Paper 2: 3.2 Forms of Worship Flashcards
Events at Mass
Led by priest
What is mass in memory of
The last supper
1 Corinthians 11:24
“This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
Parts of Mass
- Liturgy of the Word - focus on Bible
- Liturgy of the Eucharist - holy communion
Liturgy of the Word
People express sorrow for sins, listen to Bible readings, hear a sermon
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Bread and wine are offered to God, then are received by the congregation
Lord’s Prayer
Outward sign of internal truth or experience
Bread = body
Wine = blood
Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine
Advantages of Liturgy
- Provides structure
- Tradition
- Involves laity in worship
Disadvantages of Liturgy
- Formal and rigid
- Becomes routinely
- May become boring
Rites of Passage
- Baptism
- Marriage
- Funerals
Because Jesus was baptised, Christians must be too.
Sign of inner cleansing from original sin
John 3:5
‘No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.’
Types of Baptism
- Infant
- Adult
Infant Baptism
CofE and RCC
Baptism makes a Christian a member of God’s family
Sign of cross is made on forehead with oil + water from font
Godparents make promises to reject eveil in behalf of the child
Adult Baptism
Adult needs to accept Christian faith, which can only be done with the knowledge of Jesus
Total immersion by walking into pool
Jesus was baptised as an adult
Intercessionary prayers to reduce time in purgatory
Candle to symbolise Jesus as light
‘ashes to ashes, dust to dush’