Paper 2 crit Flashcards
Nazi seats May 1924 May 1928 July 1932 November 1932 March 1933
32, 12, 230, 196, 288
Birth rates in 1932 compared to 1938
15/1000 to 19/1000 babies
- Not certain if this was entirely due to Nazis
Female uni students (1933 to 38)
150,000 to 50,000
Why did French need German payments?
To pay their own war debts to the USA
How did the Rentenmark stabilise German economy?
- Issued in limited amounts. and was based on property values rather than gold reserves.
Gold standard limits an economy’s ability to grow, and monetary policies would be ineffective for stabilizing the economy
Politicians that opposed the young plan
Hitler n Hugenberg - objected to any further payment of reparations
(Germany agreed to pay 2.05 billion marks per year)
Social Democrats seats from May 1924 to May 1928
100 to 153
Effects of weimar economic stability
- Big businesses e.g. Ig Farben cld pay off debts - Industrial growth reflected in public work schemes e.g. Opera houses and new stadiums
- Wages increased and working day remained at 8hrs
Less strikes and fewer disputes between workers and employers
Limitations of Weimar recovery on certain workers
Farmers - affected by a worldwide agricultural depression, needed to modernise in order to remain competitive on the home and foreign market. However lack of profit led them into further debt.
In 1929, when Industrial production had returned to its pre war levels, Agricultural production was still at 74% of its pre war levels
Many of the lower middle class (craftsmen + small businesses) felt as if their interests were ignored by Weimar republic in favour of larger businesses
Impact of Kellog Briand Pact and League of Nations
w 64 other countries
- Allies could renegotiate reparations payment schedule
amount of payment could be reduced and timescale established - more manageable and less of an economic burden - Being part of the League of Nations allowed the Locarno Pact to come into operation
- 1927 - Allied troops withdrew from the west bank of the Rhine, five years before scheduled (1933)
Showed relaxation of the terms
Percentage of women in industry from 1907 to 1925
18.3 to 23%
Name of new art forms in Weimar republic
+ painter that did it
“Neue Sachlichkeit” - New objectivity
Otto Dix
Zeittheater and Zeitoper stuff
Featured greater realism
In an adaptation of “The good soldier Schweik”, the hero delivers his criticisms of Germany on the toilet
Unemployment in April 1928
184000 middle class unemployed, almost half didn’t qualify for unemployment relief
Pure German ppl idea in 25pp
Volkisch - Idea of a pure German ppl
Reformation of 25pp
Point 17 amended in 1928, - Privately owned land would only be confiscated if it was owned by a Jew.
- Hitler catering towards the wealthy - needed their support to secure control
Bruning legislations
Wage cuts of 2.5% for civil servants, blocked by SPD in the Reichstag but used article 48 to pass it
Increased tax rate on beer, sugar and more
Cut up to 60% to unemployment benefits
(undermined authority etc)
Unemployment in Jan 1932
Over 6 million
4/10 Germans workers without a job
Many middle/upper classes feared a communist rebellion like the one in Russia (1917)
Nienmöller’s opposition
A Pastor, In December 1933 established the PASTOR’S EMERGENCY LEAGUE for those who opposed Hitler
+ Established confessional church - non conforming protestant church
Army from 1933 to 1939
100,000 to 1,400,000
Number of ppl taking KdF holidays in 1938
Over 10 million workers
Female propaganda food
“Eintopf” - A one pot dish comprised of meat and vegetables was encouraged to women, who were constantly informed of which food to buy and how to cook simple, cheap and healthy meals.
Weekly wages in 1932 to 1938
Working hours in 1933 to 1939
86 to 109
42.9 to 47
Disadvantages of DAF, KdF and Beauty of Labour on workers
DAF Didn’t permit workers to negotiate better pay or reduced working hours. Strikes were banned
KdF - Many couldn’t afford more expensive trips
BOL - Workers had to carry out improvements in the spare time and without pay
Why were food items in short supply in 1939
Nazi agricultural policy to benefit farmers kept food prices up
of Spartacists, Kapp Putchists, and Munich putchers
50,000 spartacists, 5,000 freikorps, 3,000 nazis