pain management Flashcards
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
mechanical nociceptor
pain receptors stimulated by cuts abrasions stretch or pressure
thermal nociceptor
pain receptora stimulated by heat or cold
chemical nociceptor
pain receptors stimulated by noxious chemicals
neuropathic pain
pain initiated due to primary dysfunction of the nerve, spinal cord, or brain
somatic pain
pain associated with tthe integumentary and muscoskeletal systems
visceral pain
pain associated with the cardiopulmonary, gastrouintestinal and genitourinary systems
acute pain
paid of short duration, typically
chronic pain
pain of long duration, typically > 3 months
absence of pain or relief from pain
preemptive analgesia
prevention of pain
multimodal analgesia
treatment of pain with a combination of drugs having synergistic effects
a group of natural chemicals some of which are produced from damaged cell membranes and induce pain and inflammation
steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex or synthetic analogs , some of which block the production of prostglandins
adrenal hormones produced in response to physical or psychological stress
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
cyclo-oxygenase; an important enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins
local anesthetics
anesthetics that disrupt neural transmission of pain signals
nerve blok
use of local anesthetics to disrupt transmission of a specific nerve
mu receptor
opioid receptors in the CNS chiefly responsible for providing analgesia
kappa receptor
opioid receptors in the CNS chiefly responsible for providing sedation
sigma receptor
opioid receptors in the CNS chiefly responsibl for providing dyphoria, excitement, restlessness, and anxiety
drugs that bind to a cell receptor and cause action
drugs that bind to a cell receptor and inhibit the response
constant rate infusion; administration of medication in continuous low doses
an emotiional state characterized by anxiety, depression, o unease
increased sensitivity to pain
perception of pain from normally harmless sensations
wind up phenomenon
sensitization to pain within the CNS involving both hyperalgesia and allodynia
kitty magic
a multimodal analgesia/anesthesia including an a2 agonisut (dexmedetomidine), opioid(buprenorphine) and ketamine