Paper 1.4 - Expressions and Forms of the church Flashcards
SOWA for the architecture of a church
“You learn your faith through the church building” Catholic architect
Why is church architecture important
It is the home of God and a gathering place for catholics meaning it is sacred and should be used to help and preserve worship
Why is the church built facing east
This is where Jesus rose from the dead and it shows new life
Why are churches round
to represent eternity
Why are churches octagonal
to show the star bringing light (Jesus) into the world
Why do Churches have spires
to point towards God in heaven and become close with him
Why do churches have stained glass windows
to tell bible stories to those who cannot read
Why do churches have sanctuarys
to show that God and the priest is Holy so they should be separated
SOWA for internal features of the catholic church
“Jesus’ sacrifice reminds them of salvation” CCC
What is the importance of the Lectern
It is used to read and share the bible from making it an essential part of the liturgy. Without the lecturn scripture would not be as special and important
What is the importance of the alter
It focuses the mass on the transubstantiation of christ. It represents the table of last supper and is a key staple to the liturgy, reminding catholics of salvation
What is the importance of the Crucifix
It is always visible in the church as a constant reminder of the Sacrifice that Jesus made for them and their sins. It can also be a focus for prayer
What is the importance of the Tabernacle
It is a Holy place for Jesus’ body and blood and is important for catholics as they believe when Jesus is in there, he is truly there and present.
Why are internal features important
They are a focus point for prayer and a constant reminder of the catholic religion
SOWA for artwork in catholicism
“Sacred art is true and beautiful” CCC
SOWA against catholicism artwork
“Do not worship false idols”
Why is artwork important
- It is an expression of faith and can be interpreted in many different ways
- It makes the religion more accessible as the illiterate can still learn
- It helps strengthen the bond with God
Where can artwork be used
At church as a visual prayer point or at home to constantly remind catholics of their faith and its importance
Explain some brief history of art in the catholic church
In the 17th century lots of art was destroyed due to being told worshipping false idols was wrong. However, art is not worshipped it is used to tell a story so art is still prominent today.
Give one example of catholic artwork
The creation of adam in the sistine chapel represented God and man reaching out to each other, but leaving a gap as a symbol of free will and boundaries
Give one SOWA for statues in the catholic church
” Art is a form of practical wisdom” CCC
Why are statues important
They are more obvious focal points for prayer as it makes it appear as though Jesus is in the church with them in statue form. Statues can be used. Statues are also built in the image of God and Jesus, making them Holy
How are sculptures used in the church
- Prayer
- Kneel before them
- Touch and hold
- Light candles and pray before them
Why are sculptures a good expression of belief
they allow people to be more expressive when praying and can be used to remember the person being represented in the statue
Give on example of a statue
Christ the redeemer in Rio, a constant reminder that God is always watching over and protecting them