Paper 1 - Social Class Identity Flashcards
Marxism summary
Bourgeoisie exploit proletariats who develop class consciousness lead to revolution.
Postmodernism summary
supermarket of style pick n mix
more focus on culture, social classes are fragmented (blurred/merging)
Postmodernism - Lyon (consumer)
postmodern world = consumer society
expansion of pop culture result in decline of class cultures. pick n mix from diff styles
Social class (define)
a group in similar economic & social situation
Seperation by class
school - private tuition
health - private health care/ life insurance
housing - no mortgages/renting issues
Judging class
-dressing/style -education - possessions -housing
-job -accent leisure/hobbies -holidays
Neo-Marxist - Bourdieu (capital) {marxist}
Economic (wealth, inheritance)
Cultural (education, hobbies)
Social (networking, connections)
Upper Class - Mackintosh & Mooney
upperclass have invisibility, cut off from society
boarding school leisure activities expensive & little known (opera)
Upper Class - Volscho & Kelly **{marxist}
worker rights decreased, tax cuts to big businesses
rich getting richer, no. of super-rich increased
Upper class vs Super-rich
u/c - escribed/ inherited wealth (e.g. royals)
super-rich - achieved wealth (Beckham family)
Middle class - Devine et al (doc/teachers)
50 interviewed most didn’t refer to their class ( m/c )
fear being perceived as superior to others
Middle class - Chambliss {interactionist}
compared two highschool gangs
w/c (roughnecks) deviance vs m/c (saints) reputation
m/c let off due to family capital speeding - they have cars
Middle class - Fox (3 m/c) {postmodernist}
Lower-middle -> unskilled job, retail, less rich suburbs, mild accent
Middle-middle-> accountants, teachers. state and private
education, interested in books and theatres
Upper-middle -> inherited wealth, priv schools, similar to upper
Working class - Savage (social capital)
Manchester- many labour workers
men belong to social clubs, basis of social life
women organise social life around local families or near contacts
Working class - Willis
learning to labour
boys dont try in school bcs they going to work in factory like dad
Working class - Jones (demonised)
w/c demonised by media and right-wing politics
something to be ashamed of not symbol of pride anymore
Working class - Chambliss {Interactionist}
roughnecks - don’t care about education/grades
state school so teachers didn’t bother with them
Underclass - Murray {functionalist}
single mothers and absent fathers
dependency culture, welfare state
faulty socialisation
Underclass- Reay (capital lack)
lack of 3 capitals means harder for poorest children
families cant support children at school
lot of effort not same results schools bias to m/c
Postmodernist - Pakulski & Waters (consume)
identity no longer ab what we do but what we consume and our lifestyles, things always changing. Solid idea of class replaced by more fluid reality