Pancreatic Hormones Flashcards
Pancreas Structure
Exocrine cells lie in groups around a central duct.
Endocrine cells clustered in the Islets of Langerhans surrounding a capillary.
- Accounts for 1-2% of total weight
- Blood flows from the central capillary to the periphery
- Cells release their secretions which are carried out to the portal vein
- Liver controls the appearance rate of the hormones in the systemic circulation
- Pancreas in an optimal location to signal the liver
- The cells within each islet are connected by gap-junctions
- Regulates each others secretory activity
- Islets innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
- Cholinergic stimulation increases insulin secretion

Endocrine Cells
- Beta-cells: produce insulin, C-peptide, and Amylin
- Alpha-cells: produce glucagon
- Delta-cells: produce somatostatin
- F-cells: produce Pancreatic polypeptide (PP)
- Peptide hormone which is co-secreted with insulin by pancreatic β-cells
- Exerts two main actions:
- Post-prandial inhibition of glucagon secretion
- To mitigate the amount of glucose released by the liver into circulation
- Reduction of gastric motility
- To allow for a slower rate of nutrient absorption from the intestinal tract
- Post-prandial inhibition of glucagon secretion
- Both effects aim to cooperate with the action of insulin and implement clearance of glucose from the blood
- Two forms of 14 AA & 28 AA peptide hormone
- Secreted by pancreatic delta-cells
- Inhibits the release of:
- Insulin
- Glucagon
- PP
- Gastrin
- Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
- [Somatostatin] produced by delta cells would effectively inhibit release of insulin from beta-cells, however, blood flows from the centrally located β-cells out to the peripherally located δ-cells making it unlikely for somatostatin to locally affect insulin release via paracrine action.
Pancreatic Polypeptide
- Secreted by pancreatic F-cells
- Stimulated by:
- Gastric distension
- Vagal stimulation
- Nutrients
- Inhibited by:
- Hyperglycemia
- Somatostatins
- Others
- PP activates the Y4 receptor
- Expressed by cells of the GI system in the stomach, small intestine, and colon.
- Activation reduces gastric emptying times & motility of the upper intestine
Insulin & C-peptide
Produced by pancreatic β-cells.
- Secreted as pre-pro-insulin
- The connecting peptide (C-peptide) facilitates formation of interchain disulfide bonds between the A and B peptide chains allowing assembly into pro-insulin.
- Pro-insulin transported from RER to Golgi where it is cleaved to form mature insulin.
- C-peptide formed from initial connecting peptide plus two additional basic AA from the original A and B chains on insulin.
- Insulin and C-peptide packaged into secretory vesicles until release.
Up to 50-60% of insulin secreted by the pancreas is extracted by the liver and never reaches systemic circulation.

Clinical Significance
- C-peptide is co-secreted with insulin
- Due to hepatic degradation of insulin and possible exogenous insulin administration the peripheral measurement of insulin levels can be problematic
- Liver does not extract C-peptide
- As it is secreted in equimolar concentrations with insulin its immunodetection can provide reliable information about the rate and amount of insulin secretion
A1c Test
- Measures a form of hemoglobin which is glycosylated by glucose in the plasma
- Percentage of A1c modest in normal individuals with controlled plasma [glucose]
- Increases significantly with DM
- Glycosylation is irreversible and life-span of RBC is ~ 3-4 months
- Gives an average plasma glucose level over the last 3 months
- Used to measure the effectiveness of treatment
Insulin Secretion Kinetics
- Stimulation of insulin release by glucose is dose and method related.
- Significantly different release profiles observed if glucose given PO or IV.
Glucose by mouth
- Magnitude of insulin released is greater when glucose taken PO ⇒ incretin effect
- Attributed to the fact that GI tract produces hormones that increase the sensitivity of β-cells to glucose.
- Fasting plasma [glucose] is the threshold for release
Glucose Intravenously
- Release of insulin less than observed with PO
- Follows biphasic kinetics
- Acute phase with an initial rapid peak
- Caused by sensing of the larger and immediate increase in plasma glucose by β-cells causing rapid release of stored insulin
- Second slower and more prolonged increase
- Chronic phase caused by secretion of newly synthesized insulin
- Third phase has been described which starts 1.5-3 hours after glucose intake, declines to 15-25% of acute phase, and lasts for up to 48 hours
- Acute phase with an initial rapid peak

Glucose Activation
- Glucose enters pancreatic β-cells via facilitated diffusion through an insulin-independent GLUT-2.
- Glucose phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate by glucokinase.
- Glucokinase controls rate of glycolysis
- Functions as main sensor for changes in blood [glucose]
- G-6-P oxidized via glycolysis producing ATP.
- [ATP]in is the key factor controlling insulin secretion
- When [ATP]in increases, K+ channels on the plasma membrane close causing depolarization of the β-cell.
- Deploarization causes opening of voltage-senstive Ca2+ channels allowing calcium to enter.
- Increased intracellular [Ca2+] causes exocytosis of the insulin-containing secretory granules.

- These drugs block the ATP-sensitive K+ channels on the β-cell membrane inducing depolarization and subsequent insulin secretion.
- Administered orally to treat Type II DM
Other Factors Affecting
Insulin Release
- Amino acid metabolism results in intracellular ATP production ⇒ stimulates secretion
- Lipids may impair the glucose-stimulated secretion of insulin especially long-term.
- Small intestine releases hormones which increase the sensitivity of β-cells GLUT2 transporter for glucose ⇒ potentiates insulin secretion ⇒ basis for the incretin effect
- Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP)
- Cholecystokinin (CCK)
- Activation of α-adrenoreceptors decreases intracellular [cAMP] and inhibits insulin release.
- These receptors predominantly involved in the stress response when mobilization of glucose needed.
- Activation of β-adrenoreceptors induces cAMP production and stimulates insulin release.
Insulin Receptor
- Integral tetrameric (2 alpha/2 beta) protein located on plasma membrane.
- Insulin binding causes conformational change ⇒ autophosphorylation ⇒ activation of β-subunits
- Activated β-subunits phosphorylate and either activate or inhibit several cytosolic transducers
- Including activation of GLUT4 in muscle and adipose
- Main target tissues are:
- Liver
- Adipose
- Skeletal muscle
- Insulin-receptor complex eventually removed and internalized.
- Insulin removed.
- Receptor either degraded or recycled.
- Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B) production triggered by insulin binding which dephosphorylates and inactivates the receptor.
- Insulin also decreases the rate of receptor synthesis
Insulin down-regulates its own receptor.
Partially responsible for reduced sensitivity of target tissues to insulin observed in obesity and Type II DM.
Glucagon Secretion
- Secreted by pancreatic α-cells as polypeptide precursor called proglucagon.
- Proglucagon cleaved by prohormone convertase 2 to produce glucagon in the pancreatic α-cells only.
- Stimulated by:
- Hypoglycemia
- Ingestion of proteins
- Catecholamines
- Inhibited by:
- Glucose
- Insulin

Metabolic Effects
Insulin and Glucagon
- Insulin secreted in times of nutrient abundance.
- Main targets are liver, adipose, and skeletal muscle.
- 70% of cells are insulin-sensitive.
- Action responsible for returning plasma glucose levels to normal physiological range.
- Facilitates the transport of plasma glucose into the cell.
- Promote the storage of energy metabolites.
- Glucagon produced and released in response to and overall deficit in nutrient supply.
- Main targets are liver and adipose tissue
- Adipose only shows a significant response when insulin levels low
- Insulin/glucagon ratio determines the net effect
- Adipose only shows a significant response when insulin levels low
- Acts by increasing plasma glucose.
- Main targets are liver and adipose tissue
- Glucagon, epinephrine, glucocorticoids, and growth hormone are the counter-regulatory hormones.
- Aims toward the metabolic goal of increasing the use of stored nutrients.

Actions of Insulin
Increases glucose transport into cells
- Primarily in muscle & adipose via GLUT 4 mobilization
Increases glucose utilization
- Stimulates glycolysis
- Thus increases production of α-glycerol phosphate and fatty acids
- Inhibits gluconeogenesis
- Stimulates glycolysis
Increases glycogen production
- Stimulates glycogenesis by activting glycogen synthase
- Inhibits glycogenolysis
Implements biosynthesis of triglycerides and fat deposition
- Lipogenic effect on adipose and liver
- Stimulates lipoprotein lipase (LPL) expressed by adipocytes
- Promotes uptake of fatty acids and glycerol from the blood
Inhibits lipolysis
- Inhibits hormone-sensitive lipase
- Decreases triglyceride catabolism
- Inhibits free fatty acid mobilization
- Inhibits β-oxidation
- Inhibits hormone-sensitive lipase
Promotes protein synthesis
- Stimulates amino acid uptake
- Increases synthesis of ribosomes
- Inhibits protein degradation
- Inhibits cAMP
- Increases cellular uptake of K+, Mg2+, and phosphate
- Essential for normal growth of soft tissues and bone

Insulin Control
Glucose Transport
Under normoglycemic conditions GLUT4 is continuously cycled between cytoplasm and plasma membrane with a predominant fraction in the cell interior.
Promotes the sub-cellular trafficking of GLUT-4 to the plasma membrane allowing glucose entry.
Also reduces GLUT-4 internalization.
Actions of Glucagon
Liver and Adipose
Increases blood glucose
- Induces glycogenolysis in liver
- Induces gluconeogenesis in liver
Increases fat breakdown
- Promotes lypolysis in liver and adipose tissue
- Promotes release of fatty acids into blood
Promotes ketogenesis
- Used as fuel by muscle and heart sparing glucose for brain
- Brain can also use ketone bodies during prolonged starvation
When infused systemically also promotes:
- Fatty acid and glucose mobilization
- Stimulation of β-oxidation in all tissues
- Positive inotropic effect on the heart
- Increases amino acid and glycerol transport

Insulin/Glucagon Ratio
- The I/G determines the net physiological effects exerted by insulin and glucagon.
- Ratio can vary 100-fold according to the nutritional state of the individual
- In fed state: ~ 30.
- After overnight fast: ~ 2
- Periods of prolonged starvation: ~ 0.5
- With Type I DM, there is a significantly reduced or even absent secretion of insulin which creates an imbalance of the I/G ratio
- Effects of glucagon will predominate over the pathways stimulated by insulin
- Release of insulin and glucagon are both promoted by intracellular increase of cAMP.
- Stimulation of glucagon receptors on the β-cells of pancreas stimulates cAMP production
- Stimulation of insulin receptors on α-cells inhibits cAMP production
- Therefore, glucagon promotes insulin release but insulin obstructs the release of glucagon
Diabetes Mellitus
- The most common debilitating metabolic disease in humans
- Two forms observed
- Type 1: affects mostly children
- Type 2: generally observed in adulthood
- Most typical sign is hyperglycemia
- Normal renal absorption rate of glucose is ~ 180 mg/dL
- Any excess glucose is excreted in urine
- Leads to:
- Polyuria
- Dehydration
- Polydipsia
- Results in alterations in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
- Causes increased food consumption but weight loss
- Complications:
- Alterations of the cardiovascular system are the most common complication
- May lead to renal failure
- Erectile dysfunction
- Blindness
- Microvascular and peripheral nerve lesions
Type I DM
Also called Insulin-dependent DM (IDDM)
- Most common form caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells (Type-1A)
- An autoimmune-indepedent form recently described where inflammation of endocrine pancreas is not associated with detection of auto-antibodies (T_ype-1B_)
- Genetic and environmental factors are determinant for pathogenesis of disease
- Other pancreatic cells spared leading to abnormally low I/G
- Hyperglycemia leads to osmotic diuresis
- Lack of glucose for peripheral tissues induces hepatic proteolysis and lipolysis as energy substrates
- Produces ketone bodies
- Worsens solute load for kidneys
- If untreated, ketoacidosis will eventually lead to death
- Long term management involves a balance between appropriate and timely administration of insulin, diet, and exercise.
Type 2 DM
Aka Non-Insulin Dependent DM (NIDDM)
- Initially, normal insulin secretion in response to glucose.
- Emergence of reduced sensitivity of insulin receptors on target tissues.
- Compensated for by increasing the release/availability of insulin (panel B) either autonomously by the pancreas or therapeutically by sulfonylureas.
- Hyperglycemia eventually develops
- In response to hyperglycemia, pancreas increases the release of insulin (hyperinsulinemia)
- Down-regulation of the insulin receptor on target tissues and emergence of reduced responsiveness to insulin.
- Condition cannot be reversed by increasing pancreatic insuline release or therapeutic availability of insulin (panel A)
- Results in insulin resistance.
- Clinical manifestations include:
- Decreased glucose transport and metabolism by adipocytes and skeletal muscle
- Impaired suppresion of hepatic glucose output
- There is a clinical correlation between obesity and incidence of Type II DM.
- There are 2 theories why:
- Lipotoxicity: when adipose tissue exceeds its storage capacity, fat accumulates in muscle and liver, compromising the functioning of insulin receptor.
- Inflammation: adipose cells of overweight/obese individuals secrete inflammatory cytokines and other signaling molecules named adipokines which induces insulin resistance.
- There are 2 theories why:
- Severe ketoacidosis rarely observed because sufficient insulin is produced for most of the disease duration
- Complications:
- Microvascular lesions
- Retinopathy
- Blindness
- Alterations to blood flow to extremities which may lead to skin ulcerations or amputation
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Leads to diminished sensation in the feet and legs
- Impaired sensory nerve function
- Microvascular lesions