Gastrointestinal Flashcards
GI System
- Gastrointestinal Tract
- Mouth
- Pharynx
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- Ileum
- Large intestine
- Colon
- Ascending
- Transverse
- Descending
- Colon
- Rectum
- Anus
- Associated Glandular Organs
- Salivary glands
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Gallbladder

Splanchnic Circulation
- Large blood flow
- Serve reservoir function
- 70% of mobilized blood during exercise
- Gets 20-25% cardiac output at rest
- Can increase 8x following a meal ⇒ postprandial hyperemia
- Control of flow via both local and nervous system control
- SNS ⇒ Norepi ⇒ α-adreneric receptors ⇒ vasoconstriction ⇒ decrease blood flow
- Enteric NS ⇒ Ach & vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) ⇒ increase blood flow
The movement and mixing of GI contents.
Regulated process.
The release of water, electrolytes, enzymes, and mucous from glands in the GI tract.
Regulated process.
The chemical breakdown of ingested material into molecules that can be absorbed in the blood.
Mainly through enzymes and gastric acid.
Not directly regulated but enzymatic secretions are.
The process by which nutrients are take up by mucosal cells and enter the blood stream.
Absorption not directly regulated.
Motility and secretion are which influence absorption.
Regulation of GI Function
Function regulated by three different systems:
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- Enteric
- GI hormones
- Paracrines

Vagovagal Reflexes
Occurs when the vagus nerve (CN-X) participiates in both afferent sensation and efferent responses without CNS involvement.
SNS Control
Sympathetic NS
- Most fibers terminate on plexuses of enteric NS
- Few directly innervate blood vessels (vasoconstriction) and glands
- Norepi and Neuropeptide Y (NPY) main transmitters
- Functions to:
- relax wall muscle
- constrict sphincters
- inhibit salivary secretions (norepi)
- inhibit intestinal secretions (NPY)

PNS Control
Parasympathetic NS
- Most fibers terminate on enteric NS neurons
- Stimulation of GI motility and secretion
- Primary neurotransmitters:
- Ach
- Gastrin-releasing hormone
- Substance P

Enteric NS Control
Main neural control of GI system.
Myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s)
- Located between circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers through entire GI system
- Primarily regulates:
- intestinal smooth muscle
- participates in tonic and rhythmic contractions
Excitatory motor neurons
- Release Ach and Substance P
- Induce contraction
- Inhibitory motor neurons
- Release VIP and NO
- Induce relaxation
Submucosal plexus (Meissner’s)
- In submucosa of small and large intestine
- Primarily regulates:
- intestinal secretions
- local absorptive environment
- Release VIP and Ach

- Releasing Nerves
- Parasympathetic
- Cholinergic
- Innervate
- Smooth muscle
- Glands
- Functions:
- Contracts wall muscle
- Relaxes sphincters
- Increases salivary, gastric, and pancreatic secretions
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
- Releasing Nerves
- Parasympathetic
- Cholinergic
- Enteric
- Innervate
- Smooth muscle
- Glands
- Functions:
- Relaxes sphincters
- Increases pancreatic and intestinal secretions
- Releasing Nerves
- Sympathetic
- Adrenergic
- Innervate
- Smooth muscle
- Glands
- Functions:
- Relaxes wall muscle
- Contracts sphincters
- Decreases salivary secretions
Neuropeptide Y
- Releasing Nerves
- Sympathetic
- Adrenergic
- Enteric
- Innervate
- Smooth muscle
- Glands
- Functions:
- Relaxes wall muscle
- Decreases intestinal secretions
Gastric-releasing Peptide
- Releasing Nerves:
- Parasympathetic
- Cholinergic
- Enteric
- Innervate:
- Glands
- Functions:
- Increases gastrin secretion
Substance P
- Releasing Nerves:
- Parasympathetic
- Cholinergic
- Enteric
- Innervate:
- Smooth muscle
- Glands
- Functions:
- Contracts wall muscle
- Increases salivary secretions
- Releasing Nerves
- Enteric
- Innervate
- Smooth muscle
- Glands
- Functions:
- Constrict sphincters
- Decrease intestinal secretions
- Releasing Cells:
- I cells
- Releasing structures:
- Pancreas
- Gallbladder
- Stomach
- Functions:
- Increases enzyme secretion
- Contracts gallbladder
- Decreases gastric emptying
Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Peptide
- Releasing Cells:
- K cells
- Releasing structures:
- Pancreas
- Stomach
- Functions:
- Releases insulin
- Inhibits acid secretion
- Releasing Cells:
- G cells
- Releasing structures:
- Stomach
- Functions:
- Increases gastric acid secretion
- Releasing Cells:
- M cells
- Releasing structures:
- GI smooth muscle
- Functions:
- Increases contractions
- Increases migrating motor complexes
- Releasing Cells:
- S cells
- Releasing structures:
- Pancreas
- Stomach
- Functions:
- Releases HCO3-
- Releases pepsin
Hormone Distribution

- Releasing Cells:
- Enterochromaffin-like cells
- Mast cells
- Releasing structures:
- Stomach
- Functions:
- Increases gastric acid secretion
- Releasing Cells:
- Cells lining GI tract
- Releasing structures:
- Mucosa
- Functions:
- Increase blood flow
- Increase mucus secretion
- Increase HCO3- secretion
- Releasing Cells:
- D cells
- Releasing structures:
- Stomach
- Pancreas
- Functions:
- Inhibits peptide hormones
- Inhibits gastric acid secretion
GI Smooth Muscle
- Smooth muscle cells electrically coupled
- Resting membrane potential oscillates ⇒ slow waves or basic electric rhythm
- Slow waves generated by Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC)
- Located in muscularis externa
- Connected by gap junctions to smooth muscle cells
- Drives AP of the entire muscle
- Amplitude & frequency of slow waves altered by:
- SNS input decreases or abolishes slow waves
- PNS input increases amplitude
- Hormones
- Paracrines
- Weak contractions can occur without AP if slow wave amplitude reaches contraction threshold
- If AP fires contractile force enhanced

Both a voluntary and involuntary process.
- Mixing food with saliva to lubricate and facilitate swallowing
- Exposing starches to salivary α-amylase to initiate digestion
- Reducing size of food particles
Swallowing Reflex
Initiated voluntarily then becomes mostly a reflex action.
- Initiated when touch receptors of pharynx stimulated by presence of food.
- Afferent sensory impulses sent to swallowing center of medulla and lower pons.
Efferent motor neurons transmit impulses to:
- musculature of the pharynx and upper esophagus via cranial nerves
- remainder of the esophagus via vagal motor neurons
Phases of Swallowing
Divided into 3 phases:
Oral Phase (voluntary process)
- Tip of tongue seperates food bolus
- Tongue presses against hard palate then sweeps backwards forcing bolus into pharynx
- Bolus stimulates touch receptors triggering swallowing reflex
Pharyngeal Phase (takes < 1 sec)
- Respiration inhibited
Nasopharynx closed
- prevents food entering nasopharynx
- opens passage for food to pass into pharynx
Vocal cords and larynx move forward and upward against epiglottis
- prevents food from entering trachea
- opens upper esophageal sphinchter (UES)
- UES relaxes to receive bolus
- Contraction of upper constrictor muscles moves food deep into pharynx
- Peristaltic wave initiated by contraction of pharyngeal superior constrictor muscles
- Wave moves towards the esophagus forcing bolus through relaxed UES
Esophageal phase (controlled by swallowing center)
- Once bolus past UES, esophagus contricts by a reflex action
Primary peristaltic wave begins below UES
- Travels entire esophagus in < 10 secs
- Moves food bolus in front of it
- If 1° wave insufficient, resulting esophageal distension triggers a secondary peristaltic wave above point of distention
- Peristaltic waves modulated by input of sensory fibers to CNS and enteric NS

Esophageal Transit
Upper 1/3
- Composed of skeletal muscle
- Innervated by somatic motor fibers
Lower 2/3
- Composed of smooth muscle
- Fed by branches vagus nerve
- Myenteric plexus neurons directly innervate smooth muscle cells
- Peristatic wave propels food along esophagus
- Associated pressure wave moves downward
- Detected by manometer
- Relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter (LES) allows food into stomach

Neural Control
- Tonic contraction of LES regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic nerves & hormones.
- Most of the resting tone of LES mediated by excitatory vagal cholinergic nerves
- SNS stimulation contracts LES
LES relaxes with initiation of peristalsis
- Vagus nerve → enteric nerves → inhibit circular muscles of LES via:
- neurocrines
- nitric oxide (NO)
- Vagus nerve → enteric nerves → inhibit circular muscles of LES via:
- Failure of LES to completely relax with swallowing and esophageal peristalsis
- Symptoms:
- dysphagia
- regurgitation
- aspiration pneumonia
- Treat by stretching or sweakening LES with surgery or drugs
- Reflux of acidic gastric contents into esophagus
- Caused by:
- inadequate closure of LES
- hiatal hernia which reduces ability of diaphragm to act as additional sphincter
- Sx include heart burn and regurgitation
- Sequela:
- erosions and ulcerations of epithelium
- esophageal stricture
- columnar epithelium metaplasia (Barrett’s esophagus)
- Treatment:
- hernia repair
- LES closure
Diffuse Esophageal Spasms
- Disorder of peristalsis
- Simultaneous contractions of long duration of high amplitude
- Dysphagia and chest pain
- Treat with calcium channel blocks
Functions of Saliva
- Lubricate food
- Facilitate speech
- Protection against xerostomia (dry mouth), dental carries, and infections
Salivary Components
- maintains basic pH
- sIgA against oral flora
- responsible for viscosity
- most abundant protein in saliva
- disrupts bacterial cell walls
- iron-binding protein to inhibit bateria
Salivary α-amylase
- breaks down starches by cleaving α-1,4-glycosidic bonds
- destroyed by stomach pH
Lingual lipase
- hydrolyzes lipids
- remains active throughout GI tract
Salivary Glands
Three pairs of salivary glands:
- mostly serous
- contains mainly water and salt
- mixed secretions
Submaxillary / Sublingual
- mixed secretions

Salivary Gland
Salivon: basic unit of a salivary gland
- Contains:
Serous cells:
- secrete watery isotonic fluid
- contains proteins such a α-amylase
Mucous cells:
- secrete mucins
- gives saliva its viscosity
Serous cells:
- Intercalated duct
- Striated duct
- Excretory duct
- Contains:

Saliva Production
Flow increased by:
- smell and taste of food
- mechanical pressure in mouth
- various reflexes
Flow decreased by:
- stress
- dehydration
- sleep
- Rate of secretion proportional to glandular blood flow.
Blood flow under ANS control:
- Leads to vasodilation
- Ach → M3 muscarinic
- Substance P
- Increases fluid secretion by acinar cells
- Increases synthesis of salivary α-amylase and to lesser extent mucins
- Increases transport in striated and excretory duct cells
- Net result is increased production of watery saliva rich in electrolytes and salivary α-amylase.
- Leads to vasodilation
- Norepi → β-adrenergic receptors
- Increases salivary flow by stimulating contraction of striated duct cells
- Results in slightly increased production of viscous saliva richer in proteins and mucins

Salivary Acinar Secretion
Iso-osmotic to plasma.
- 3 Na+ out to interstitium
- 2 K+ into cell
Na/H exchanger
- Na+ into cell
- H+ out to interstitium
Na/K/Cl cotransporter
- Na+ into cell
- K+ into cell
- 2 Cl- into cell
Cl/HCO3 cotransporter
- HCO3- out to lumen
- Cl- out to lumen
Cl/HCO3 cotransporter
- Cl/HCO3 cotransporter established transepithelial potential with lumen negative
- Favors Na+ movement into lumen via paracellular pathway
Carbonic anhydrase
- HCO3- and H+ generated from CO2
Carbonic anhydrase
- H2O moves into lumen due to osmotic forces

Ductal Modification
Saliva Composition
Electrolyte content altered as saliva travels down intercalated and striated ducts.
Cells relatively water-impermeant.
Na+ and Cl- absorbed.
K+ and HCO3- secreted.
Net movement of salt without water produces hypotonic saliva.
- 3 Na+ out to interstitium
- 2 K+ into cell
Na/H exchanger
- H+ out to interstitium
- Na+ into cell
Na/HCO3 cotransporter
- Na+ out to interstitium
- 2 HCO3- into cell
Cl- channel
- Cl- out to interstitium
Na/H exchanger
- H+ out to lumen
- Na+ into cell
Epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)
- Na+ into cell
Cl/HCO3 exchanger
- HCO3- out to lumen
- Cl- into cell
CFTR Cl- channel
- Cl- out to lumen
H/K exchanger
- K+ out to lumen
- H+ into cell
Na/H exchanger

Effect of Rate
Saliva Composition
The slower the movement of saliva through the duct system the longer the time for electrolyte exchange.
- Inc. secretion rate ⇒ dec. Na+ and Cl- absorption & dec. K+ excretion
- Inc. rate of secretion ⇒ inc. HCO3- levels
- Due to inc. secretion by acinar cells
- Ensures saliva remains slightly alkaline

Neural Modification
Saliva Composition
Acinar Cells
Apical Cl- channels & Basolateral K+ channels
Increased by:
Ach via M3 receptors
Norepi via α-adrenergic receptors
Substance P via NK-1 receptors
Ductal Cells
Cl- excretion by CFTR increased by Norepi via β-adrendergic receptors
Na+ and Cl- absorption decreased by Ach via M3 receptors
Na+ and (indirectly) Cl- absorption increased by aldosterone through ENaC activity.
Anatomical Regions
Four anatomical regions:
- Where esophageal contents
- Forms the upper curved region
Corpus (body)
- Main region
- Lower section
- Facilitates emptying of gastric contents to duodenum

Functional Motor Regions
Consists of two functional regions:
Gastric reservoir
- Fundus and top 1/3 of corpus
- Muscles maintain a continuous tone
- No phasic contractions
Antral pump
- Distal 2/3 of corpus, antrum, and pylorus
- Distal antrum undergoes phasic contractions
- Breaks up food increasing SA and aiding digestion
- Provides propulsive force to move contents into gastroduodenal junction

Stomach Structure
Three layers of smooth muscle
- outer longitudinal layer with tonic smooth muscle
- middle circular layer with phasic smooth muscle
inner layer formed by two bands of smooth muscle:
- radiates from LES
- fuse with circular muscle at caudal area
Layers of muscularis externa
- thin in the fundus and body
- become thicker in the antrum
- Contains various secretory cells
Parietal cells
- acid
- intrinsic factor
Chief cells
- pepsinogen
Parietal cells
- Chief cells
- Various endocrine cells
- G & D cells
- Contains various secretory cells

Stomach Innervation
- Vagus nerve
- Leads to motility and secretion
- Celiac plexus
- Inhibits digestive functions
Sensory fibers
- Some leave via vagus and other with celiac plexus
- Some afferent links between sensory receptors and intramural plexuses
- Relay information about:
- intragastric pressure
- gastric distention
- pH
- pain
Responses to Gastric Filling
Receptive relaxation
- Act of swallowing activates a vagovagal reflex
- Relaxes LES and fundus
- Anticipates food entering stomach
Adaptive relaxation (or gastric accommodation)
- Distention of gastric reservoir by food activates a vagovagal reflex
- Large increase in stomach volume with little increase in intraluminal pressure
- Lost after vagotomy

Migrating Motor Complex
a.k.a. migrating myoelectric complex
- Occurs during fasted state
- Stomach quiescent for 75 - 90 mins
- Followed by vigours contractions in the antrum lasting 5-10
- Pylorus is relaxed
- Cyclical activity sweeps from stomach to terminal ileum
- Functions to move undigested contents from stomach → small intestine → colon
- Maintains low bacterial count in upper intestine
- MMC in stomach terminated by eating → fed pattern emerges
- Initiated by Motilin
- Propagated by enteric NS
Fed Pattern
Gastric Contractions
- Eating terminates MMCs in stomach
- In fed state, gastric contractions ~ 3/min
Slow waves driven by ICC pacemakers
- Propagates towards pylorus
- Gastric smooth muscle contractions occur when threshold crossed
- Body has slow waves without AP’s
- AP in atrum occurs during plateau phase of slow wave
- Contractions in atrum much stronger than in body
Frequency and amplitude of slow waves modulated by neural and hormonal input:
- Ach and gastrin stimulate contractions
- Norepi diminishes contractions

Mixing and Emptying
Gastric Contents
Liquids readily move from stomach into duodenum.
Solids must be reduced to ~ 2 mm before moving to small intestine.
- gastric contractions originate in the middle of the body
- travel towards pylorus increasing in force and velocity
- majority of mixing activity occurs in the antrum
- as peristaltic wave → antrum, pyloric sphincter shuts
- small amount of chyme enters duodenum
- remaining chyme propelled back to fundus and body for more mixing
- cycle repeats until particles ~ 2mm

Gastroduodenal Junction
- Functions of gastroduodenal Junction:
- regulation of gastric emptying
- prevention of regurgitation
Pylorus seperates antrum and proximal duodenum
Neural control
- Sympathetic input increases pyloric constriction
Parasympathetic (vagal) input mixed:
- excitatory (constriction) ⇒ cholinergic
- inhibitory (relexation) ⇒ VIP and NO
Hormonal control
- Promote pyloric constriction ⇒ slow gastric emptying
- gastrin
- gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
- secretin
- Promote pyloric constriction ⇒ slow gastric emptying
Neural control
Proximal Duodenum
- Influenced by slow waves of:
- stomach (3-5/min)
- duodenum (11-13/min)
- Contracts irregularly
- Influenced by slow waves of:
- When antrum contracts, proximal duodenum often relaxed.
Gastric Emptying
~ 3 hrs to empty 1,500 ml
Tightly controlled by neural and hormonal mechanisms.
- Sensory receptors in duodenal and jejunal mucosa sense:
- osmotic pressure
- pH
- fats and fat digestion products
- peptides
- amino acids
- Distention promotes emptying.
- The greater the ingested volume, the faster the rate of emptying.
- Relative rate based on dominant nutrient class:
liquids > carbs > proteins > fats-
Amino acids and proteins
- Stimulate gastrin from G cells in antrum and duodenum
- Inc. antral contractions
- Inc. pyloric contractions
- Net dec. in gastric emptying
- Stimulates GIP and CKK secretions
- Inhibits gastric emptying
- Stimulate gastrin from G cells in antrum and duodenum
Fats and monoglycerides in jejunum
- Stimulates CCK and GIP
- Both slow gastric emptying
Amino acids and proteins
Hypertonic solutions slow gastric emptying
- Chyme becomes more hypertonic in duodenum
- Added digestive enzymes
- Increased # particles
- Chyme becomes more hypertonic in duodenum
- Acid slows gastric emptying
- Secretin released d/t acid in duodenum
- Inhibits antral contractions
- Stimulates pyloric sphincter contraction
- Secretin released d/t acid in duodenum

Hormones released from the intestine which affects gastric secretions.
Expulsion of gastric/duodenal contents via the mouth.
Reflex behavior controlled by vomiting center in medulla.
Triggered by gastric distention, throat tickle, GU injury, dissiness.
- Stimulus sent to vomiting center.
- May begin with wave of reverse peristalsis, duodenum → stomach.
- Severe obstruction primary stimulus for this
- Pylorus and stomach relax to accomodate contents.
Forced expiration occurs against a closed glottis.
- Dec. intrathoracic pressure
- Inc. intra-abdominal pressure
- Strong contration of abdominal muscles
- Further inc. intra-abdominal pressure
- Forces gastric contents into esophagus
- Accompanies relaxation of UES
- LES relaxes while pylorus and antrum contract.
- Gastric contents ⇒ esophagus, with relaxation of UES.
- Emesis
- Gastric contents forced into esophagus but not pharynx
- Because UES closed
- Respiratory and abdominal muscles relax
- Secondary peristalis returns contents to stomach
- Typically, series of retches precedes vomiting.
- kills microorganisms
- cleaves pepsinogen → pepsin
- maintains low pH needed for pepsin activity
- secreted by parietal cells

- secreted by chief cells as pepsinogen precursor
- activated by acid in stomach
- digests proteins and peptides

Intrinsic Factor
- secreted by parietal cells
- binds Vit B12 allowing absorption in the ileum

Mucous and Bicarbonate
- Secreted by mucous neck cells → serous thinner mucous
- Secreted by surface epitheliam cells → thicker mucous
- protects stomach epithelium from damage

Gastric Juice
- mixture of secretions from gastric epithelial cells and glands
Non-parietal cells
- Secretion constant and low volume
- Mostly Na+ and Cl-
- K+, and HCO3- at plasma concentration
Parietal cells
- Secrete 150 mM HCl solution with 10-20 mL KCl
- Secrete acid and Cl- against gradient
- Secrete 150 mM HCl solution with 10-20 mL KCl
Non-parietal cells
- ionic composion depends on rate of secretion
slow → hypotonic
- primarily NaCl with pH ~ 2
fast → almost isotonic
- Na+ decreases
- H+ increases
- K+ always higher than plasma → prolonged vomiting = hypokalemia
- as rate increases parietal cell compnent increases while non-parietal stays constant → approaches pure parietal secretion
slow → hypotonic

Parietal Cell
Secretes acid against 106 concentration gradient.
- CO2 converted to H+ and HCO3- by carbonic anhydrase
H+/K+ exchanger
- H+ into lumen while K+ enters cell
- main acid transporter
- target for PPIs
Cl- channel
- Allows Cl- to move down gradient into lumen
- Combined with H+ to form HCl
K+ channel
- K+ out on both apical and basolateral membranes
- Luminal K+ recycled to drive movement of H+ into lumen
H+/K+ exchanger
- Moves Na out and K in
- Sets up intracellular K gradient
Cl/HCO3 exchanger
- Bicarb into interstitium
- Causes alkaline venous blood
- Cl- into cell
- Bicarb into interstitium
K+ channel
- K+ out on both

Control of Acid Secretion
Parietal Cell
Directly stimulated by:
- Vagus nerve → M3 muscarinic → Ca++ → PKC
G cells → CCKB receptors → Ca++ → PKC
- In response to
- PNS stimulation
- amino acids and peptides in chyme
- In response to
G cells → CCKB receptors → Ca++ → PKC
- Enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells → H2 receptors → Adenylate cyclase → PKA
- In response to Ach & gastrin binding ECL cells
- Receptor target for H2 blockers
- Enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells → H2 receptors → Adenylate cyclase → PKA
- Synergistic response ⇒ potentiation
Inhibited by:
- Somatostatin
- Prostaglandins (E and I)
- Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
- All 3 act through inhibit of adenylyl cyclase → dec. cAMP

Gastric Acid Secretion Phases
Cephalic phase
- Triggered by food
- Vagovagal reflex to parietal and G cells
- ~40% of total gastric secretion
Gastric phase
Triggered by:
stomach distention
- mechanoreceptors → enteric & CNS → Ach → direct stimulation of parietal cells (acid) and G cells (gastrin)
- Gastrin stimulates acid release
- presence of amino acids and peptides
- other chemicals like alcohol and caffeine
- ~50% of gastric secretions
stomach distention
Triggered by:
Intestinal phase
- Triggered by protein digestion products in chyme in duodenum
- Duodenal distention triggers vagovagal reflex → stimulates parietal and G cells
Peptides and AA stimulate G cells of duodenum and proximal jejunum → Gastrin
- Also stimulates duodenum to release entero-oxyntin → stimulates acid secretion
- Inhibited by acid, fatty acids, monoglycerides, hypertonic chyme in duodenum and proximal jejunum
- Stimulated with chyme pH > 3
- Triggered by protein digestion products in chyme in duodenum

Pepsin Secretion
Stimulated by:
- PNS → vagal stimulation during cephalic and gastric phases → Ach → chief cells → pensinogen
Acid → enteric NS → local cholinergic reflex → Chief cells → pepsinogen
- Secretion increased when luminal pH low
- Duodenal mucosa → Secretin and CCK → pepsinogen
Mucous and Bicarb
Soluble mucous
- PNS → vagus nerve → Ach → mucous neck cells → soluble mucous
Insoluble mucous and HCO3-
- Secreted by surface epithelial cells
- In response to chemical or physical irritation
- Insoluble mucous traps dead cells and bicarb

Small Intestine
- Villi increase surface area
- Epithelial cells and globlet cells
- Capillaries and lacteals
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
- openings at base of villi
- mostly in duodenum and jejunum
- secrete salts and water
- Goblet cells secrete mucous
- Paneth cells secrete defensins

Small Intestine
Peristaltic contractions
- vectoral movement
- propels chyme
- slow waves generated by ICCs control contractions
- duodenal contractions follow stomach contractions
Segmental contractions
- most common movement
- small sections rhythmically contract and relax
- mix chyme with secretions
- Codeine and opiates inhibit contractions

Small Intestine
Electrical Activity
- MMCs during fasted state for housekeeping
- Slow waves generated by ICCs
- Limited to small areas
- Can have APs superimposed
- responsible for segmentation and peristaltic contractions
- Smooth muscle cell excitability influiced by:
- direct effects from enteric NS
- inditect effects from CNS via enteric NS and ICCs
- PNS increases excitability
- SNS decreases
Law of the Intestine
When a material placed in the small intestine, it will contract behind it and relax ahead of it.
Responsible for movement of chyme in proper direction.
Intestinointestinal Reflex
Overdistension of one segment of the intestine relaxes smooth msucle in the rest of the intestine.
Protects from potential reupture.
Does not faciliate movement.
Gastroileal Reflex
Elevated stomach activity increases movement of chyme from the terminal ileum into the colon through the ilealcecal sphincter.
Brunner’s Glands
- Found in the beginning of the duodenum between pylorus and sphincter of Oddi
- Secretes HCO3- and mucus
- Protects epithelial cells from acid in chyme
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
- Epithelial cells secrete isotonic fluid
- Up to 1.8 L/day
- Keeps chyme in aqueous solution
- Several transporters involved:
- sets up Na+ gradient
NKCC1 cotransporter
- Na+, K+, and 2 Cl- moved into cell
- Uses Na+ gradient
CFTR Cl- channel
- Cl- into lumen
- Activity increased by secretagogues
- Secretin and VIP → cAMP → PKA → phosphorylates and opens CFTR
CFTR Cl- channel
- Cl- movement increases luminal negatvity
- Na+ moves into lumen via paracellular pathways
- Water follows.

Hormones released from the gut that increase insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner.
Released in response to glucose in the lumen of small intestine.
Act on β-cells of the endocrine pancreas to stimulate insulin release.
Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
- Secreted by K cells in duodenum and jejunum
Glucagon-like intestinal peptide (GLP-1)
- Secreted by L cells in ileum and colon
Exocrine Pancreas
- Secretion of pancreatic juice
- Aids in digestion
- Composed of water, salts, and enzymes
- HCO3 neutralizes stomach HCl
- Enzymes degrade carbs, proteins, and lipids
Secretin stimulates bicarb secretion
- released in response to acid in chyme
CCK stimuates digestive enzyme secretion
- released in response to protein and fat in chyme
Structure and Innervation
Pancreatic acinar cells
- specialized for protein secretion
Ductal columnar epithelial cells
- specific membrane transporters
- bicarb excretion
- specific membrane transporters
- innervated by branches of the vagus nerve
- synapse with neurons in pancreas
- use Ach
- directly stimulates pancreatic juice secretion
SNS innervate pancreatic blood vessels
- activation → vasoconstriction
- indirectly decreases secretion
- no direct sympathetic effect on secretions

Pancreatic Juice
Aqueous Component
Secreted by ductal columnar epithelial cells.
- Contains entirely water and salts
- Initially hypertonic but water during duct movement making isotonic
- Na+ and K+ concentrations similar to plasma
HCO3- much higher than plasma
- concentration increases as rate of secretion increases
Cl- concentration reciprocal to bicarb
- when bicarb high Cl low and vice versa

Pancreatic Bicarb Secretion
- made by carbonic anhydrase
- transported into cell from basolateral membrane by Na+/HCO3- co-transporter
Ductal Cell transporters
- Na+/K+-ATPase sets up gradient
- Na+/HCO3- co-transporter brings in bicarb
Na+/H+ counter transporter and H+ pump
- removes H+ generated by carbonic anhydrase
- favors splitting of water needed for bicarb production
CFTR Cl- channel
- moves Cl- into lumen
- Secretin ⇒ cAMP ⇒ PKA ⇒ activates CFTR
- moves Cl- into lumen
Cl-/HCO3- exchanger
- uses Cl- gradient
- exchanges luminal Cl- for HCO3-
CFTR Cl- channel
- Na+ and water follows Cl-/HCO3- into lumen via paracellular path
- Ach ⇒ Ca++ ⇒ Ca++-and-calmodulin dependent protein kinase II (CaMK II) ⇒ increases HCO3- secretion via unknown mech
Pancreatic Juice
Enzyme Component
Released from the pancreatic acinar cells.
Isotonic and similar ion concentration to plasma.
Exocytose Zymogen granules into lumen when stimulated
- Proteases
- Cleaved by enterokinase in duodenum
- Trypsin cleaves other zymogens
- Trypsin inhibitor secreted from acini to inhibit prematurely formed trypsin
- Chymotrypsinogen
- Procarboxypeptidase
Pancreatic α-amylase
- Degrades starches
- Secreted in active form
- Requires co-lipase coenzyme to function
- Fat degradation
RNAse & DNAse
- degrade nucleic acids
Pancreatic Enzyme Secretion
Secretin and CCK secreted by duodenal mucosa.
- Ach and CCK ⇒ Ca++ mechanism
- Secretin and VIP ⇒ cAMP-mediated
- PNS vagal stimulation activates secretion of pancreatic juices
SNS stimulation decreases in blood flow
- indirectly inhibits pancreatic secretion

Pancreatic Secretion
- Cephalic Phase
- Triggered by food
- Vagus stimulation via muscarinic Ach receptors on acinar cells
- Volume of pancreatic juice secreted low
- Predominantly enzymatic
- Gastric Phase
- Triggered by food entering stomach
- Vagovagal reflex starts in stomach
- Induces pancreatic secretion
- Gastrin released by stomach in response to AA
- Activates CCK receptors on pancreatic acinar cells
- Stimulates pancreatic secretion
- Predominant effect on enzyme secretion
- Intestinal Phase
- Vagovagal reflexes stimulate pancraetic secretion
- Acid in chyme stimuates Secretin
- Secretin stimulates production of large volumes of pancreatic juice
- Low enzyme concentration
- High bicarb
- AA and peptides in chyme in duodenum
- Stimulate release of CCK from duodenal mucosa
- CCK stimulates pancreatic enzyme release
- Fatty acids and monoacylglycerols in duodenum
- Stimulates CCK release
- CCK stimulates pancreatic enzyme release
- CCK and secretin work synergistically

Starch (glucose, α-1,4- linkages with α-1,6 branches)
- main dietary carbohydrate
salivary α-amylase in mouth
- breaks α-1,4-linkages only
pancreatic α-amylase in duodenum
- glucose polymers
- limit dextrin
- membrane bound at brush border
- break down into glucose monomers
- α-dextrinase for limit dextrin
- glucoamylase (maltase) for glucose polymers
Lactose (glucose-galactose)
- Lactase breaks down to monomers
Sucrose (glucose-fructose)
- Sucrase breaks into monomers

- Greatest absorption in duodenum
- Decreasing as chyme travels down small intestine
- All mono and di-sacch. absorbed in small intestine
- 80-90% of start absorbed
- remainder to colon where degraded by bacteria
- Na+-dependent glucose transporter (SGLT1)
- glucose and galactose into cell
- secondary active transport
- fructose into cell
- facilitated transporter
- facilitated transporter
- move all monosaccharides out of basolateral membrane

Lactose Intolerance
- Deficiency of lactase after childhood
- normal occurance
- Lactose not degraded
- Enters colon where degraded by bacteria
- Causes gas and diarrhea
Congentital Lactose Intolerance
Complete loss of lactase at all life stages.
Glucose-galactose Malabsorption
- Due to defect in SGLT1
- Cannot absorb glucose or galactose
- All carbs from fructose
- Avoid starch, sucrose, and lactose
- Pancreactic Proteases
- Activated by enterokinase
- cleaves other inactive enzymes
- Chymotrypsin
- Carboxypeptidases
- In duodenum:
- Proteases degrade proteins into peptides containing 3-8 AA and free AA
- On brush border:
- Membrane bound oligopeptidases and peptidases
- Cleave most small peptides to free AA
- Membrane bound oligopeptidases and peptidases
- Almost all protein cleaved to free AA, di- and tri-peptides in small intestine lumen

- Greatest amount in duodenum
- Decreases as chyme moves down small intestine
Na+/amino acid cotransporters
- primary free AA transporter
- uses Na+ gradient
H+/peptide cotransporter (PepT1)
- transport di- and tri-peptides
- uses H+ gradient set up by Na+/H+exchanger on apical membrane
- Inside the cell
- di- and tri-peptides broken down into free AA by peptidases
- Free AA transported into blood by basolateral AA transporters
- two Na+ dependent
- three Na+ independent
- each has specificity towards specific types of AA

Intact Protein
- Small amount of protein absorbed by phagocytosis
- important during first 6 months post-natal
- aids in transfer of immunity
- after 6 months, decreases to very low levels
- primarily important for antigen uptake and clearance

- Ingest 2-2.5 L/day
- Secrete ~ 7 L/day into GI tract
- Only ~ 0.1 L excreted in feces
- Absorb almost 9 L/day
- no net water absorption in duodenum
- most water absorbed in jejunum and ileum
- ~ 2 L/day reaches colon
- 1.9 L reabsorbed

Na+ Absorption
- occurs throughout small intestine
- little net absorption in duodenum
- most occurs in jejunum and ileum
- Basolateral N+/K+-ATPase
- sets up gradient for other transport systems
- Most Na reabsorbed by sugar or AA linked co-transport systems
- Na+/H+ exchanger on apical membrane
- Amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels (ENaC)
- on apical membrane mainly in colon

Cl- Absorption
- Little net absorption in duodenum due to excretions
- Cl- reabsorbed via paracellular pathway in jejunum and ileum
- Direction of movement dependent on electrochemical gradient
- Exchanged for bicarb by Cl-/HCO3- exchanger

HCO3- Absorption
- In duodenum and jejunum:
HCO3- reacts with H+ to form H2CO3
- H+ pumped into lumen by Na+/H+ exchanger
- H2CO3 broken down by carbonic anhydrase to CO2 and H2O
- CO2 diffuses across epithelial cell
- Net absorption of bicarbonate
HCO3- reacts with H+ to form H2CO3
- In ileum:
- basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase
- sets up gradient
- basolateral Na+/HCO3- co-transporter
- brings HCO3- into cell
- apical Cl-/HCO3- counter-transporter
- net excretion of HCO3-
- net absorption of Cl-
- basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase

K+ Absorption
- Small intestine
Luminal [K+] progressively increases
- Due to movement of NacL, sugar, and AA from lumen
- When [K+] becomes high enough it moves via paracellular path
- Mostly through solvent drag by water
- Net absorption of K+ occurs
Luminal [K+] progressively increases
- No active transport of K+

Ca2+ Absorption
Absorbed by both passive and active processes.
Passive paracellular transport
- Occurs throughout small intestine
Active Ca2+ transport
- Only in duodenum
- Ca2+ moves down electrochemical gradient through Ca2+ channel
- Inside cell:
- Binds to calbindin
- take up by intracellular vesicles
- Bound Ca2+ excreted across basolateral membrane by:
- Ca2+-ATPase
- N+/Ca2+-exchanger
- Active process regulated by Vit D (and indirectly by PTH)
- Stimulates synthesis of calbindin, Ca2+-channels, and Ca2+-ATPases
- Total Ca2+ absorption low in absence of Vit D

Ca2+ Deficiency
Lack of Ca2+ absorption can result in:
rickets in children
osteomalacia in adults
Marked by softening of bones.
Iron Absorption
- Dietary iron in two forms:
- Heme iron
- Non-heme iron
- Both poorly absorbed (10-20% dietary intake)
Heme Iron:
- always in ferrous form
- taken into cell by unknown mechanism
- inside cell, heme oxygenase:
- splits heme
- oxidizes Fe2+to Fe3+
- Fe3+ treated like non-heme iron
Non-heme iron:
- Ferric (Fe3+) or Ferrous (Fe2+) forms
- Only absorbed in ferrous form
- iron reductase on brush border
- reduces ferric to ferrous form
- H+/Fe2+- cotransporter
- Moves Fe2+ into cell
- Fe2+ binds mobilferrin inside cell
- moved to basolateral membrane
- Ferroportin (IREG1) transport out of cell
- Oxidized to Fe3+ by ferroxidase-hephaestin
- Binds to transferrin for transport through blood
- Ferric (Fe3+) or Ferrous (Fe2+) forms

- Disorder of excess iron absorption
- Iron can accumulate in tissues causing damage
- cirrhosis
- hepatomas
- Defect appears to involve hepcidin
- normally downregulates DMT expression
Primary secretion (bile)
- Secreted by hepatocytes at the end of ducts
- Contains bile acids, cholesterol, and PL
- Stimulated by CCK
Ductal cells secrete fluid with ions and bicar
- Stimulated by secretin
- Stored and concentrated in the gallbladder
- Post-prandial CCK stimulates contration and excretion
- Bile acids emsulsifies fat in duodenum forming micells

Bile Concentration
- Concentrated x20 in gallbladder
- Standing Osmotic Gradient Hypothesis
- Transporters set up an osmotic gradient that drives water movement
- Apical Na+/H+ counter-transporter moves Na+ into cell
- Basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase moves Na+ into interstitium
- Basolateral K+ channel acts as K+ shuttle for Na+/K+-ATPase
Apical Cl-/HCO3- exchanger moves HCO3- into lumen
- HCO3- neutralizes secreted acids
- Cl- enters cell
- Basolateral Cl- channel moves Cl- into insterstitium
- Net Na+ and Cl- movement into insterstitium establishes an osmotic gradient
- Water follows Na+ and Cl- into paracellular and instertitial space via aquaporins

Gallbladder Emptying
During cephalic and gastric phases:
- Gallbladder contracts
- Sphincter of Oddi relaxes
- Allows small amount of contents into duodenum
- Stimulated by:
- Vagus nerve
- Gastrin released from stomach
During intestinal phase:
CCK released from duodenal cells
- Strong gallbladder contractions
- Complete relaxation of the Sphincter of Oddi
- Allows gallbladder to completely empty
CCK released from duodenal cells

Enterohepatic Recirculation
Bile acids reabsorbed in the terminal ileum:
- Cross apical membrane via Na+/bile salt transporter (ASBT)
- Leave basolateral membrane via Na+-independent organic solute transporter
- Transported in the blood to liver by Na+-dependent process
- Bound to bile acid-binding proteins
- Secreted into canaliculi
- Can be recycled > 5 times with fatty mean
Micelle Formation
- Bile acids form micelles when concentration reaches critical micellar concentration (CMC)
- Phospholipid/cholesterol vesicles from liver mix with micelles to form mixed micelles
- Monoacylglycerol and FA from fat breakdown remain in mixed micelles until absorption
- If cholesterol levels too high system supersaturated
- Can form gallstones blocking bile duct

Bile Pigments
- Heme catabolized to bilirubin
- Accumulates in blood ⇒ liver
- Excreted in bile afte conjugation with glucuronates
Aqueous Components
Cholangiocytes (bile duct cells) secrete aqueous solution
- isotonic
- higher HCO3-
- lower Cl-
- Stimulated by secretin ⇒ cAMP ⇒ PKA ⇒ phosphorylation of CFTR Cl- channels
- initiates Cl- recycling and Cl-/HCO3- exchange
- Also stimulated by:
- glucagon
- Inhibited by:
- Somatostatin

Digestion of Lipids
Occurs in the Duodenum and Jejunum.
- Mixed micelles increase SA of exposed lipids
Pancreatic lipases
- requires colipase to remove inhibition by bile salts
break down TAG at water-micelle interface:
- two fatty acids
- monoacyl glycerol
Cholesterol ester hydrolase
- pancreatic enzyme
- degrades cholesterol esters to:
- cholesterol
- fatty acid
- products remain in micelles until absorbed into epithelial cells
- pancreatic enzyme
- degrades phospholipids to:
- fatty acids
- lysolipid (PL with only one FA)

Lipid Digestion Products
- Micelles composed of monoacylglyerol, FA, lysolipids, and cholesterol.
- Pass through unstirred layer at surface of epithelial cells
- Na/H exchanger makes layer acidic
- Causes FA to be protonated ⇒ uncharged
- Movement through layer aided by:
- segmentation contractions
- contraction of muscularis mucosa
- Hypdrophobic digestion products diffuse through apical membrane into cell.
- FA transported to ER by fatty acid binding proteins (FABP)
- Glycerol diffuses out into blood

Intracellular Lipid Processing
- Lipids move to ER bound to FABPs
- Converted back to complex lipids:
- Monoacylglycerol + FA = TAG
- Lysolipid + FA = phospholipids
- Cholesterol + FA = cholesterol ester
- In golgi, new lipids combine with apolipoproteins forming chylomicrons
Abetalipoproteinemia ⇒ inability to form chylomicrons
- Steatorrhea
Abetalipoproteinemia ⇒ inability to form chylomicrons
- Secreted into lacteals ⇒ lymph ⇒ thoracic duct ⇒ blood

Large Intestine
- Starts at ileocecal sphincter
- Distension of distal ileum ⇒ peristalsis ⇒ sphincter relaxation ⇒ movement of chyme into proximal colon
- Sphincter closes as proximal colon becomes distended
- Smooth muscle
- primarily circular smooth muscle
- longitudinal smooth muscle in 3 band ⇒ taenia coli
Anal canal
- end of the colon
- closed by:
- internal anal sphincter ⇒ smooth muscle
external anal sphincter ⇒ skeletal
- innervated by somatic motor fibers from pudendal nerve
Colonic contractions
- Mix chyme
- Moves it along epithelial surface very slowly
Mass movement
- Occurs 1-3 times / day
- Colonic contents move a significant distance
- Segments remain contracted for several minutes

Cecum and Proximal Colon
- In proximal colon:
- contractions segmental ⇒ Haustra
process ⇒ Haustration- mixes chyme
- little vectoral motion
- slows movement of chyme so salt and water can be reabsorbed
- contractions segmental ⇒ Haustra

Central and Distal Colon
- Mass movements move semi-solid feces to mid-colon
- Colonic contractions continue to mix feces
- Additional mass movements push feces towards end of the colon and into rectum
Colonic Motility
Direct control of colonic contractions from intramural plexus
- Stimulatory nerves ⇒ Ach and substance P
- Inhibitory nerves ⇒ VIP and nitric oxide
- Extrinsic nerves only have indirect effects.
Colonic Electrophysiology
- Colonic circular smooth cells rarely produces APs independently
Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs)
- near inner border of smooth muscle
- generates slow waves
Enteric NS ⇒ Ach ⇒ stimulates ICCs
- increase length of slow waves
- longer slow waves cause contraction
Second class of ICCs
- near outer border
- generates myenteric potential oscillations
- lower in amplitude
- higher frequency
- may produce APs generating contractions

Colonocolonic Reflex
When one part of the colon is distended, the other parts relax.
Reflex initiated by sympathetic nerve fibers.
Gastrocolic Reflex
When food enters the stomach, colonic smooth muscle contracts producing a mass movement.
Sometimes of sufficient pressure to produce need to defecate.
- Mass movement in sigmoid colon fills rectum with feces
- Triggers a rectosphincteric reflex:
- relaxes internal anal sphincter
- constricts external anal sphincter
- interpreted as urge to defecate
- Defecation starts with voluntary relaxation of the external anal sphincter
- Other voluntary actions include:
- deep breathing to increase abd pressure
- contracting abnormal wall muscles
- relaxation of pelvic floor
- Involves strong contractions of the descending and sigmoid colon
- Reflex controlled by sacral spinal cord with PNS fibers
NaCl Absorption
Two different mechanisms:
Early or proximal colon
- Na+/H+ exchanger
- Cl-/HCO3- exchanger
Distal colon
- Aldosterone senstitive Na+ channel (ENaC) on apical membrane
- Produces large transepithelial potential with lumen negative
- Cl- movement via paracellular path
- Aldosterone senstitive Na+ channel (ENaC) on apical membrane

K+ secretion
Colon is a net secretor of K+.
Occurs over entire length of colon.
Passive K+ secretion
- Responsible for overall net K+ loss
- Paracellular path
- Driven by negative transepithelial potential
- most negative at distal end of colon
- passage the greatest there
Active K+ secretion
- pump-leak mechanism
- K+ crosses basolateral membrane via:
- Na+/K+-ATPase
- Na+/K+/Cl- cotransporter (NKCC1)
- Intracellular K+ uses a K+ channels to either:
- be recycled back across basolateral membrane
- be secreted across apical membrane
- Whether secretion takes place depends on amount of K+ channels on apical membrane
- Aldosterone and VIP (via cAMP) increases channel density thus secretion
Active K+ Absorption
- Only takes place in the distal colon
- Driven by apical H+/K+-ATPase
- K+ then crosses basolateral membrane by unknown process

HCO3- and Mucous Secretion
- HCO3- exchanged for Cl-
- Mucus secreted from goblet cells throughout colonic mucosa
- Stimulated by mechanical irritation of mucosal surface

Stomach Gases
- Mostly nitrogen and oxygen from swallowed air
- Normally expelled by belching
- Gases not expelled move into small intestine
- Borborygmi = sounds produced by movement of gas in stomach antrum & small intestine
Small Intestine Gases
- Normally very little gas in small intestine
- Usually just oxygen and nitrogen from stomach
- CO2 can build up if reaction between gastric acid and bicarb too rapid
- Ability to reabsorb gas then exceeded
- Gases usually make noise
- Silent abdomen suggestive of intestinal immobility
Colonic Gases
- Gases mostly derived from bacterial action
- Includes:
- CO2
- H2
- odoriferous gases like indole
- sulfur-containing compounds
- Worse with carbs or high fiber diet
- Worse with sudden diet changes
- Excess gas expelled as flatus