Paper 2 Flashcards
What texts will I get on this paper?
You will get two literary non-fiction texts – one from the 1800s, one modern day.
What does viewpoint mean?
The term viewpoint refers to the way that a writer thinks or feels about a topic.
What does perspective mean?
The term perspective refers to the way a writer might view a topic differently depending on when they are writing. A 19th century writer, for instance, might have a very different view of the way a young woman should behave, compared to a modern writer.
What do I have to do for Question 1?
You will be asked to read a specific section of the text and then choose four statements that are true. You must shade in the correct boxes.
How long should I spend on Question 1?
5 minutes.
What do I have to do for Question 2?
You will be asked to summarise the differences between something across both texts. You should write about 3 differences. You should plan these differences and find the quotations before you start to write your response.
What BET CAR WEB ingredients should I use for Question 2?
CBE x2
C- Both texts focus on……. In Source A………..however in Source B………..
B- In Source A………….
E- This is shown in the quotation ‘……….’ this implies that………
C-In contrast/However/Differently
B- In Source B…….
E- This is shown in the quotation ‘…..’ which suggests that…..
How long should I spend on Question 2?
10 minutes.
What do I have to do for Question 3?
Analyse how the writer uses language. Remember on this paper the language techniques can be both persuasive and/or descriptive.
How long should I spend on Question 3?
You should spend 15 minutes on this question.
What BET CAR WEB ingredients should I use for Question 3?
B/T- The writer uses ‘……….’ to entertain/describe/persuade the reader….
E- This is shown in the quotation ‘…….’ which tells the reader to….
C- In particular, the adjective/noun/verb/phrase ‘…..’ implies….
A- Another example of this technique being used is…..
R- This would make the reader think/feel…..
W-In all, the writer has intended to…..
What do I have to do for Question 4?
You need to compare the writers’ viewpoints (thoughts and feelings) and perspectives on a topic and then analyse the methods that they use to show them.
How much time should I spend on Question 4?
20 minutes.
What BET CAR WEB ingredients should I use for this question?
C- In Source A, the writer feels………….however, in source B, the writer feels……
B- In Source A, the writer thinks….
E- This attitude is shown in the quotation…….’….’ which tells us…..
T- The technique that has been used is……
C- In particular, the word/phrase ‘…’ shows the writer’s viewpoint because…..
A-Another example of this is……
R- This makes the reader think/feel….
C- However/In contrast/Contrastingly.
B- In Source B, the writer thinks….
E- This attitude is shown in the quotation…….’….’ which tells us…
T- The technique that has been used is……
C- In particular, the word/phrase ‘…’ shows the writer’s viewpoint because…..
A-Another example of this is……
R- This makes the reader think/feel….
W- In Source A, the writer intends to…..whereas in Source B the writer’s purpose is to….
E-In all, in Source A the writer feels this way because in the Victorian era……whereas, Source B feels this way because in the modern day….
B- Ultimately, it can be argued that Source A/B is more effective at conveying their viewpoint on because….
What do I have to do for Question 5?
You will be given a statement about a topic and asked to write a piece on your opinion on the topic. There is only one question so you do not have a choice.
How long should I spend on Question 5?
45 minutes including 5 minutes planning and 5 proof reading.
What do I need to include to be successful in the writing section?
AFOREST techniques to persuade.
Discourse markers to connect your ideas.
Different sentence types.
Range of punctuation including semi-colons, colons, dashes and brackets.
Ambitious vocabulary.