PANCREAS Flashcards
Absolute C/I endoscopic drainage of panc pseudocyst
pseudocyst c/b pseudoaneurysm
Ranson’s criteria components (on admission) - severity
WBC >16 Age >55 glucose >200 AST >250 LDH >250
Ranson’s criteria components (48hrs into admission) - severity
Hct drop >10% BUN increase >5 Ca<8 within 48hrs PaO2 <60mmHg Base deficit (24-bicarb) >4 Fluid needs >6L within 48hrs
Size cut-off in which pseudocysts unlikely to resolve spontaneously
> 6cm
STEP-UP approach for mgmt necrotic pancreatitis
better prognosis if prolong surgical intervention
- ICU support, NPO, IVF, TPN/distal feeding tube
- if failing or sign of infection -> IV Abx, possible perQ drain
- Re-scan after perQ and still have fluid -> upsize drain, re-placement
- If worsening still -> video-assisted RP debridement (via flank)
Ranson criteria score that predicts 100% mortality
Atlanta classification system
- necrotizing vs. interstitial edematous
2. fluid vs. no fluid collection (and for how long?)
Puestow procedure; indications?
longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (decompressive operation); for large-duct chronic pancreatitis (>6mm) + normal panc head
Beger procedure
duodenal-preserving panc head resection
Frey procedure; indications?
lateral longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy w/ excavation of panc head wo transection of pancreas (decompressive + resection of disease); for primary panc head involvement w/ or w/o duct dilation
Mgmt minimal change pancreatitis
- total pancreatectomy
- if high surgical risk, then denervation via bilateral thoracoscopic splanctenectomy
Dx cystic pancreatic neoplasms
- most found incidentally
- further characterization w/ MRCP
- EUS + FNA will differentiate type
FNA of cystic pancreatic neoplasms
- high CEA (>190) -> mucinous
- high amylase -> ductal communication (ie. pseudocyst, IPMN)
Demographics of cystic pancreatic neoplasms
- younger -> think solitary pseudopapillary lesions
- middle-aged -> think mucinous
- elderly -> think serous
Imaging characteristic: serous cystadenoma
well-circumscribed; multicystic, lobulated mass (“bunch of grapes”) +/- central stellate scar
Imaging characteristics: mucinous cystadenoma
thick-walled, single cyst with internal septations +/- peripheral calcifications
Pathognomonic endoscopic finding for main duct IPMN
fish-mouth papilla
Worrisome EUS findings for branch duct IPMN
- cyst >3cm (for young pts, <2cm)
- thickened cyst wall
- non-enhancing mural nodules
- lymphadenopathy
- main duct >10mm
- abrupt change in main duct size w/ distal atrophy
MC functional PNET
MC PNET associated with MEN1
Nonfunctional PNET (malignancy? location? sxs?)
- majority malignant
- MC head of panc
- dx late bc incidentally found or mass effect
Insulinoma (malignancy? location? sxs?)
- most benign
- evenly distributed throughout panc
- Whipple’s triad
Whipple’s triad
- fasting hypoglycemia
- neuroglycopenic sxs
- relief sxs w/ glucose
Labs: Insulinoma
- plasma glucose <55
- insulin >18
- C-peptide > 0.6
- pro-insulin >5
- beta-hydroxybuterate <2.7
- increase plasma glucose >25 after glucose admin
- neg urine test for oral hypoglycemic
Mgmt insulinoma
depends on location, suspicion for malignancy + presence of other tumors
- solitary benign -> enucleation
- distal -> distal spleen preserving pancreatectomy
- malignant -> formal resection
Gastrinoma (malignancy? location? sxs?)
- most malignant
- located gastrinoma triangle
- abd pain + diarrhea + weight loss + peptic ulcer disease
Gastrinoma triangle
- jxn CBD + CD
- jxn neck/body panc
- jxn 2nd/3rd duodenum
If cannot localize gastrinoma, go to OR and do…
- intra-op US
- transduodenal palpation
- intra-op upper endoscopy w/ transduo illumination
- duodenotomy, then palpate head of panc
Mgmt gastrinoma
- if small in duodenal mucosa -> enucleation + paraduo LN dissection
- if noninvasive, <5cm at head -> (same as above)
- if invasive or >5cm, at head -> Whipple
- if in body/tail -> distal panc
Glucagonoma (malignancy? location? sxs?)
- most malignant
- MC tail of panc
- sxs: dermatitis, DM, depression, DVT + necrolytic migratory erythema
Mgmt glucagnoma
NO enucleation, need resection w/ regional lymphadenectomy (bc high malignant potential) + cholecystectomy (bc need somatostatin adjuvant)
Somatostatinoma (malignancy? location? sxs?)
- most malignant
- MC head of panc, can be at 2nd duo
- sxs: cholecystitis, DM, malabsorption, steatorrhea
Mgmt somatostatinoma
NO enucleation, need resection w/ regional lymphadenectomy + cholecystectomy
VIPoma (malignancy? location? sxs?)
- most malignant
- MC body/tail panc (extrapanc also possible @ adrenal, RP, mediastinum)
- sxs: WDHA
Mgmt VIPoma
NO enucleation, need resection w/ regional lymphadenectomy + cholecystectomy (bc somatostatin adjuvant)
Characteristics of resectable panc adenocarcinoma
- no arterial contact
- <180 degree contact SMV or portal vein
- wo vein contour irregularity (which would indicate invasion into vasculature structure)
Characteristics of unresectable panc adenocarcinoma
- distant mets
- > 180 degree contact w/ SMA or celiac
- unresectable involvement with SMV or portal vein
What is / who gets adjuvant for panc adenocarcinoma?
everyone; folinic acid (leucovorin) + 5FU + irinotecan + oxaliplatin
hx pancreatitis + hematemesis, think…?
gastric varices 2/2 splenic vein thrombosis
2-cm branch IPMN incidental + microcytic anemia, also need w/u for…?
colonoscopy; bc IPMN pts have higher incidence extra-panc malignancy (MC colonic adenocarcinoma)
Mutations associated w/ panc adenocarcinoma
- p53
Mgmt pancreatic fistula
- most will close spontaneously 4-6 wks
- ERCP w/ stent if still signif output (will close 85% pts)
- somatostatin analog NOT helpful and is expensive
If choose to do dx lap for borderline panc adeno, must do what during procedure?
divide gastrocolic omentum to access lesser sac -> direct inspection of pancreas and peripanc LN burden + washing of lesser sac (for cytologic eval)
MC serious Cx following Whipple
post-op pancreatic fistula
Sxs post-op pancreatic fistula s/p Whipple
range from
- asympt: leak from cut end panc -> self-limiting pseudocyst formation; to
- complete disruption pancreatoJ, requiring emergency lap
Mets from pancreatic ductal adenoCA MC where?
Imaging for preop determination of resectability for panc ductal adenoCA
3-phase pancreatic protocol CT
Best blood biomarker for PNET
chromogranin A (CgA)
ChemoRx used for metastatic PNET
everolimus (mTOR inhibitor), streptozocin, sunitinib
Surveillance interval of BD-IPMN wo worrisome features <2cm
yearly CT/MRI
Surveillance interval of BD-IPMN wo worrisome features >2cm
CT/MRI imaging alternating with endoscopic US q3-6mo
If BD-IPMN with worrisome features, next step is…?
endoscopic US
Worrisome features of BD-IPMN
- cysts >3cm
- thickened or enhancing cyst wall
- main duct 5-9mm
- nonenhancing mural nodule
High-risk stigmata of BD-IPMN
- obstructive jaundice
- enhancing solid component within cyst
- main duct >10mm
Mgmt mature cyst abutting stomach on imaging, not resolved with conservative mgmt
endoscopic cystgastrostomy (drain into stomach via opening made through posterior stomach to collection)
MCC death after Beger and Frey procedures
CV disease 2/2 endocrine insufficiency
MC post-op Cx of distal pancreatectomy
leak from cut edge of pancreas
Most reliable method to reduce pancreatic leak from distal pancreatectomy
direct suture ligation of the duct
Direct retroperitoneal debridement AKA? Can be used for?
Direct perQ endoscopic debridement - can be used for walled-off pancreatic necrosis
Which malignancies require dx lap for accurate dx of stage?
- stomach
- esophagus
- pancreas (if >3cm, in body/tail, elevated CA19-9 >100, or uncertain CT findings)
Cationic trypsinogen gene (PRSS1) mutation results in…?
hereditary pancreatitis - suspect in <35-yo with unexplained pancreatitis
Smoking independently increases risk for ?? in chronic pancreatitis pts
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
What type of pseudocysts are likely to resolve?
- =/< 6cm
- present for <6 weeks
Cause of pancreas divisum
from failure of fusion of ventral and dorsal pancreatic ducts
Mgmt symptomatic pancreas divisum
ERCP + sphincteroplasty with stent placement
What is Duct of Wirsung?
major pancreatic duct - drains uncinate process and part of head
What is Duct of Santorini?
lessor papilla - drains head/body/tail of pancreas
Cause of annular pancreas?
incomplete rotation of ventral pancreatic bud -> ring of panc tissue surrounding descending portion of duodenum
Imaging finding for annular pancreas on XR?
double bubble sign
Annular pancreas can result in ?? for duodenum
duodenal atresia
Imaging dx for pancreas divisum
ERCP - see two papilla
Most important predictor of overall survival for pancreatic adenoCA
tumor stage
Indications for early ERCP for gallstone pancreatitis
- CBD stone US
- clinical ascending cholangitis
- bilirubin >4
- both dilated CBD >6mm + bili 1.4-4
What pancreatic neoplasm associated with ovarian type of stroma?
Mucinous cystic neoplasms
Three phases of exocrine pancreatic response + respective mediators
- Cephalic - sight/smell; vagus
- Gastric - food entering stomach; somatostatin primary inhibitor; vagus
- Intestinal - food entering duodenum; majority panc secretion here; vagus/CCK/secretin
Most potent stimulator of pancreatic enzyme secretion
Most potent stimulator of pancreatic bicarbonate
Tx for annular pancreas
Duodenojejunostomy (NO resection of obstructing pancreas)
Tx pancreatic divisum
ERCP + sphincteroplasty with stent placement
Medical (initial) Tx for chronic pancreatitis
- anagelsic
- stop EtOH and smoking
- oral enzyme therapy
- selective use of anti secretory therapy (somatostatin)
- +/- PPI (assist in preventing inactivation of panc enzyme)
Borders of where to open pancreatic duct - Puestow procedure
Anterior: open along its length
Medial: to level of GDA
Lateral: into tail beyond all pancreatic duct strictures
Complications of pancreatic cyst
- splenic vein thrombosis (bc compression of vein by cyst)
- pseudoaneurysm (bc erosion into visceral arteries)
- peritonitis
Patho of chronic pancreatitis
Irreversible pancreatic fibrosis + loss of functional pancreatic exocrine/endocrine tissue
Action of trypsin
Breakdown of proteins into AA
Dx mass at ampulla of Vater
- biopsy to determine if carcinoma
- EUS to identify duodenal invasion
Which ampullary mass can be managed endoscopically?
- no invasion
- benign daemons
- =/<2cm
*can be excised endoscopically or via transship approach with 2-3mm margins
Which ampullary masses should be considered of pancreaticoduodenectomy?
- pre-op dx of carcinoma
- >2cm
Dx hereditary pancreatitis (PRSS1)
- 2+ first degree relatives with unexplained pancreatitis
- 3+ second degree relatives
- over 2+ generations
What enzyme actives trypsinogen to its active form (trypsin)?
Which of the pancreatic digestive enzymes are synthesized and secreted in their active forms?
- amylase
- lipase
- ribonuclease
- deoxyribonuclease
Tx flare of chronic autoimmune pancreatitis
MC presentation of autoimmune pancreatitis
Dx autoimmune pancreatitis
- clinical (jaundice, pain)
- elevated IgG4
- imaging (enlarged peripanc LN; usually no intrapanc calcifications)
Which pancreatic pseudocysts can be managed conservatively?
- present <6 weeks
- 6cm and smaller
Presentation and Dx of pancreatic lymphoma
- B-symptoms (fever, night sweats, weight loss)
- N/V + abdominal pain
- CT: bulky pancreatic mass
Tx pancreatic lymphoma
Cytotoxic chemotherapy
- cyclophosphamide
- doxorubicin (adriamycin)
- vincristine
- prednisone
Action of pancreatic polypeptide
Suppress bile secretion, GB contraction, and exocrine pancreatic function
Pancreatitis in pt with pancreas divisum likely due to…?
Alcohol or gallstones. Rare that pancreas divisum is primary cause of pancreatitis - but if it is, thought to be 2/2 minor papilla being insuff to drain pancreatic secretions (obstruction)
Dx for pancreas divisum
Mgmt pancreatic divisum if refractory to endoscopic minor papillotomy and pancreatic duct stenting?
Surgical longitudinal duodenotomy + minor sphincteroplasty
If presumed case of autoimmune pancreatitis does not completely respond to steroids, then consider possibility of…?
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Which genetic change associated with pancreatic endocrine neoplasms (PEN) is associated with improved prognosis?
Microsatellite instability from hypermethylation of hMLH1
Secretin stim test panc: end-stage pancreatitis
- low total volume
- low bicarb
- low enzymes
Secretin stim test panc: panc cancer
- low total volume
- nl bicarb
- nl enzymes
Secretin stim test panc: chronic pancreatitis
- nl total volume
- low bicarb
- nl enzymes
Secretin stim test panc: malnutrition
- nl total volume
- nl bicarb
- low enzymes
What basal acid output is necessary to confirm dx gastrinoma?
> 15 basal acid output
VHL (von Hippel-Lindau) is associated with…?
- hemangioblastomas of CNS and retina (bilateral, multiple)
- pheo
- clear cell renal cell CA (bilateral, multifocal)
- cystadenomas and neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas