Paper 1- Theme 1.3- Marketing mix and strategy Flashcards
Define marketing mix
combination of factors (4 p’s) to help the business take into account the customers needs when selling a product
Define design mix
what factors does it consider
way in which aspects of a products designed are considered
function, aesthetic, economic manufacture (capability to be manufactured at a cost below selling price)
How does the design mix change to reflect new social trends
-design should be sustainable so that the long term resource supplies are not affected
- designed for waste minimisation
- keeps costs down and can be used as marketing strategy
- designed to be recycled as waste materials
- ethically sourced - sustainably sourcing resources, the chain of supply needs to be considered and not damaging people’s livelihoods or condition of workers
Factors of the design mix
Economic manufacture
Define promotion
The use of methods to communicate with existing and potential customers to buy your product
Types of promotion
- advertising- tv, radio
- personal selling- sales people, telemarektong
- publicity- speeches, PR stunts
- sales promotion- vouchers, deals, BOGOF
- sponsorship- business sponsor and Individual or event
Define distribution
Distribution is the process of getting products to the right place for consumers at the right time
Describe the direct distribution channel
Pros and cons
manufacturer —> consumer (e.g. online Amazon store)
- full control of supply and marketing
- max revenue as no intermediaries
- may not be available in retail stores so lose potential sales
Describe the modern distribution channel
Pros and cons
manufacturer —> retailer —> consumer
- use established infrastructure to access all over the country
- less cost and more control as no wholesaler
- hard to maintain relationships with retailers
- large retailers are tough with negotiations on price, credit and demanding that you pay for special offers
- brand image may be damaged in retail stores
Describe the traditional distribution channel
Pros and cons
manufacturer —> wholesaler —> retailer —> consumer
- gain distribution to small independent shops to
- producer can focus on production, not worry about retailers
- helps small producers gain access to retail stores
- wholesaler markets product
- lose out on profit due to wholesalers benefitting from EoS and share of profit
Describe the use of an agent distribution channel
Pros and cons
manufacturer —> use of an agent —> wholesaler —> retailer —> consumer
-makes selling in foreign country easier due to knowledge of the market (tax, regulations and language)
- supply chain longer (more separate parties slows down distribution)
- takes commission
Define an agent
- someone who facilitates the sale between a business and a wholesaler (usually in foreign markets)
How was distribution changed to reflect social trends
• increase online distribution
- reach wider geographical market
- can be accessed without need for physical copy
• changing from product to service
(e.g. music going from vinyls to streaming services)
Define the product life cycle and state it’s stages
-model showing the lifespan of a product’s sales from launch up until its removal from market
research and development introduction growth maturity decline extension strategy
define an extension strategy
•ways that a business can modify its product or marketing strategy to prevent a decline in medium-long term sales