Palliative care Flashcards
What is palliative care?
An approach that improves patients and families quality of life by…
- prevention and relief of suffering by means of
- early identification
- assessment
- treatment of pain, physical, psychological and spiritual
What are the prognostic indicators of frailty?
multiple co-morbidities with sign impairment in day to day living and…
- deteriorating functional scores
- combination of at least 3 of these symptoms;
- weakness
- slow walking speed
- sign weight loss
- exhaustion
- low physical activity
- depression
COPD and end of life
At least 2 of indicators;
- Disease assessed to be severe (e.g. FEV1 <30% predicted)
- Recurrent hospital admissions (at least 3 in last 12 months due to COPD)
- Fulfils long term oxygen therapy criteria
- MRC grade 4/5 – shortness of breath after 100 metres on the level of confined to house
- Signs and symptoms of right heart failure
- Combination of other factors – i.e. anorexia, previous ITU/NIV resistant organisms
- More than 6 weeks of systemic steroids for COPD in preceding 6 months.
Heart disease and end of life
At least two of the indicators below:
- CHF NYHA Stage 3 or 4 - shortness of breath at rest on minimal exertion
- Patient thought to be in the last year of life by the care team - The ‘surprise question’
- Repeated hospital admissions with heart failure symptoms
- Difficult physical or psychological symptoms despite optimal tolerated therapy.
Cancer and end of life
- Any patient whose cancer is metastatic or not amenable to treatment
- some exceptions – this may include some cancer patients from diagnosis e.g. lung cancer.
- The single most important predictive factor in cancer is performance status and functional ability – if patients are spending more than 50% of their time in bed/lying down, prognosis is estimated to be about 3 months or less.
Chronic Kidney Disease and end of life
Patients with stage 5 kidney disease who are not seeking or are discontinuing renal replacement therapy. This may be from choice or because they are too frail or have too many co-morbid conditions
Clinical indicators:
- CKD stage 5 (eGFR <15 ml/min)
- Symptomatic renal failure -Nausea and vomiting, anorexia, pruritus, reduced functional status, intractable fluid overload)
- Increasingly severe symptoms from comorbid conditions requiring more complex management or difficult to treat
N+V causes during end of life
- Metabolic e.g. Hypercalcaemia
- Vestibular/movement
- Raised intracranial pressure
- Toxic: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, infection
- Anxiety/Fear
- Gastrointestinal :Constipation, Gastric stasis, Bowel obstruction
- Drugs
Treatments for N+V during end of life care
Cyclizine – (Not to be used in heart failure)
Metoclopramide - (Not to be used in complete bowel obstruction)
Breathlessness causes during end of life
- Lung Tumours
- Infection
- Pleural Infusion
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Heart Failure
- Anaemia
- Lymphangitis
Treatments for breathlessness during end of life care
- Steroids
- Dexamethasone
- Low dose opioids: reduce excessive respiratory drive + make work of breathing more efficient
- Oramorph
- Oxygen
- Short acting benzodiazepines e.g. Lorazepam to help panic + anxiety
- Re-positioning
- Fan
- Breathing exercises
- Relaxation techniques
- Complementary therapies-acupuncture
- Hospice breathlessness group
Delirium causes during end of life
- Drugs e.g. opioids
- drug withdrawal e.g. alcohol
- Dehydration, constipation, urinary retention
- Uncontrolled pain
- Liver or renal impairment, electrolyte disturbance (sodium, glucose), hypercalcaemia, infection, hypoxia, cerebral tumour or cerebrovascular disease
- Depression, dementia
Treatments for delirium during end of life care
- Haloperidol
- Benzodiazepines
- Lorazepam
- Midazolam
- Diazepam
What does ABCDE stand for in end of life?
A- advanced care plan / refuse treatment B - being there C - communicate D- dying / death is normal E - emotional
What can you give to help with respiratory secretions - ‘death rattle’?
Glycoperonium, morphine
Summary what medications can be given during end of life?
- Antiemetics (N+V) e.g. cyclizine
- Pain relief e.g. morphine
- Breathlessness e.g. steroids
- Benzodiazepines (Delirium) e.g. diazepam
- Respiratory secretions e.g. glycoperonium