Paper 2: 1.2 Founders and Leaders Flashcards
What happened in Mark’s Gospel (Jesus’ Baptism)
Jesus asks John to be baptised, even though he is the sinless son of God
Who is baptism for?
For those who repent of their sin
Want to have a good relationship with God
Await the coming Messiah
For the forgiveness of sin
What happened when Jesus was baptised?
The heavens opened -> heaven is a symbol of God’s presence so heavens opening shows closeness of God to humanity
The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove -> dove is a symbol of good news/peace
God the father spoke about who Jesus was -> ‘This is my son, whom I love’
What does heaven represent?
God’s presence
What does a dove represent?
Good news/peace
What do the events at Jesus’ baptism show?
Union of the Trinity
Marks the start of Jesus’ ministry -> he was baptised to become on of us/set an example
Confirms Jesus as God’s son
Why do Christians undergo baptism?
Public declaration of Christian identity
Temptations of Jesus bible reference
Matthew 4:1-11
What did Jesus do after his baptism?
Went to the desert for 40 days to prepare for his ministry
What are the temptations
The times at which Jesus was tempted by the devil
Temptation 1
‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to turn into bread.’
Temptation 2
‘If you are the son of God, throw yourself off the highest point of the temple walls so that God can rescue you’
Temptation 3
‘All these kingdoms I will give you, if you bow down and worship me’
Temptation 1 Analysis
Jesus refused the chance to end his hunger, even though he had been fasting for 40 days.
Shows that he is not selfish + not concerned with material things, but spiritual food given by God.
Temptation 2 Analysis
The devil wanted Jesus to misuse his power. Jesus didn’t as he didn’t need to prove that he was the Messiah + that God cared about him
Temptation 3 Analysis
The devil tests Jesus’s devotion to god + desire for political power. Jesus showed that the Messiah was not a political ruler but one who put God’s kingdom first.
Healing Miracles - Jesus heals a sick woman reference
Mark 5:24 -34
Healing Miracles - Jesus heals a sick woman
One of the synagogue rulers, Jairus, falls at Jesus’s feet to save his dying daughter. When Jesus went with him, a sick women who had been bleeding for 12 years touched Jesus’s clothes in order to be healed. Jesus feels that his power had left him so questions who touched him. The women confesses and Jesus says that he faith has healed her.
Healing Miracles - Jesus brings a dead girl back to life reference
Mark 5:22
Healing Miracles - Jesus brings a dead girl back to life
Some men tell Jairus that his daughter died. Jesus told him to not be afraid, but believe. Jesus entered the room and told everyone that there was no reason for their crying, because the girl was not dead but asleep. They laughed at him. Jesus told the girl to stand up and she did.
Healing Miracles - Jesus heals a paralytic reference
Mark 2:1-12
Healing Miracles - Jesus heals a paralytic
When Jesus entered Capernaum, many gathered so there was no room left. So 4 men made an opening in the roof and lowered the paralyzed man. When Jesus saw him, he forgave his sins and told him to get up and walk.
Healing Miracles - Jesus heals a leper reference
Matthew 8:2 -3
Healing Miracles - Jesus heals a leper
A man with leprosy asked Jesus if he was willing to make him clean. Jesus agreed and said ‘be clean’ and the man was immediately cleansed.
What does the cross symbolise?
execution indicating Jesus’s death
What did Jesus do by dying on the cross?
Jesus atoned for the sins of man -> his death removed the sins of mankind.
Quote on Jesus’ crucifixion - 1 Peter 2:24
’He himself bore our sins’, ’by his wounds you have been healed’
What occurred before Jesus’ death?
The crowd had the choice of saving one of the two: Barabbas (a murderer) or Jesus (no crime committed). The crowd chose Jesus. It is as if Jesus took Barabbas’s place on the cross (penal substitution).
Punishment, seperation from God - Mark 15:34
‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’
What happened while Jesus was dying?
The whole land went dark -> symbolizes God’s wrath
The curtain in the temple was torn in 2 from top to bottom -> Jesus’s death has got rid of the separation between God and the people
Reasons why the Jewish authorities wanted Jesus killed
- Jesus was a threat to the way of life -> political/unstable situation between the Jews and Romans
- Jesus lacked respect for their traditions -> as they were man made and did not come from God
- Jesus’s claims outweighed their authority -> Jesus claimed to be the Messiah (God appointed King) which overruled their authority. They became jealous
What happened after Jesus’ death?
Placed in a guarded tomb
Mary Magdalene gets a vision that Jesus has risen, but the disciples don’t believe her as she is a woman (emotionall/unreliable)
So Jesus appears to other disciples
Significance of Jesus’ Resurrection
Jesus has power over death
Jesus defeated death - life triumphed over death
Proof of life after death
Death should not be feared - it is a gateway to a better life
John 3:16 - confirms that death is not the end
‘For God so loved the world that he sent his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life’
FOR Jesus’ Resurrection
Most of the disciples died martyrs. They wouldn’t risk torture + death for a story
The body was never found by the authorities
Mary Magdalene watched Jesus’s body being put into the tomb. She would not forget the tomb
The Roman officer checked Jesus’s body to see If he was really dead.
AGAINSt Jesus’ Resurrection
Jesus didn’t die but was in terrible pain/unconscious. His disciples helped him escape from the tomb
The disciples stole Jesus’s body
The women went to the wrong tomb, which is why it was empty
The women was too emotional so imagined the angel