couple are unable to have children, the sexual union is theoretically open to the production of children.
The natural order represented in nature is for male and female to unite.
Homosexual practice is forbidden in the book of Leviticus, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death.” (Leviticus 20:13).
In some of Saint Paul’s letters included in the Bible, he condemns homosexuality as “unrighteous” and claims that men who practice homosexuality will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Arguments in favour of homosexuality?
Simply because a sexual union cannot result in children, it is not right to forbid any action that is a physical expression of genuine love.
Homosexuals are simply following their natural instincts. This is how God created them, so they should not be condemned.
There is evidence of homosexual activity throughout the animal kingdom.
There are many laws in the Bible that would not be accepted now because the nature of society has changed, eg capital punishment and slavery. We should not be restricted by ancient standards.
Some people believe that Saint Paul’s comments were about male prostitutes, not homosexuality in general.
What does the Roman Catholic Church state about Homosexuality?
This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided … Homosexual people are called to chastity.
What do Quakers say about the GAYS?
Where there is a genuine tenderness, an openness to responsibility, and the seed of commitment, God is surely not shut out. Can we not say that God can enter any relationship in which there is a measure of selfless love? … To reject people on the grounds of their sexual behaviour is a denial of God’s creation.
3 examples of violence in the old testament?
Genesis 4 narrates the first shedding of blood when Cain kills Abel.
Noah’s Arc
The account of Israel’s conquest of Canaan and the order to put residents of the land under the ban (to “utterly destroy” Deut. 7:1–11
3 examples of violence in the New testament?
In John 8:44 Jesus calls Jews the “children of the devil” (NAMECALLING)
Violent Household Structures - Paul warns the Corinthians, that as their “father,” he might return to them “with a rod,” presumably to beat them 1Cor 4:21
Explain the roles of the United Nations in keeping peace
The United Nations prescribed role is to maintain peace, they do so in part by having an international peacekeeping force. The United Nations also fosters relations between countries and this dialogue helps to avoid conflict.
Two examples of Forgiveness in the Bible
Joseph forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery.
Jesus while dying on the cross forgave all those who crucified Him.
Examples of Jesus being a Peacemaker?
Death of Jesus - Died for our sins (restored God’s trust in humanity)
Explain two different roles of men and women in households?
Many families are still quite traditional (1)
where the father goes to work and the mother
brings up the children (1).
• Some families are more modern (1) and both
parents work to support the family (1)
5 different views on homosexuality?
some Christians do not accept homosexuality as Leviticus says that a man must not have sexual relations with another man
• some Christians use the teachings of St Paul, which say that it is
• some Christians accept homosexuality as Jesus did not condemn it
• some Christians accept it as Jesus’ message was that love is the most
important commandment
• some Christians accept that people are flawed and it is up to God to
judge, not man
Explain two different reasons that a couple may choose to have children?
Genesis 1:27-28. Humans are ordered to be “fruitful”
Couple may feel financially stable enough to support the upbringing of children
Explain two different reasons that a couple may choose to not have children?
Financial Issues (to sustain themselves and the child)
If the couple is Christian and unmarried
Reasons for adoption?
Want to have kids but the person is asexual
To avoid passing down genetic disorders
Reasons for celibacy?
Sexual Trauma, Catholic and not married, Asexual
How can Religious Communities support the upbringing of children?
Church Services
Use of the Bible
Sunday School, Marriage Counselling
Charitable + Financial assistance
Youth Clubs, parenting classes
Mother and child groups
Marital and relationship support groups
Two examples of Christians who used violence to achieve peace?
Oscar Ramirez –> Liberation theologians
Pope Urban II –> Triggered Crusades
Three Religious reasons for believing in life after Death?
Near-Death Experience where something beyond life is experienced.
Heaven and Hell mentioned in the Bible
Ressurection of Christ
Three Non-Religious reasons for believing in life after death?
Ghosts/Spirits, Near Death Experiences, Remembrance of a past life
Three different Christian views on Justice?
Justice Involves Violence, Justice Shouldn’t Involve Violence and Justice is a form of Agape Love
Three different views on Punishment?
Punishment is needed for reformation, Punishment is done to harm the person and never allow him outdoors, Rehabilitation. Retribution