Palpations Flashcards
Palpate and mark the PSIS
Trace backwards along the iliac crest. In ladies found in dimples, in men small raised tubercles (dimples of venus)
Palpate and mark the ASIS
Situated at the anterior end of the iliac crest
Palpate the Greater Trochanter
Run hands down from the middle of the crest 7-10 cm.
Palpate the Ischial Tuberosity
In sitting, the body rests on these and can be rest underneath this area. Side lying, palpate medially from the greater trochanter (hip abduction to check)
Palpate and mark the Pubic Tubercle
Hold patients hand and slowly move their hand down until they feel a bony prominence
Mark the Femoral Triangle and palpate its borders
Faber’s position (i.e. the heel of the leg resting on the opposite knee).
- Inguinal ligament superiorly
- Adductor longus medially
- Sartorius laterally
Palpate the Femoral Artery
Passes just inferior to the inguinal ligament
NAVY (Nerve, artery, vein, Y fronts) Lateral to Medial
Mark the Inguinal Ligament
Find the pubic tubercle and the ASIS. The inguinal ligament forms a line between these landmarks
Palpate the Med and Lat Epicondyles of the Femur
Pass down the medial and lateral sides of femur.
Epicondyles are in the centre of the condyles and are prominent
Palpate the Adductor Tubercle
Above the medial epicondyle is a small prominence of bone (attachment for adductor magnus tendon)
Palpate the Tibial Plateau
Superior surface of the tibia. Can be palpated in knee flexion
Palpate the Tibial Tuberosity
Upper end of the anterior border of tibia
Palpate the Head of Fibula
Lies posterolateral to tibia.
Come laterally from the tibial tuberosity
Can get the pt to medially rotate the knee to check
Palpate the Med and Lat Condyles of the Tibia
2cm higher than tibial tuberosity.
- Knee flexion. Thumbs on either side of the patella ligament.
- Move thumbs upwards to reach condyles
Palpate the Trochlear Groove
Patella sits in this groove.
-Knee extension (with relaxed quads) push patella to the side and feel femur underneath (dip in surface)
Palpate Gerdy’s Tubercle
- Most prominent projection on the lateral tibia condyle.
- Midway between head of fibula and and tibial tuberosity
- Attachment of IT band
Palpate and mark the Collateral Ligaments of the knee
Medial: Strong, flat band approx 9cm.
Find medial epicondyle of femur. MCL runs down from here to the medial condyle of tibia and shaft.
Lateral: cord, approx 5cm. Find in Faeber’s position.
Palpate for the lateral epicondyle of the femur
LCL runs down from here to the head of fibula
Palpate the Popliteal Fossa
-Pt supine. Diamond shape on the posterior aspect of the knee (prominent with resisted knee extension).
Inferior boundaries: medial and lateral heads of gastrocs
Superior boundaries: medial and lateral hamstrings tendon.
Find the Popliteal Pulse
Pulse can be found on deep palpation of the fossa (pulse is medial to the tibial nerve)
- Place fingers in popliteal fossa
- Flex pt’s knee progressively (pulse should become more prominent)
- Apply deep but sensitive pressure
Palpate the Peroneal Tubercle
Bony point. 1cm inferior and just anterior to the tip of the lateral malleolus.
Eversion of the foot: peroneus longus and peroneus brevis become prominent.
Peroneus brevis is above tubercle and longus is below
Palpate the Tuberosity of the Navicular
-It’s anterior to the medial malleolus
Palpate the Sustentaculum Tali and the spring ligament (calcaneonavicular)
- Below talus on the medial side (calcaneus)
- Spring ligament is from the tali to the navicular
Palpate and mark the 1st Metatarsal and Medial Cuneiform
Medial cuneiform: is anterior to the navicular
Base of 1st Metatarsal is anterior to the medial cuneiform
Palpate the Cuboid
-Posterior to the base of the 5th Metatarsal
Palpate the Tuberosity of the 5th Metatarsal
-Move anteriorly from the calcaneus (lateral border of the foot)
Palpate the Head of the Talus
- Below medial malleolus when foot is everted
- Anterior to lateral malleolus when foot is inverted
How would you find the Dorsal Pedal Artery Pulse
-Between the 1st and 2nd Metatarsals
How would you find the Posterior Tibial Artery Pulse
-Halfway between posterior surface of medial malleolus and medial border of tendo calcaneus