White washing & Colour washing
Whitewash or colour wash is applied on plastered surface
- This is cheapest method and extensively used in rural area
- Whitewash is prepared from fat lime dissolved in a large drum and stirred, after 24 hours the solution is filtered and dissolved gum is added
If pigment are added to get different shades, it is known as colour wash
Generally it needs three coats to get a good finished surfaces
. Wall papers
Wall paper are used to give decorative finish to walls and ceilings
- They are available in various prints and colour
- Before fixing wall paper surface should be cleaned and cracks
are filled with lime gypsum solution.
The continuity of pattern should be maintained before pasting the rolls of wall paper.
- Washable variety and sound-absorbing variety of wall paper are also available.
IS 109-1968
Specification for ready mixed paint
IS 133-2004
Enamel paint
IS 5410-1992
Cement paint specification
IS 347-1975
Varnish, shellac for general purpose
IS 348-1968
Specification for French polish
IS 6278-1971
Code of practice for white washing and colour washing
IS 427-1965
Specification for distemper