Page 38 Flashcards
What are some examples of necessity?
- an ambulance speeding to the hospital
- wrestling a gun away from an attacker and using it in self-defense
What does the MPC call necessity?
How does the MPC determine justification?
Determines the level of liability based on defendant’s culpability in creating the danger
According to the MPC, if you believe your conduct is necessary to avoid harm, that is justifiable so long as what?
- the harm avoided is greater than what the law was trying to protect
- no exceptions or defenses apply
What is the difference between MPC necessity and common law necessity?
MPC doesn’t have:
- an imminency requirement
- a prohibition on self-created necessity
- a ban on homicide applicability
What are the three different forms of excuse?
- insanity
- infancy
- intoxication (VM)
If the defendant is insane at the time of a homicide, he is found what?
Not guilty by reason of insanity
If you were found not guilty by reason of insanity, what happens to you?
You’re committed to a mental institution until you have recovered your sanity
What are the four things that insanity is used to determine?
- competency to stand trial
- competency to submit to execution
- commitment after an insanity defense
- eligibility for release after commitment
What are the disorders that are often raised under the defense of insanity?
- battered spouse
- substance addiction
- postpartum
- multiple personality disorder
What are some things that do not count under insanity?
- psychopathy
- compulsive gambling disorder
What are the four tests of insanity?
- M’Naghten rule
- Irresistible impulse
- MPC/Substantial capacity
- Durham rule
Which insanity test is the majority rule?
M’Naghten Rule
If an exam doesn’t say which insanity test to use, which one should you assume?
M’Naghten Rule
What is the M’Naghten Rule?
If, at the time of the homicide, a mental disease caused by a defect in reasoning showed the D did not know one of the two:
- the nature and quality of his act, or
- that the act was wrong
What state of mind are defendants presumed to have?
Defendants are presumed to be sane
What does the word “know” mean in the M’Naghten rule?
To be intellectually aware or have a moral appreciation
What does “nature and quality of the act” mean for the M’Naghten Rule?
Physical consequences of the act
If a defendant has delusions that his wife is a pumpkin pie, and he cuts her up and eats her, can he use the M’Naghten Rule?
Yes, because he didn’t know he was cutting up a human
What is the key to the M’Naghten Rule insanity test?
D must be totally unaware or incapable of the elements
In order for M’Naghten Rule to apply, the mental disease must be what?
What are some examples of marginal insanity that will not count for the M’Naghten Rule?
- withdrawal from drugs
- temporary insanity from intoxication
- Munchhausen by proxy
- insane jealousy
- psychopathy
What is psychopathy?
Repetitious performance of antisocial or criminal acts with all the mental facilities involved