First sign eroded gastric band
port site infection
Two MC complications of gastric sleeve
1 leak; #2 bleeding
MC location of gastric sleeve leak
proximal portion of stomach, typically at GE junction - bc least amount blood supply after sleeve
MC location of gastric bypass leak
GJ, JJ, and staple line
MC complications gastric bypass
leak and internal hernia
Blood supply to gastric pouch after bypass
left gastric artery
If open gastrohepatic along lesser curve and get arterial bleed… suspect?
replaced left hepatic artery (off left gastric)
fever post-op gastric bypass… suspect?
Cause of alkaline reflux gastritis
reflux of bile to stomach - common after gastrectomy (esp Billroth II)
Imaging dx alkaline reflux gastritis
HIDA - biliary secretion into stomach and sometimes esophagus
Sxs alkaline reflux gastritis
- hx gastrectomy (ie. Billroth)
- severe epigastric pain
- bilious vomiting (may awaken from sleep) - not relieved by food or antacids
- weight loss
Indications for bariatric surgery
BMI >40, or 35-40 with color origins (HTN, GERD, urinary incontinence, OSA)
Which weight loss surgery has highest % excessive weight loss + Highest nutritional morbidity?
Biliopancreatic diversion (small pouch + large length small bowel diverted)
Avgerage 5-year excess weight loss with LAGB vs. RYGB vs. SG
LAGB: 50%
SG: 60%
RYGB: 75%
Potential Cx of gastric banding
- band slippage
- gastric erosion
- esophageal dilation
- port access difficulty
Marginal ulcers MC present when after bypass surgery?
Within first few months
MC location of marginal ulcers
Gastrojejunal anastamosis
Initial (conservative) mgmt of marginal ulcers
Smoking cessation + initiation of PPI
How to calculate expected excess weight loss (EWL)
%EWL = weight loss (kg) / excess weight (calculated as actual weight - ideal weight)
Where should first stapler be fired in sleeve gastrectomy?
5-6cm from pylorus to leave a small antral pouch