T-score rectal cancer
T1 = submucosa
T2 = muscularis propria
T3 or N1 = through MP
Mgmt rectal CA by T-score
T1 = transanal excision vs. LAR or APR T2 = LAR or APR T3 = neoadjuvant CRT, then LAR or APR
When do transanal excision instead of LAR/APR for T1 rectal CA?
- <30% circumference of bowel
- <3cm size
- within 8cm of anal verge
Characteristics of polyps on colonoscopy concerning for invasive cancer - need segmental colectomy (cannot just do endoscopic removal)
- involved polypectomy margin (<2mm on removal)
- lymphovascular invasion, poor differentiation
- invasion of lower third submucosa
- central depression or ulceration
Mgmt sigmoid volvulus
- sigmoidoscopic decompression + no evidence mucosal gangrene or bloody effluent
- then can go elective ONE STAGE (no Hartmann) sigmoid resection
After NIGRO protocol, next steps?
- examined 8-12wks after completion, then at 4-6wk intervals until resolution of suspicious findings
After NIGRO protocol, findings upon examination classified into…? subsequent f/u?
- complete remission -> fu exam q3-6mo for 5yrs + imaging every year for 3yrs
- persistent disease -> fu 6mo to see if further regression occurs
- progressive or persistent disease at 6mo -> w/ biopsy to confirm
Distal margin of sigmoid for diverticulitis should be…?
rectum (colo-colonic anastomosis increases risk recurrent diverticulitis)
Frequency of surveillance colonoscopy after resection of colon CA
- if could not evaluate entire colon (2/2 obstructing CA), then need repeat within 6mo of resection
- if entire colon surveyed at time of dx, then first surveillance colonoscopy at 1-yr postop -> 3-yr -> 5-yr
Granular cell tumors most commonly at…? What about in GI?
commonly in skin + subQ, but can be in GI (tongue > esophagus > colon >anorectal)
Mgmt granular cell tumor in GI
WLE (colonscopic excision)
Anal endosonography
used to detect internal and external sphincter defects (external typically palp on physical exam)
Factors that decrease likely benefit for colon CA resection (5)
- node + primary
- disease-free interval <12mo
- increasing # mets
- largest met >5cm
- serum CEA >200
= entereg
decreases time to ROBF by 15-24hr; approved for peri-op use after partial large/small bowel resection with primary anastamosis
Painless hematochezia, think…?
internal hemorrhoid, AVM, UGI/small bowel bleed
Anal fissure mgmt
- diet + hydration
- if failed and >4wk = chronic -> topical CCB (better than topical nitrates bc HA)
- IV botulinum toxin
- lateral internal sphincterotomy (except if have b/l incontinence)
- flap procedures
low anterior resection = anterior resection of rectum
abdomino-perineal resection = anus + rectum + part of sigmoid + associated regional LN + end-ostomy
total proctocolectomy
right/left colon + rectum
Patho and Tx for diarrhea s/p terminal ileum resection
resection -> malabsorption of bile salts -> salts in colon interfere with colonic absorption of fluid/electrolytes -> diarrhea
Tx: PO cholestyramine
Dx bacterial overgrowth in bowel? Tx?
Dx: D-xylose breath test
Tx: Abx
Mgmt adult with intussusception
laparotomy + ileocecetomy (always)
Lynch syndrome defined as…? (Amsterdam/Bethesda criteria)
- 3 relatives with colorectal CA
- 2+ generations involved
- AND at least one before 50yo
Cowden’s syndrome (age dx typically, associated with what CA)
AD juvenile polyposis syndrome
- avg dx 18-yo
- associated with breast + thyroid disease
Mgmt for small sessile lesion
excise using saline lift + endoscopic resection
Markers for goblet cell carcinoid tumors
- chromogranin A
- synaptophysin (histo +)
SMA and IMA directly connected by…?
Arc of Reolon (meandering mesenteric artery)
Arterial supply to rectum
- superior rectal (from IMA)
- middle rectal (from internal iliac; runs in lateral stock)
- inferior rectal (from pudendal off internal iliac)
Venous drainage of rectum
- superior + middle rectal -> IMV (portal)
- inferior rectal -> internal iliac -> IVC
How far is rectum from anal verge?
Anal canal anatomically begins/ends…?
puborectalis sling, ends at squamous mucosa (includes transition zone, dentate line)
If have distal rectal cancer, need to do what on physical exam to check mets?
palpable groin LN - bc unlike colon cancer, distal rectum drains to systemic iliacs -> IVC
single episode unCx diverticulitis, treated with Abx… next step?
colonoscopy in 6-wks to r/o CA, ischemia, or IBD
Main energy source for colonocytes
SCFA (butyrate)
Surveillance for ulcerative colitis
if colitis proximal to splenic flexure, then colonoscopy after 8 years + repeat every 1-2 years
If have high grade dysplasia on surveillance colonoscopy for UC?
indication for total protocolectomy w/ or wo IPAA
Mgmt options for ulcerative colitis
steroids, mesalamine, infliximab
Mgmt options Crohn’s
steroids (acute), 5ASA, mesalamine, infliximab
Mgmt strictures Crohn’s
<10cm -> Heineke Mikulicz stricturoplasty (longitudinal incision and close transversely)
10-20cm -> Finney stricturoplasty (fold stricture on itself, open bowel on either end, sew common wall)
>20cm -> Michelassi (side-to-side isoperistaltic stricturoplasty)
If stricture in first 2 portions of duodenum?
bypass gastroJ + highly selective vagotomy (bc pts prone to ulcerations at gastroJ stoma)
After stricturoplasty, make sure to do what in OR?
C/I stricturoplasty (5)
evidence of:
- malnutrition
- perforation
- inflammation
- fistula
- malignancy
Colon CA screening (all)
standard: 50yo q10yr
first degree before 60, or 2 relatives at any age: 40yo q5yr (or 10yr before youngest relative)
first degree after 60, or 2 second degree: 40yo q10yr
Colon CA screening: FAP
start 10yo, q1yr sigmoidoscopy
Colon CA screening: HNPCC
start 20yo, q1-2yr or 10yrs prior to youngest dx relative
Screening f/u if: =/<2 tubular adenomas, <10mm
repeat colonoscopy in 5-10yrs
Screening f/u if: 3+ tubular adenoma
repeat colonoscopy in 3yrs
Screening f/u if: advanced adenoma (>1cm, high grade dysplasia, villous)
repeat colonoscopy in 3yrs
Screening f/u if: hyperplastic polyp
normal. standard repeat colonoscopy in 10yrs
Endoscopic resection for polyps NOT adequate when… (5)
- cannot remove in one piece
- pedunculated Haggitt level 4 w/ unfavorable histology
- sessile w/ Sm1/Sm2 depth + poor features
- sessile q/ Sm3 depth
- positive margins
T-staging colon cancer
- TIS: lamina propria
- T1: submucosa
- T2: muscularis propria
- T3: thru MP, into pericolonic tissue
- T4a: penetrates serosa
- T4b: invades/adherent to surrounding structures
N-staging colon cancer
pos LN = >0.2mm deposit of cancer cells
- N1 (1-3 nodes)
- N2a (4-6)
- N2b (7+)
TNM staging colon cancer
Stage 1: T1-T2, no nodes
Stage 2: T3-T4, no nodes
Stage 3: any T w/ nodes
Stage 4: distant mets
How many LN need to resect to ensure adequate lymphadenectomy for colon cancer?
Negative margin criteria for colon cancer
5-7cm (bc need adequate lymphadenectomy + removal of vascular supply)
Folfox chemotherapy is a combination of…?
cisplatin + 5FU + folinic acid chemotherapy
What does a circumferential resection margin (CRM) indicate for rectal cancer?
total distance btwn tumor and mesorectal fascia - good prognostic indicator
How to evaluate CRM of rectal cancer?
Endorectal US or MRI
Neoadjuvant regimen for rectal cancer
500 centagrade + 5-FU (5-6wks) -> resection 2-3mo following neoadjuvant
*5FU is a sensitizer for radiation
Patients that get neoadjuvant upfront for rectal cancer
- locally advanced of middle or distal rectum
- T3 or greater
- any node pos disease
When can do local excision for rectal cancer?
T1 lesions wo high risk features:
- well-mod differentiated
- no lymph/vasc/perineural invasion
- tumor <3cm
- clear margins >3mm
- <1/3 circumference of bowel lumen
- mobile, not-fixed
- tumor within 8cm anal verge
- no muccin production
Disadvantages of local excision of rectal cancer
- not able to pathologically examine regional LN
- up to 20% local recurrence
Mgmt rectal cancer in upper 1/3 rectum
LAR w/ tumor specific mesorectal excision w/ 5cm margin + anastamosis (want to preserve rectum and continence)
Mgmt rectal cancer in mid-lower third of rectum
APR + total mesorectal excision; ideally want 2cm margins, but if very distal can do 1cm to avoid excising sphincter
Types of anal squamous neoplasm (4)
- cloacogenic
- basaloid
- epidermoid
- mucoepidermoid
Mgmt anal canal SCC
NIGRO protocol: 5FU + mitomycin C + 3000 centigrade XRT (no surgery)
f/u for AIN 1, 2, 3
low dysplasia = 1, 2
high dysplasia = 3
low conversion rate for immmunocompetent; surveillance q4mo
local therapy AIN
topical iniquimad + topical 5FU
What is the anal margin?
perianal skin
Mgmt anal melanoma
WLE if possible (avoid APR bc high morbidity procedure for likely metastatic disease)
Preoperative evaluation for rectal cancer needs to include…?
- rigid proctoscopy
- CT C/A/P
- Endorectal US or rectal MRI (CRM)
Second MCC of death in FAP pts
duodenal adenomas
Gardner’s syndrome also associated with
- desmoid tumors
- epidermoid tumors
- osteomas
Turcot’s syndrome also associated with
- brain tumors (2/3 also have APC mutation)
When do colectomy for FAP?
typically 20-yo
Do desmoid tumors metastasize?
no - locally invasive
Third MCC of death in FAP pts
desmoid tumors
If during screening EGD in FAP pt, and find high-risk dysplasia in duodenum… then need…?
If stage 4 Spigelman classification, then Whipple (duodenal adenoma in FAP 2nd MCC death)
Lynch syndrome patho
(AD) - defect in mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH2/6, PMS2) -> DNA buildup of microsatellite -> instability
- non-polyposis
- typically right colon, mucinous, poor-differentiation
Endometrial cancer in pt <50yo, suspect…?
Lynch II syndrome
Cecal bascule
- type of cecal volvulus
- folding of cecum anteriorly over ascending colon -> large bowel obstruction
rectal prolapse vs. hemorroids
rectal prolapse is full-thickness, is also appear and concentric rings of tissue (hemorrhoids appear radial pattern)
MC nonintestinal viscera involved w/ internal fistula from Crohn’s
Mgmt most internal fistulas 2/2 Crohn’s
limited or no resection (only resection if both segments involved with Crohn’s) w/ tension-free closure
Chilaiditi sign
transposition of a loop of large intestine (usually transverse colon) in between the diaphragm and the liver. NTD unless symptomatic.
F/u for FAP pts s/p total colectomy w/ ileorectal anastomosis
annual endoscopy of remnant rectum
MCC anal fistula
cryptoglandular disease (inflammation of protodeal glands in intersphincteric space)
Mgmt horseshoe abscess of anus
Hanley procedure = incision made in internal sphincter posterior to enter deep postanal space w/ b/l elliptical incisions for drainage bilaterally
What is anal horseshoe abscess?
bilateral fluid collections of ischiorectal space that communicates via deep postanal space behind anococcygeal ligament
What is LIFT procedure?
ligation of internal fistula tract = definitive mgmt for transsphincteric fistula control w/o risk incontinence
When try endorectal advancement flap?
for complex transsphincteric fistula, but higher risk incontinence (20%) - can be attempted if LIFT fails
Non-op mgmt of pilonidal disease
abd pain + hematochezia + colonoscopy w/ erythematous and edematous mucosa w/ small ulcerations… think?
ischemic colitis - mgmt: IVF, Abx, bowel rest (if transmural ischemia, then need ex-lap)
Krukenberg tumor
metastatic GI adenoCA to ovary (via retrograde lymphatic spread)
Mgmt obstructing descending colonic mass
transverse loop colectomy - colonic obstruction is a surgical emergency; resection of mass can be done after appropriate staging
Signet-ring cell CA of colon MC associated with what gene defect?
microsatellite instability (MSI)
What is Sitzmark study?
colon transit study (ingest radiopaque markers, then daily XR)
Intermittent, crampy abd pain and alternating constipation/diarrhea s/p Rx of ischemic colitis… think?
colonic stricture after ischemic colitis -> need dx colonoscopy
Loop vs. end colostomies more prone to prolapse?
MCC acute LGI hemorrhage
diverticulosis > colitis > neoplasm > angiodysplasia
MC site for bowel perf if obstructing cancer
if ileocecal valve competent -> cecum; if not -> perf at tumor site
MC sxs colorectal cancer <40yo
rectal bleeding > abd pain
Total colectomy w/ end colostomy for severe UC, need to preserve…?
- superior rectal artery (supplies rectal stump needed to heal rectal staple line)
- terminal branches of IMA (until proctectomy)
- ileocolic artery (collateral blood flow to future J-pouch)
- rectum should be divided ABOVE posterior peritoneal reflection above level of sacral promontory (easier completion proctectomy later)
Elective proctectomy w/ or wo IPAA at later date for severe UC… do not perform where?
do not perform in total mesorectal excision plane bc risk injury to hypogastric plexus and pelvic nerves -> bladder and sexual dysfxn
MC Cx cholecystostomy tube placement or removal
bile leak (3%) - most self-limited
Mgmt anal margin SCC
mapping biopsies followed by WLE with 1-cm microscopic margins - for stage 1 and 2A disease
Location for rubber band ligation of internal hemorrhoids
2cm above dentate line (so no pain)
Life-threatening Cx s/p rubber band ligation for internal hemorrhoids
perianal sepsis
Proximal vs. distal rectal anastomoses, which more likely to leak?
distal > proximal
Mgmt refractory strictures from Crohn’s: duodenum vs. jejunum/ileum
1st/2nd duo -> gastrojejunostomy + vagotomy (avoid marginal ulcers)
3rd/4th duo -> duodenoJ
short strictures jejunum/ileum -> stricturoplasty
High ileostomy output defined as…?
> 1200 cc/day
Min period of time btwn formation and closure of stoma
12 weeks
Transverse folds of rectum are…?
“valves of Houston” - hold fecal matter and prevent its urge towards the anus, which would produce strong urge to defecate - there are 3 (upper+lower to right, and middle to left)
What direction does arterial supply for rectum come?
What is: postpolypectomy coagulation syndrome? Mgmt?
thermal energy to remove polyps -> full-thickness injury to bowel wall -> present similar to perforation, but if CT r/o free air and HDS, then can Tx IV Abx, bowel rest, and serial exams
Strictures more common in Crohn’s vs. UC?
MC Crohn’s. Uncommon in UC.
Why is 5-ASA not used for Crohn’s?
bc primarily intraluminal - acts on mucosal changes of UC, but does not affect transmural inflam of Crohn’s
Most important predictor of survival for colorectal CA
staging at presentation (90% stage 1; 10% stage 4)
FAP also associated with what cancers?
colorectal (100%), thyroid cancer, desmoid tumors, hepatoblastomas, osteomas
Mgmt prolapsed stoma
stoma revision (usually local procedure -> resection of redundant bowel and rematuration)
If sessile polyp is removed piecemeal, when should pt have follow-up colonoscopy?
2-6 month intervals
Haggitt classification
describes level of invasion of malignant polyps
Lvl 1 -> invade head
Lvl 2 -> invade neck
Lvl 3 -> invade stalk (muscularis mucosa)
Lvl 4 -> invade base (submucosa), or are involved in a sessile polyp (req. formal segmentectomy)
Rate of sporadic mutation for HNPCC?
Lynch II syndrome assoicated with…
colon, endometrial, gastric, ovarian cancers
Preferred Abx for C.diff in pregnancy
PO vanc
Cancer screening for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome should begin at what age? For what CA?
25-yo for colon (q2y), breast, cervical, thyroid, lung cancer
MCC lower GI bleeding
Bleeding from diverticulosis 2/2…?
arterial rupture of submucosal artery or from vasa recta
Mgmt stage 3 colon cancer
FOLFOX neoadjuvant + resection
Mgmt T1 rectal adenocarcinoma NOT within 8cm anal verge, but favorable features
polypectomy (upper rectal CA treated like colon cancer)
W/u low rectal cancer (palpable on DRE)
- CEA level
- LFTs
- colonoscopy to r/o synchronous lesion
- CT scan to eval mets
- MRI or EUS to stage depth of tumor and nodal involvement
Treatment of choice for colorectal liver mets (best prognostic factor)
margin-negative (R0) resection
Poor prognostic factors for colorectal mets
- > 3 mets
- CEA >300 ng/mL
- mets >5cm
- LN positive primary disease
- positive margins
Independent predictors of need for operative invention for pneumatosis intestinalis
- lactic acid >2 mmol/L
- hypotension or pressure req
- peritonitis
- mechanical ventilation
- absent bowel sounds
Cecal bascule
variant of cecal volvulus - anterosuperior folding of cecum wo axial rotation -> less likely to cause vascular compromise and intestinal ischemia
Is PET/CT indicated for rectal cancer?
In pts with lower GI bleeding, but stable… first step dx?
colonoscopy with rapid lavage bowel prep
Risk of LN mets related to what of colorectal polyps?
depth of invasion
Risk of LN mets in Haggitt level 1,2,3 polyps without aggressive features is…?
<1% - no need for radical lymphadenectomy
Risk of LN mets in sessile polyp (Haggitt 4) removed with >2-mm deep margin is…? Mgmt?
negligible - oncologic formal resection not necessary
fu surveillance colonoscopy after endoscopic removal of potentially malignant polyp
MCC large bowel obstruction
In elderly pt with amp dominant hand presenting with malignant large bowel obstruction, intervention of choice?
endoscopic stent placement -> allow for colon decompression, pt optimization, and proper bowel prep for elective -> 1-stage colectomy with primary anastomosis
*no ex-lap and ostomy bc high Cx rate in elderly, and would be unable to care of ostomy
Type 1 vs. Type 2 enterocutaneous fistula
Type 1 - not associated with active disease (ie. Crohn’s)
Type 2 - associated with intra-abdominal abscess; will not close with conservative mgmt
Mesh of choice for parastomal hernia repair
synthetic polypropylene (PTFE disfavored)
Dx and therapeutic, non-op mgmt for small bowel obstruction?
water-soluble contrast study - presence of contrast in colon within 24hrs also predicts resolution
Patho distal intestinal obstructive syndrome (DIOS) in cystic fibrosis adults
decreased Cl- and fluid secretion into both small airways and GI tract 2/2 defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
MC location of fecal obstruction in distal intestinal obstructive syndrome
Mgmt AIN (dx + tx)
high-resolution anoscopy (analogous to colposcopy for cervical cancer screening) + directed biopsy/treatment (local ablative therapy: ie. electrocautery, cyrotherapy, topical imiquimod)
Mgmt pt s/p successful endoscopic decompression, presenting again with sigmoid volvulus
Hartmann procedure with end colostomy vs. sigmoidectomy with primary anastomosis
Mgmt pt s/p successful endoscopic decompression, presenting again with sigmoid volvulus
Hartmann procedure with end colostomy vs. sigmoidectomy with primary anastomosis
Measures of quality screening colonoscopy
- adequacy of bowel prep >90%
- withdrawal times >6 min
- post procedure discomfort <10%
- greater % complete colonoscopy, less risk post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer
Mgmt Stage 2B anal margin cancer
- has associated invasive component or anorectal carcinoma
Mgmt Stage 3 anal margin cancer
- anorectal carcinoma that has mets to regional LN
- APR w/ inguinal LN dissection
Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigmented epithelium is pathnognomonic for…?
MCC diarrhea in immunocompromised CD4<50
Kudo classification system
recognizes that risk of LN mets in each Haggitt level 4 lesion is not the same - submucosal invasion into 3rds (Sm1, Sm2, Sm3)
How do you differentiate sigmoid vs. rectum intra-op?
rectum has convergence of taenia coli
Mgmt anal margin vs. anal canal SCC
anal margin = WLE
anal canal = nigro
Desmoid (aggressive fibromatosis) vs. sarcoma characteristic on imaging
desmoid/AF: infiltrate deep tissue and muscles
sarcoma: pushes adjacent tissue
MC solid neoplasm of the mesentery
CT characteristic: “sandwich sign”
lymphoma of mesentery: associated with bulky adenopathy w/ preservation of fat around mesenteric vessels
Ideal Abx prophylaxis (against SSI) for colorectal procedures
combination oral AND IV cefazolin and metroniadazole
Most reliable method to detect small liver mets (<1cm) from colorectal carcnioma is…?
contrast-enhanced MRI (but costly, so not used for screening)
Mgmt unresectable and asymptomatic desmoid tumors
First-line: NSAID (ie. sulindac) + antiestrogen (ie. tamoxifen)
Is local recurrence equivocal for transanal excision vs. formal resection for T1 rectal cancers?
NO - transanal excision is better tolerated, but higher recurrence rate even for T1 rectal cancers with appropriate criteria
Presenting with bleeding cecal mass + incidental 5.5cm aneurysm, what is appropriate mgmt?
fix most life-threatening first (bleeding mass) first. in addition, should not fix aneurysm first bc do not know stage of cecal mass - if poor prognosis, then should not fix aneurysm if life expectancy short.
Why would you not do colon resection and endovascular aortic graft repair at the same time?
risk graft contamination
APR vs. LAR for rectal cancers?
APR if tumor invades sphincters or would compromise sphincter muscles for adequate margins
Mgmt cecal volvulus? Exception?
ileocolic resection + primary anastomosis
Exception: if gangrenous bowel or perf, then safer to place end ileostomy (no anastomosis)
What is definitive mgmt for rectal prolapse?
surgical (abdominal vs. perineal approach)
Preferred approach for rectal prolapse in elderly?
perineal approach - higher recurrence rate compared to abdominal approach, but better tolerated in elderly population
Young female with multiple vaginal deliveries and constipation presenting with “something falling out of anus” - what is it?
likely rectal prolapse
RF colonic volvulus
- high fiber diet (“volvulus belt” of Africa and Asia)
- chronic constipation
- psychotropic drugs
- sedentary lifestyle
Frequency of colonic volvuli in descending order
sigmoid > cecum > transverse > splenic flexure
Describe Hinchy classification
1: pericolic abscess
2: abscess away from colon (ie. pelvic)
3: purulent peritonitis
4: fecal peritonitis
External anal sphincter is under control of what nerves?
voluntary - internal pudendal nerves + S4 roots
MC bacterial in normal flora colon
Bacteroides fragilis (anaerobic) - NOT E.coli, which is MC aerobic
Prior to undergoing sigmoidectomy for colovesicular fistula, need to first do what screening procedure?
colonoscopy - to confirm diverticular disease as etiology for fistula, and not tumor (bc if tumor, then will also need en-block resection of bladder)
Why no primary anastomosis after total abdominal colectomy for not-localized severe GI bleed?
bc may have further bleeding -> hypotension -> high risk for leak
What extraintestinal conditions of UC will improve after colectomy?
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- arthritis
- erythema nodosum
What extraintestinal conditions of UC will NOT improve after colectomy?
- ankylosing spondylitis
First-line Tx GI CMV in transplant pt
ganciclovir (IV) - opposed to valganciclovir (PO) which is for milder diseases
How many LN do you need for appropriate staging for colorectal CA?
If do not have sufficient LN harvest for colon CA, then must do what for treatment?
Adjuvant chemotherapy
What is NIGRO protocol
5FU + 60Gy radiation + mitomycin
Internal vs. external hemorrhoids arise from ? hemorrhoidal plexus
Internal: arise from superior hemorrhoidal plexus
External: from inferior “”
Mgmt acute thrombosis of external hemorrhoids
if <4d: excision
if after, pain tend to be resolving.
Grade of prolapse of internal hemorrhoids
1 = prolapse into anal canal 2 = extend outside anal canal, but reduces spontaneously 3 = requires manual reduction 4 = irreducible
Mgmt of grades of internal hemorrhoid prolapse
1/2 = injection sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation 2/3 = rubber band ligation 3/4 = OR hemorrhoidectomy (can also do stapled hemorrhoidopexy, which is less painful, but higher recurrence rate)
Mgmt rectal carcinoid
<1cm = local endoscopic excision
>2cm (most will have mets at time of dx) = proctectomy
*tumor size correlates with likelihood of mets
MC procedure for anal incontinence (ie. 2/2 obstetrics trauma)
Wrap around sphincteroplasty - mobilize and reapprox sphincter without tension
Methods for internal hemorrhoidectomy
- open (Miligan-Morgan) technique
- closed (Ferguson) technique
- circumferential (Whitehead) technique
- stapled hemorrhoidectomy
- transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization
Steps: transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization
doppler-guided ligation of arterial inflow to hemorrhoids (superior hemorrhoidal arteries) + suture rectopexy
Steps: circumferential (Whitehead) hemorrhoidectomy
circumferential excision of internal hemorrhoids just proximal to dentate line
Mgmt of incidentally found retrorectal tumor
resection (even if asymptomatic)
Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS)
sxs: rectal bleeding, copious mucous discharge, anorectal pain, difficulty passing stool
exam: ulcer(s) on anterior rectal wall just above anorectal ring
mgmt: conservative
C/I fistulotomy and curettage for anal fistula
pt with hx incontinence
Preferred mgmt low-lying (<30% sphincter complex) simple anal fistula if no hx incontinence
primary fistulotomy and curettage
Preferred mgmt anal fistulas transversing external anal sphincter
setons to obliterate tract over period of time
Dx of anal fissure based off on…
hx of pain and bleeding with defecation in association with hx constipation + gentle inspection by parting anus (do not need DRE or proctoscopy bc ouch!)
When need lymphadenectomy for anal margin SCC?
rare - only if inguinal LN involvement (which is poor prognosis indicator)
Cx of urinary retention after hemorrhoidectomy 2/2…?
muscle spasms of pelvic floor musculature
Bleeding within 24hrs after hemorrhoidectomy due to…?
likely surgical error that will need be be corrected in the OR
Bleeding at POD#5 s/p hemorrhoidectomy due to…?
likely sloughing of eschar - should resolve
Hemorrhoids are located in what “cushions?”
- when pt in lithotomy, located at 3’, 7’, 11’oclock
- left lateral
- right anterior
- right posterior
Surgical mgmt for rectal prolapse
abdominal and perineal approach.
- abdominal rec for younger pts
- perineal has higher rate of recurrence; rec for elderly bc less invasive
Mgmt contained colonic anastomotic leaks without evidence pelvic sepsis (s/p surgery)
IV Abx alone (95% will heal spontaneously) - only perQ drain if abscess
Screening surveillance for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
colonoscopy starting 25yo q2y
Mgmt recurrent C.diff
combined IV flagyl + PO vanc
Mgmt C.diff in pregnant females or breast-feeding mothers
PO vanc (no flagyl)
Perirectal abscesses MC due to …?
obstructed anal glands
Where do anal fistulas tract?
will track back to anal canal (Goodsall’s rule)
anterior -> track in linear fashion
posterior -> track in curvilinear fashion
ischiorectal -> track around rectum to form “horseshoe abscess”
When can you do primary repair of colonic injury?
If <50% colon circumference
Pathophys of diverticular bleed
arterial rupture of submucosal artery or from vasa recta
MCC lower GI bleeding (#1 and #2)
#1: diverticulosis #2: neoplasia or bleeding polyps
Which extracolonic UC Cx will not resolve after colectomy?
- ankylosing spondylitis
Mgmt rectal carcinoid? If unresectable mets?
(same as appendix)
<1cm (low likelihood mets) = local endoscopic excision
>2cm (likely mets) = proctectomy
widespread, unresectable mets = octreotide
Anastomotic leak rate:
- ileocolic
- colocolonic
- coloanal
- ileocolic: <1%
- colocolonic: 1-10%
- coloanal: 10-20%
MC site iatrogenic perforation 2/2 colonoscopy
sigmoid colon